On July 21st, the SCC Rec Center took part in a two-part training course that was focused on children with and without disabilities. The first session focused on children with autism and how our staff can better assist parents whose children have disabilities.
The staff completed and received certificates for the first session, called “A Thinking Guide to Inclusive Childcare”. The second session will be scheduled after the holidays when the trainer is next available.
Our trainer, Pearl Fessenden, came from Rhinelander. I was able to set this training up with the help of Rachel DeCorah Toyebo. I reached out to Rachel looking for a training that our staff could take to better assist and service our children in the community that come to the Rec Center. Rachel gave me Pearl’s contact information, and I’m so glad she did.
Pearl is an awesome trainer and very knowledgeable about children with disabilities. She kept the class engaged and did exercises with us that we could do with the children. She also had a lot of information for us to share with parents to get help with their children.
For those parents who would like more information, please contact me. I would be happy to assist families with this information.
Thank you,
Wendy Smith
Rec Center Manager