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A weekly email to keep our church family & friends updated.

UWF Sunday 2025
2024 year end financial update

Click the button below to download a copy of the church's Year End Financial Report or pick up a paper copy in one of our worship spaces this Sunday.

Download Financial Report
Screamin Owl salsa

Be sure to stop by the Connection Café this Sunday between 10:30am - noon to pick up some delicious Screamin' Owl salsa and jelly. This is the last of our inventory, so don't miss out!

The salsa and jelly are made by and support the Louisiana United Methodist Children's Homes.

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The church campus will be closed Monday, January 20 in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. We will reopen at 8:00am on Tuesday, January 21, weather permitting.

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We strive to ensure that our campus is always clean, safe, and welcoming, and we need your help to achieve that goal.

Let us know if you've seen something around campus that needs to be addressed by our Facilities Team by scanning the QR code above or clicking the button below.

See Something, Say Something
attention please

Help Us Stay Informed

Your pastors and prayer team want to know what's going on in your life! Please let us know if you or someone you know is having surgery, lost a loved one, having a baby, or just need prayers. There are several ways you can reach us.

  1. Call the main church number at 225-924-6269 and leave a message.
  2. Click HERE to email us.
  3. Ask for prayer on Sundays by filling out a Prayer Request card located in the Sanctuary, Casual Worship Center, and Connection Cafe'.
  4. Click this LINK to submit a prayer request online.
We Are Live 2023

Traveling this Sunday? WORSHIP ONLINE Sundays at 9:00 & 11:00am via our Facebook page or YouTube channel.

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