14th November, 2024

"Invite, Support, Encounter"

From the Rector...

Dear Ones,

I write to you in a new political landscape after an historic election. The election last week produced a decisive result in a close race, decided by 3% in most swing states. About half our congregation was pleased with the result and half was disappointed, and for some, I think traumatized is the best word for it. I was impressed with the behavior and vulnerability and kindness of folks at church this past Sunday.

We are one in Christ Jesus even as we vote for different parties.

Why traumatized? This campaign included a lot of violent rhetoric by some of the winners, including the President elect. And the events of January 6th 2021 are seared into some folks, and they included some violence. No one should overlook the impacts of hurt.

I do not think that most of those who voted for President Trump have violent or malevolent intent in having done so. They hope things will happen that matter to them, and the President elect and congress will make some things happen, and not everyone is going to like all the things.

Ultimately the American people will support or walk away from the results. As historical people, we have to play the long game.

Here is the thing: followers of Jesus may win or lose their election choices. Election choices have cycles that partly result from world and economic events no one can control.

I believe our democracy is robust enough to make it through interesting times ahead. I know our judiciary fiercely believes in its role as the third branch of government, and our military has over 200 years of a culture of being constitutionally defined and non-politicized, and they will rightly stubbornly resist any compromise to this sacred duty and integrity on behalf of our democracy.

As followers of Jesus, we are called to love our enemies and almost no American deserves to be given this title by other Americans. I believe we need to show love and respect even when we feel and are disrespected, whether we feel the vindication of a win, or threatened by the loss.

This is not easy. It takes prayer and support. It takes trusting in God and the integrity of diverse followers of Jesus in a community where all are welcomed and respected, but not all opinions or views are acceptable when they fail the test of love and respect and justice, because we are all called to practice the politics of Jesus, as our past Presiding Bishop, Michael Curry said.

I believe as a congregation we will support one another. I believe we can understand good reasons even if we don’t agree with them, why our sisters and brothers might have voted for Harris or Trump, not sinister or stupid ones. I believe we each know people who change their minds and modify their understanding after elections at some point, some of the time, and some who always stick to the same thing no matter what data might suggest a bigger picture. The former is the sign of the ability to learn, to forgive, to show compassion and curiosity, and that you are in a relationship with the living God who is about good and love, all the time, regardless of the cost, and wants us to be. And no one’s contempt and condemnation ever helps us make such important changes, nor our political opponents!

So I invite you to open your mind and spirit in Christ Jesus. It’s the best way to be a human because love wins, and reconciliation and celebration of diversity is the goal, and the burning away of everything in us that stands in its way, including our pride, our fear, and our certainty.

Love, Pastor James

Warden’s Corner

This week couldn’t have ended any better with the successful Montessori School Fall Festival bringing a joyful atmosphere to St. Peter’s campus! Church and School Families came together to enjoy faith, fellowship, and fun including the famous chili cook-off, children’s games, a photo stop, and a picnic lunch. I don’t know how much was raised but the funds will help develop a 5 Senses Garden for the school! 


This Sunday marks the end of the 2024 Stewardship Campaign with the in-gathering of pledge cards at each service. I ask everyone to prayerfully consider how you can help St. Peter’s thrive and grow in 2025 with your contribution of time, talent, treasure and passion! We will provide everyone a pledge card you can fill out before or during the service and we will have them blessed as part of your service.


I was asked to provide a little stewardship message and here it is. I have been part of St. Peter’s for almost 20 years, coming in the early 2000’s when our daughter was starting kindergarten. As a “cradle episcopalian” I was raised in faith but like many strayed for decades. I found so many friends here that I just kept coming back! For a while I just threw a $20 in the plate each week thinking that was enough to help but as time passed I realized that it takes so much more to maintain our church and community. Committing to a monetary pledge is just one part of stewardship. As time passed and I visited with struggling veterans as part of the monthly lunch we provide to US Vets, when I visited with i-Help guests at our biweekly hosting, when I took on duties of Junior Warden and realized the scope of the material needs or our campus it all came together and I realized that I could and should do so much more to help our mission and ministry. A weekly or monthly pledge up to the 10% tithe helps St. Peter’s in all that we do and will continue to do in the future!


Finally – I look forward to everything that will be coming up in the near future including the AA Thanksgiving Feast and the Christmas Cantata. St. Peter’s really is a great community and if you have any doubts take a couple of minutes to view this year’s Stewardship Video produced by our own Bryan Luce – head of this year’s (and last year’s) Stewardship committee. Thank you Bryan!

Tyler Dixon

Sr. Warden

A New Teaching Experiment by the Rector

Pastor James has determined that three weekly study groups is our current parish capacity, so he is going to try to make short instructional videos to address topics of interest for learning and reflection. This week’s video is on Why Spiritual Change is Hard and its under 7 minutes. Please let him know if it was worth his effort. Here is the link.

Community Outreach Ministry Advisory Panel (COMAP)
Facilitator: Carolyn Beougher
Volunteer Coordinator: Martie Polk 

A Huge Thank You to all the volunteers who made our Fall Festival and Picnic with the Montessori School families a fabulous success. So many families came for the afternoon to enjoy the picnic, the games, the chili cook-off, the raffles and the entertainment. The weather cooperated beautifully and there is already talk of how to improve our success next year. Check out the pictures on St. Peter’s Facebook page!

Thank a Vet!

Every month our Veteran’s Ministry team prepares and serves a lovely lunch to the Veteran’s who are residing at the U.S. Veteran’s Center. This month, in honor of Veteran’s Day, we would like to give each man or woman we serve, a note of appreciation and thanks for their service. Patriotic notecards will be available at all services this weekend. Please take a moment before or after services to write a quick note for one of the 100 Veteran’s we will see this month. 


I-Help 2025 Meal Sign-up 

The I-Help Meal 2025 Sign Up is now available for the parish to volunteer serving a homestyle evening meal or provide breakfast items. I-Help is our twice a month ministry for unhoused adults in which we offer safe shelter, showers and laundry facilities. Team with your family or friends to volunteer a few hours in the coming year preparing and serving a meal for 10-15 adults. Sign up on the google sheet link here.

Ministry Leads: Mike Ketcham, Michael Douglas

Contact: outreach@stpetersaz.org

Agua Fria Food Bank

We have two opportunities to volunteer with St Peter’s at the Agua Fria Food & Clothing Bank this month. On Monday afternoon, Nov. 25, join with St Peter’s Youth Ministry bagging potatoes for Thanksgiving Meal distribution. Tuesday morning, Nov. 26, volunteers are needed at the mobile pantry to bag produce for the families needing assistance this holiday season. Sign up sheets and details will be available in the narthex on the Outreach Ministry table at all services. 

Monday, 11/25 4p-6p. Flite Goodyear, building 120-front of the property.

1300 S Litchfield Rd, Goodyear 85338

Tuesday, 11/26 11a-1pm, Mobile Pantry- Palm Valley Church

431 N Litchfield Rd, Goodyear, 85338

Ministry Leads: Rev. Dr. Amy Jacober, Carolyn Beougher

Contact: outreach@stpetersaz.org

School Cookies and Cocoa Fundraiser - December 20th - Donations Requested

Our school will be doing a hot cocoa and cookie fundraiser at their Christmas program on Friday, December 20th. They are looking for donations of hot cocoa packets and hot drink cups. If you can donate, please drop them off in Diane’s office or the church office anytime.


Thanksgiving Potluck

All are invited to join a potluck meal, hosted by AA, in Celebration Hall on Thanksgiving Day, Nov 28th. The meal will start around 1:00, following a noon AA meeting. If you’d like to come, please text or call Vivian Harris at 619-787-6203 to let her know how many people are in your party and what dish you plan to bring.

Restaurant Night – TONIGHT

Please mark your calendars for Thursday, Nov. 14th and save a night of cooking by going to the school’s next restaurant night fundraiser at Café Zupa’s 10265 W McDowell. Between 3pm-9pm, 25% of the proceeds will come back to the school!

Advent Workshop – Sunday, December 1st

Join us for our annual Advent workshop in Celebration Hall on December 1st at 4:30pm. Make your own Advent wreaths, and crafts will be available. Please bring your favorite potluck meal to share and join us for this family fun fellowship time. 

Christmas in the Park Parade – Saturday, December 14th

Join us for the annual Christmas in the Park parade. This year we will have a float and would love to have you join us to hand out some swag and sing Christmas Carols as we participate in this annual event. More details to follow as the date gets closer.

St. Peter's Youth Group

New day and time for regular youth group - Tuesdays, 6:45 - 8:15pm! 

Save the Date 

  • November 25 - Potato Bagging with Agua Fria Food and Clothing Bank 

Young Adult Group

We are a welcoming and inclusive group that gets together at least twice a month for fellowship and sometimes service. Anyone 18-39 is welcome. Here are the events we have coming up:

  • Young Adult Group's 1st Anniversary Field Trip: Sailing with the Rector! On Saturday, November 23rd, we will be celebrating our group's first year in existence with a special event: a sailing field trip with Pastor James. Details will be announced as we get closer to the date, but carpooling and a picnic will be involved.
  • Decompress December Pizza Party. On Saturday, December 7th at 6:30 p.m., please join us in Celebration Hall for a chill evening with great pizza! December can be overwhelming between finals, the holiday franticness and year-end work responsibilities. Take a break with us to enjoy fellowship and food from #1Brothers Pizza. The church is covering the cost of the pizza. If you want to bring additional snacks or drinks, feel free, but that is not necessary. 
  • Send-Off Sunday. Join us on Sunday, December 29th at 11:30 a.m. at Teacup Boba (13000 W Indian School Rd A-14, Litchfield Park, AZ 85340) for fun beverages, games and fellowship. This is likely to be Claudine's last time with the group before moving to Maryland. This meet-up will be a great time to hang out after the holiday hectic-ness and say good-bye. Everyone's first drink is covered by the church!

If you have questions, feel free to call or text Claudine at 623-237-1080.

Sunday Morning Hospitality

Please continue to join us in Celebration Hall for coffee, treats, and fellowship after the Sunday morning services.

The 9:00 meditation service has moved outdoors since the mornings have cooled down! .

Volunteer Needed to Help Coordinate the Young Adult Group

Claudine is moving and will be stepping away from her role as coordinator of the YA group at the end of this year. We are looking for one or more persons to take over her duties. Note--to volunteer, you do not need to fall into the "young adult" demographic of 19-39, and you do not even need to attend the group's events. The young adults take turns hosting events, but we need someone to help behind the scenes to make sure it all comes together. We have one volunteer, Tricia Schultz, but her schedule does not permit her to do 100% of the things needed to be done, so we're looking for a co-coordinator to help. It is estimated that this would be a time commitment that would require maybe 4-8 hours per month. It is a very flexible role. Though there are some deadlines for certain items, most of it can be done whenever someone has time. 

If this might be of interest, or if you have questions, please reach out to Claudine at 623-237-1080 or pwingenter@yahoo.com.

It's time again! Men's Group this Saturday

Men’s Group is this Saturday in Celebration Hall beginning at 7:30AM. Please join us for breakfast and fellowship.

Donate to RePete!

St. Peter’s thrift store, RePete Boutique, needs donations. Are your closets too full? Do you have “forgotten” clothing, shoes, or household items stashed away? We can sell them! Your donations benefit the mission and ministries of St. Peter’s.

St. Peter's Solar Project

  • We have received promises from individuals and families totaling over $75,000. Thank you!

Donate one solar panel... $1,600

Donate a half panel.............$800

Donate a quarter panel .......$400

Donate one-eighth panel ....$200





Chalice-bearers at 5 & 10:

If you have been trained and are willing to be scheduled, please let the office know at office@stpetersaz.org.

Upcoming Events at St. Peter’s

November 7: Café Zupa’s Restaurant Night

November 17: Ingathering 

November 22: Veteran’s Ministry Lunch

November 22 & 23: I-Help 

November 25: Agua Fria Food bank Potato Bagging Party

November 26: Agua Fria Food Bank Holiday Box Packing

November 28: Thanksgiving Pot Luck Lunch

December 1: Advent Workshop

December 6: I-Help

December 14: Christmas in the Park Parade

December 14/15: Christmas Cantata @ St. Peter's

December 20: I-Help

December 22-29: Family Promise

December 27: Veteran’s Ministry Lunch

Diocesan Cycle of Prayer

This week we pray for Casa Blanca, Sonoita

We also pray for our companion Diocese: The Diocese of Western Mexico, Bishop Ricardo Gomez Osnaya.

Read the weekly email newsletter for the Episcopal Diocese of Arizona here. This newsletter includes reflections from The Rt. Rev. Bishop Jennifer Reddall, news, events, and updates throughout the diocese.

Submit Announcements

If you have an announcement that you would like to be included in our weekly Pete's Epistle Newsletter, please send us an email here.


Wednesday - 10am

Lay Led Worship Service on Zoom

(adapted from Celtic books and prayers)

Contact Deacon Gary

Saturday - 5pm

Holy Eucharist with the Primetime Band.

Sunday - 7:45am

Traditional Holy Eucharist

Sunday - 9:00am

Meditative Service

Sunday - 10am

Holy Eucharist

Children's Nursery Care Available

The Lectionary for the Twenty-sixth Sunday After Pentecost

Sermon for 25th Sunday after Pentecost Sunday

Church Office Hours
The church office is staffed from 9:30-12:30 Tuesday-Thursday, and Friday 9:30 - 2:30 pm.
Prior or after you can usually find Diane in the office across the patio, and James may be here except on Thursdays and Fridays.
Mission & Vision
Church Calendar
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