Virtual support sessions continue to be offered for people receiving supports.
Our Around the World sessions are very popular with all traveling enthusiasts. The sessions enable participants to travel while staying in the comfort of their own home. Participants share stories about places they have traveled to and learn about places they hope to visit one day.
Some of the places we have traveled to include: the Seven Wonders of the World, Canada, and the many Disney Parks around the world to name a few. We are currently beginning our journey across Europe.
Around the holidays we take the time to learn how holidays are celebrated in other areas of the world and in different cultures. Just last month, we were very fortunate to have one of our participants share all about Chinese New Year and the traditions that go along with it. We even got to learn how to say Happy New Year in Chinese.
Virtual tours of many places have been incorporated into the sessions as well to make it an even richer experience for participants.
This virtual support series is a great fit for anyone who loves to travel and is missing it due to the pandemic, as well as anyone interested in learning new things about places around the world!