This Week's Professional Development Opportunities | |
CASAS’ TOPSPro Enterprise Overview and Employment and Earnings Trainings | |
WestEd's Adult Education: Using Data to Explore and Improve Equity and Impact Adult Education | |
AB 1491 Guidance Memo, FAQ, Timeline and Webinar | |
Advancing CA Adult Education Model Program Nomination Now Open | |
California Adult Education Students Succeed | |
WestEd's Adult Education: Gateway to College and Living Wage Employment | |
CAEP Deliverable Reminders | |
Deadlines and Deliverables | |
This Week's Professional Development Opportunities
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This week, CASAS and WestEd will host professional development opportunities in support of CAEP agencies effectively capturing student data and using the data to identify and address equity gaps. The CASAS TOPSPro Enterprise Employment and Earning webinar will take place on Thursday, March 9, 2023 at 11:00 a.m.
On Friday, March 10, 2023 at 9:00 a.m., WestEd will host their in-person regional training titled, Adult Education: Using Data to Explore and Improve Equity and Impact in Adult Education at San Joaquin Delta College.
Access full details below and be sure to register for either or both of these amazing opportunities!
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CASAS’ TOPSPro Enterprise Employment and Earnings Overview Trainings
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Join the CASAS Team as they detail the TOPSpro (TE) Enterprise Employment and Earnings Wizard. This feature allows CAEP agencies to follow up on exited students to learn whether they have obtained a job and/or pay increase. Since most agencies continue to experience many challenges with getting students to respond, this webinar details this TE feature, walks through the feature step by step, and explores strategies for implementing this quarterly requirement. Register for this webinar using the link below.
TOPSpro Enterprise Employment & Earning Survey: March 9, 2023 from 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
During the TOPSPro Enterprise Overview webinar, members of the CASAS team will provide an overview of the basic steps of TOPSpro® Enterprise. Identify key features on the TE main menu. Use data tables to review and clean up agency data, and meet quarterly submission requirements. Input data manually, and through Import and export with third party systems. Use TE accountability reports such as the CAEP Summary and CAEP DIR. Register to attend one of scheduled webinars using the links below.
TOPSpro Enterprise Overview: March 30, 2023 from 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
TOPSpro Enterprise Overview: April 27, 2023 from 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
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WestEd's Adult Education: Using Data to Explore and Improve Equity and Impact Adult Education
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Registration Now Open!
Save the Date!
South/Central Coast Regional Training - Friday, April 14th
Los Angeles/OC Regional Training – Friday, April 21st
If you have any questions, contact Blaire Toso – [email protected] and Ayanna Smith – [email protected].
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AB 1491 Guidance Memo, FAQ, Timeline, and Webinar
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The CAEP Office has released guidance on the implementation of AB 1491 (CAEP carryover). This new statute includes consortia defined excess member carryover and the process by which consortia will offer technical assistance and/or reasonable intervention to its members prior to making a finding of excessive member carryover. All this information must be included in the certified CFAD. For complete information, please access the AB 1491 CAEP guidance. Access the AB 1491 Timeline to understand when AB1491 will officially take effect and tracking.
In addition to the guidance memo, the CAEP Office has prepared an AB 1491 FAQ. The AB 1491 FAQ explores topics such as definition of carryover; the difference between consortium and member carryover; the definition of a majority vote; the qualifying factors to reduce a member's funding; and more. Access the FAQ document to receive complete answers to questions related to AB 1491.
The CAEP Office will host a webinar on the AB 1491 Guidance. The webinar will take place on Thursday, March 23, 2023, at 12:00 p.m. Use the following link to register for this webinar.
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Advancing CA Adult Education Model Program Nomination Now Open
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Want to showcase the wonderful strides your program is making to advance adult learners educational goals? The Advancing CA Adult Education Model Program nomination program is open for 2023! The CAEP Office welcomes nominations of California Adult Education Programs, demonstrating innovative, emerging, or model practices for the Advancing CA Adult Education Award and recognition at California’s CAEP Summit. Model CAEP programs must be aligned to approved CAEP program areas and the adult education state priorities: learner transition, program development, equity, leadership, technology and distance learning, program evaluation, and marketing. The adult education state priorities align with the CCCCO Vision for Success goals and the CDE Superintendent’s Initiatives.
Benefits to participating in the project:
- Showcase a new, emerging, and/or promising program.
- Share practices with other adult education programs and practitioners.
- A video capturing the highlights of the top two scoring programs is created.
- All qualifying program nominations are published on the CAEP website.
- All qualifying program nominations are recognized at the annual CAEP Summit.
- Stories and videos may be highlighted at conferences throughout California and distributed to local, regional, and state officials.
How to participate in the project:
Nominations must highlight a California Adult Education Program (CAEP) approved program area and may be submitted by any CAEP funded agency during the open nomination period. This year’s nomination period is March 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023. All nominations will be reviewed for completeness and for how closely they address the rubric criteria stated on the nomination form. Incomplete nominations and nominations that do not address the rubric criteria will not be considered.
To get started, go to the Request Support page on the CAEP website ( and register as a new user or login to the website. Once logged in, click on the box that says Submit Nomination.
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California Adult Education Students Succeed Nomination
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OTAN invites nominations of California adult education learners who are successful as a result of the education received at adult education agencies for the California Adult Education Students Succeed program. The program honors outstanding students who are adults with significant life responsibilities, who have made positive contributions to the community, established and met life goals by attending an adult education program, improved the life situations of self and others, and overcome difficult circumstances in order to pursue adult learning experiences. The program recognizes the hard work that outstanding adult education students have completed in the pursuit of their personal, academic, and professional goals and aspirations.
Who may nominate a student? When is the deadline?
Nominations may be submitted from any California adult education agency between Monday, January 2, 2023 and Saturday, April 1, 2023.
What is the nomination process?
Nominations are completed online within the January 2, 2023 – April 1, 2023 nomination period.
Learn more about the nomination process, scoring rubric and more by accessing the link below.
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WestEd's Adult Education: Gateway to College and Living Wage Employment
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Join your colleagues for a full-day shared exploration of your regional labor market information, nuanced demographic data, and pathway planning & mapping. All trainings are tailored to your region.
Registration Now Open!
If you have any questions, contact Blaire Toso – [email protected] and Ayanna Smith – [email protected].
Topic Highlights:
- Understanding local data to identify, inform and build pathways, including labor market, local workforce and equity needs, inverse staffing occupations across industries, such as health care and manufacturing.
- Navigating dashboards, data sources, and partnerships to identify gaps in offerings and targeted programming to build seamless pathways.
- Using an Opportunity Map to identify student centered transitions and goals along a pathway, including the need for bridge programs, on and offramps, concrete employment and education/training opportunities along a career pathway.
- Identifying core components of effective sustainable pathways.
- Full Training Description
Participant feedback on the workshop:
- Hands on work with the dashboard. Seeing labor market statistics and accompanying explanations. Rich questions and subsequent discussions. Dashboard was awesome!
- All the databases, tools, and resources for LMI and correlation to potential careers.
- I'll apply more data resources to strategically contribute to the design of pathways in my region.
- Support department leadership in shaping decision-making by reminding/pointing to data.
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CAEP Deliverable Reminders
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CAEP Quarter 2 Expense Report | |
The Quarter 2 member expense report was to be submitted by the members no later than March 1, 2023. The consortium has until March 31, 2023 to certify the member expense report. *Please note: during this report submission, each member will certify they have either expended the 2020-21 allocation or will return the remaining amount to the State. | |
CAEP Quarter 3 Student Data | |
The Quarter 3 student data is due by April 30, 2023 in TOPSPro for K-12 CAEP adult education providers and WIOA-funded community college noncredit providers. Additionally, the employment and earnings follow-up survey was due on the same day, April 30, 2023. | |
The 2023-24 CFAD, including the Consortia Report on Governance Compliance Rules and Procedures is due by May 2, 2023. | |
Mar 1: 20/21 and 21/22 and 22/23 Member expense report is due in NOVA. (Q2)*
Mar 31: 20/21 and 21/22 and 22/23 Member Expense Report certified by Consortia in NOVA (Q2) *
Apr 30: Student Data due in TOPSPro (Q3)
Apr 30: Employment and Earnings Follow-up Survey
May 2: CFAD for 2023-24 due in NOVA *
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