June 2 - 9, 2023

"I will put my teaching in their minds and write it on their hearts..."
Jeremiah 31:33

Calendar of Upcoming Events

Below are weekly programs. You can find brief descriptions of these weekly programs on our website:

SUNDAY Morning, 10 am Zoom Worship

https://zoom.us/j/97010988439 Password: betogether

SUNDAY , 11:30 a.m. Bible Study  in person and on zoom


MONDAY - FRIDAY, 8 am Morning Devotion


WEDNESDAY Eve., 6:30 pm Midweek Inhale Spiritual Practices

Note: There will be no Midweek Inhale until Wednesday, June 28.


Below are the upcoming non-weekly events on the calendar happening at McFarland UCC for about the next month. All events are on the McFarland UCC calendar with Zoom links and additional information in the details/description area. Click the event on the McFarland UCC calendar to see the details.

Friday, June 2 7:00 - 9:00 pm, Native American Presentation: Celebrating the Tapestry of Humanity in Sanctuary

Saturday, June 3 7:00 - 9:00 pm, Native American Presentation: Celebrating the Tapestry of Humanity in Sanctuary

Sunday, June 4, Strength The Church UCC Wider Church Mission Collection

Sunday, June 4 5:30 – 7:00 pm, Teen Youth Meeting with Lake Edge UCC

Tuesday, June 6 6:30 - 7:30 pm, Racial Justice Meeting (In person & Online)

Thursday, June 8 6:00 – 8:00pm, SaLT Meeting (In person & Online) - Multipurpose Room

Sunday, June 11 6:30-7:30 pm, Younger Youth Meeting

Wednesday, June 14 6:00-7:30 pm, Outreach Funds Committee Meeting (In person)

Tuesday, June 20 6:30 - 7:30 pm, Green Team Meeting (In person & Online) Multipurpose room

News at McFarland UCC

Native American Presentation: Celebrating the Tapestry of Humanity

Join us tonight or tomorrow night 7-9pm

Come Friday, June 2, or Saturday, June 3, from 7:00-9:00 p.m., when McFarland UCC will be hosting a highly acclaimed multimedia exhibit and program called, “Taking a Journey of Hope and Discovery.”

The program will explore why there is a greater need now more than ever for understanding the interconnectedness of our common humanity and our relationship to each other and to nonhuman life on this planet. We are at the crossroads of truth in History, Science, Technology and Indigenous Wisdom, as we move toward the frontiers of the future.

Our presenters are McFarland residents Dawn and Art Shegonee. Art is a member of the Menominee and Potowatomi tribes in Wisconsin and has been a cultural consultant, teacher and presenter at over 400 schools and colleges throughout Wisconsin and neighboring states. In the 1990s, Art and Dawn co-founded the Call For Peace Drum & Dance Company, which has traveled around the world performing in Russia, Egypt, Germany, Italy, Israel, Puerto Rico and Ireland. They also performed at the openings for the Monona Terrace and the Overture Center for the Arts.

We hope this program will engage and inspire all of us to “Make a Difference” as the exhibit takes us around the world on a “Journey of Hope and Discovery.”

This presentation is free and open to the public. Invite your friends!

Volunteer Opportunity:

Help Feed the Community at Local Garden

Take advantage of an opportunity to make a meaningful impact in addressing hunger in Dane County. Our very own Kathy Krusiec and her husband own land in Mineral Point, which they garden. According to Kathy, "Our mission is to feed the people that are hungry. We have the land and knowledge and are called to serve." They have donated over 3 tons of fresh, nutritious food to various Dane County food pantries, including the McFarland Food Pantry. Would you be willing to volunteer on June 1, 2, and 3 from 9am to 1pm?

No matter your skill level or prior experience, there's a role for everyone who wants to contribute. Whether you have a green thumb or simply a love for the outdoors and community, this is the perfect chance to get involved. The garden is seeking volunteers for various tasks such as planting, lunch preparation, documenting the planting process, and more.

Each work day will conclude with a lunch served at 1pm, providing an opportunity to connect with fellow volunteers and reflect on the collective efforts made towards the mission of alleviating hunger.

If you want to be a part of this incredible initiative and make a difference in the lives of those who are hungry, come to 19847 Ferndale Rd, Mineral Point, WI on June 1, 2, and 3 at 9am. For more information, please contact Kathy Krusiec 608-381-4314 or kkrusiec@hotmail.com.

Green Team Book Read -

Speak with the Earth and it Will Teach You by Daniel Cooperrider

McFarland UCC joins Memorial UCC in Fitchburg in reading this book. “It is not enough appreciated how much of an outdoor book the Bible is,” wrote author Wendell Berry. Author Daniel Cooperrider illustrates his point with beautiful narrative- - like a stroll through the woods - - Speak with the Earth analyzes the Bible’s treatment of nature and intersperses this analysis with the author's own reflections on experiences in nature. 

Last Book discussion

  • Clouds - Wednesday, June 14 at 6:30 at Lake Farm Park (Shelter #2), Madison. Bring a chair.  Author Daniel Cooperrider will join us for the final night of discussion of his book.


The June NION meeting is cancelled. The next meeting will be Thursday, July 20. Join us then!

Tree Removed

As you drive into the parking lot, you may notice that a tree has been removed. Buildings and Grounds Committee identified that there was a dying tree among the many maple trees that surround our “outdoor sanctuary”. For safety reasons, it was determined that the tree should be removed. Gregg Krattiger was in contact with a colleague who has the knowledge and equipment to remove large trees. And his price was right – FREE (in exchange for the wood). Thanks to Gregg Krattiger, Julie Woodward, and Calvin Swenson for spending several hours on Saturday, 5/27 keeping our property safe.

A Few Words From Pastor Bryan

Well yes, I had a wonderful vacation visiting family and friends and loved ones and driving all over the place! And it's great to be back.

A few weeks ago during Bible Study the parable of "The Good Samaritan" came up for some reason. It's one of Jesus' most well known stories. He told it in response to some religious critics of his asking him just "who is my neighbor?" They were wondering who it was they had to love and show compassion to in order to live up to the teaching to "love your neighbor as yourself." So Jesus told this story about a man who was beaten and left for dead, and about two religious experts who should have known what to do, but who because of certain religious obligations and responsibilities passed by on the other side of the road and ignored the dying man. Then a Samaritan man--one whom the people Jesus was speaking to would NOT consider to be a neighbor, comes along and does the right thing. He stops, takes care of the man, and goes out of his way to help him.

While we were discussing this at Bible Study, I remembered a rather well known story that took place at Princeton Theological Seminary in connection to this text. Evidently a Greek class at seminary had been studying this one parable all semester long. They'd taken apart the Greek and explored all the layers of meanings and nuances of interpretation.

The day came for the final exam for this class. The students all gathered in the classroom, at which point the professor came in and said, "I'm so sorry but we're going to have to take this exam in another building across the quad. There's been a conflict with the use of this room. The instructor told them which building to enter. As the focused and nervous students hurried over to the other building, at the doorway of that building there was a homeless man obviously in some physical pain asking for help. And NOT ONE of the seminarians stopped to help the man. I mean they had an exam to take! They were busy.

Once the students were all gathered in the new room, the professor entered, went to the front of the room with tears in his eyes and said, "You all just failed the exam. Go home. If taking this academic exam is more important to you than stopping to help a man in need, then you obviously have not been studying this text at all, and you are certainly not ready to preach it or teach it to others."

That story haunts me. I know I've "failed that exam" plenty of times. We all have. We can't stop EVERY time. We all know that. But do we ever stop?

An hour ago, while running from one pastoral appointment to the next, and racing to get a bunch of "church related" things done before another meeting--including getting this newsletter out, I drove past a family (man, woman, and two very young children) standing on the corner near my house with a sign saying they were desperate. I thought, "I don't have time now. Not today. I have to get the newsletter out among other things."

And then I remembered that parable and that seminary "exam," and I circled back. Don't be impressed. More times than not I wouldn't. But it was the kids. I n the 90 degree sun. Good God. I stopped and listened to their story. I was able to help. I gave them my phone number and told them our church might be able to help them get settled somehow. I don't know if they'll call. I hope they do.

As for "exams," to be honest I don't care. As I said, I blow it more times than not. And most of the time I'm not even sure I'm doing the right thing. But I do, like most of you, want to live my faith and not just talk about it.

I really don't have the time to write more now, because you know, I've got important religious tasks and obligations to attend to. :)

Hope to see you soon one way or the other!

Pastor Bryan

5710 Anthony St.
McFarland WI 53558
Pastor Bryan Sirchio
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