An Update on Hosting Tcheki Voltaire and her Family from Haiti.
Submitted by Araceli Wehr on behalf of Aliados (a new ministry of NION)
Thanks so much to Araceli for being the point person on these efforts and to all of you who have participated so far! (This photo shows Tcheki and her husband Jeffrey and Araceli at the Solstice Fire Ceremony this week).
From Araceli:
Hello McFarland UCC,
We wanted to give everyone an update on the Haitian family we are hosting. As we announced last week, Tcheki, Jeffrey and their son Jefferson traveled to McFarland last Saturday. Our first week hosting this family has been very successful thanks to all of your efforts! My heart was completely filled with joy at the overwhelming generous response from the entire community. It has been such a pleasure to participate in this process with you all.
This past week is what I have been referencing to as phase 1 making sure that Tcheki and her family had the critical care and support to ensure their safety and well-being. As a community we have supplied the family with:
-A safe place to stay, thank you Judy and Mark for graciously offering your home
-Welcomed them with a warm UCC welcome party, thank you all who joined
-Welcomed them with a warm home cooked meal, thank you Martha
-Essential supplies the family needed such as food, clothing, shoes, and hygiene products - thank you everyone!!
-We have taken the proper steps to ensure an immigration case worker is assigned and established in Wisconsin, thank you Paul
-Met with them to assess next steps for social services support, thank you Julie
-Mom and baby also have a scheduled appointment with a doctor this Saturday to ensure immediate medical needs are met, thank you Martha for taking them to this appointment
-We have introduced the family to a park down the street from Mark and Judy’s so that they can get fresh air and let the baby play, thank you Martha
-Introduced them to the food pantry, thank you Judy
-We have taught them how to cook using modern U.S. appliances
-They have cooked their own meal using those appliances, Great job Jeffrey
The family has also joined the UCC community on three occasions by going to church on Sunday the day after they arrived, participating in our summer solstice fire ceremony this past Wednesday and joining the Friday women’s group. The family has been overwhelmed with our kindness, and I’m happy to say in Tcheki’s words “this is a great community such good energy, I can feel it!”
This coming week we will enter phase 2 of hosting this family. During this phase, we will be focused on empowering the family to transition culturally to Wisconsin.
The ways in which you can support ARE:
- Prayers are always welcome
- Provide a ride to church on Sunday (Family has a car seat)
- Volunteer to teach the family how to do laundry with U.S. appliances and products
- Volunteer to meet with the family and help them practice their English
- Volunteer to meet with the family and help teach them about our currency
- Volunteer to take the family on a walk or other activity
Sign Up to Support at this link:
Please keep checking the list for updated dates and needs as you are comfortable.
Some of you have also reached out asking how you can submit a donation. If you wish to do so please feel free to send a donation either online or via check to the church with a note that this is to support the Haitian family. Thank you to those who have submitted a donation!
Please text or call this number if you have questions or would like to be added to the list of volunteers as we journey through this process: 608-960-9035.
As we continue to navigate this service we know that it will take the continued loving support of our UCC community. While we know we need the support of the McFarland UCC community, there is also no presumption of participation.
With Love,
Aliados (Aliados is the Spanish word for "Allies," and it is a new aspecti of our NION Outreach that focuses specifically on helping immigrants in our local area find whatever support they need to get established and to thrive)