April 17, 2020

Dear Friends,

Alleluia. Christ is risen.
The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia.

This is our continuous anthem in this season of Easter, and at all times, as followers of the risen Christ.  My hope and prayer is that each of you are finding ways, even in these strange days, to discover anew the joy of resurrection in your life.

As we embrace the season of Easter, I’d like to invite you to join me in reading the New Testament book of Acts.  The Acts of the Apostles chronicles the early days of the Church as the first proclaimers of the resurrection figure out how to follow Jesus together, in the face of great uncertainty, anxiety, and fear.  Their stories take us on a grand journey to the edges of the known world of the day; they also take us inside homes where worship takes place among family and close friends. 

Perhaps we may find a new, good word amidst the ancient scriptures in our reading…

Below is a link to a reading plan developed by the Reverend Canon Becky Zartman from Christ Church Cathedral in Houston, Texas.  Zartman developed this reading plan, along with spiritual practices and a curriculum for discussion, and invites Episcopal congregations from around the country to join in this common reading. 

In Sunday’s Rector’s Forum on Zoom, I’ll provide some introductory comments on the book of Acts as we begin our reading, and, in the weeks ahead, our time together on Sunday morning at 9:00AM will provide space for discussion about the week’s readings. 

I hope you’ll join in as we make this journey together!


The Reverend Andrew J. Hege