Ricky E. Williams
One of the longest supporting advertisers in DSI Black Pages, spanning over two decades from the publication’s humbled beginnings in 1991. DSI Black Pages’ last edition closed with a Call Ricky Ask Ricky back cover. In celebration of DSI Black Pages 30th Anniversary Edition, Ricky made sure he had reserved his annual page. The Ricky we knew was the epitome of a godly family man, true friend, and businessman who practiced what he preached with integrity and all sincerity. Ricky Williams’ “Give me a call, I can help You” tag line was not mere words, but expressed servitude in such a way that he would set the pace; he led by example, and a true trailblazer.
Ricky, as he preferred to be called, was a community philanthropist, he balanced his day in such a way that no call went unanswered, he would put the time and work in for a positive conclusion. Hundreds would agree, if Ricky was asked for assistance, he would go out of his way to support your cause for the community, financially!
Ricky was a reservoir of knowledge, brilliant legal mind with resources, straight facts, and willing to give a hand up with zeal to help out. To be in his presence, you knew a great time was imminent. His personality, his signature smile, and humor were contagious. This memorial is just a mere scratch of the surface, his memories are cherished deeply.
Thank you, Mr. Ricky E. Williams for supporting DSI Black Pages since its inception. Ricky Williams will be truly missed.
Sherryl J. Cusseaux, Publisher Tampa Bay
Derrick DeVerger, Founder