Trinity Episcopal Church

36 Main St, Newtown Ct
Thursday, 07/02/2020
Heartfelt Thank You and Virtual Hug
Thank you for making my goodbye such a special celebration of God's call to be among you. I cherish the book of love notes, the thoughtful gifts and the well wishes! I will not forget you!

Being ready for retirement, I am excited for Trinity as you move faithfully into your next chapter of being the missional church on Main Street. And while the fun of unpacking boxes awaits me as we settle into life here in Richmond, I pray many blessings upon Trinity Church as you prepare to welcome your new rector. May God's purposes be fulfilled in all of us.

Love and light to each of you,

Email Hoax
A number of parishioners have received an email hoax. Someone has created an email address that looks like Jenny's, and is asking for help. Please do not reply to this email, or send money or gift certificates!
Finding Sunday's Worship
This Sunday, July 5, we will join with St. Paul's Riverside. The Reverend Stephanie Johnson is thrilled to welcome us! If it is a sunny morning, worship will take place outdoors at 9:30 am, and will be posted on their You Tube channel later in the afternoon, hopefully by 12:30. If it is raining, worship will be livestreamed at 10:15am. To watch, please use this link:

Please note: When the schedule for July worship was created, Rev. Stephanie was unaware that her entire tech team (staff and volunteer) is out of town this weekend, so the posting may be delayed.
The Youth Commission is looking for 2 adults to join Noel Bellesheim in leading YAC formation (teens confirmed or about to be) This group will meet monthly on the second Sunday following the church service starting on September 13.
For more information please contact Noel at
Faithful Stewardship and Giving
Your tithes and offerings are always much appreciated and especially during this time of quarantine with virtual worship. God continues to bless us with faithful giving and givers, so thank you! On-line giving through Vanco is easy and if you need assistance in setting this up, please contact the Church Office, 203-426-9070. Checks can also be mailed to: Trinity Church, 36 Main Street, Newtown, CT 06470.
Providing Frozen Meals to those in Need
Camp Washington is committed to helping the community by providing individual frozen meals, prepared in-house by Ben, packed and ready to heat. We offer these meals, with love, to those who need us most right now.
Due to the Holiday Weekend, we will be distributing meals on Friday, July 3rd from 9am-12 noon in the front circle driveway at Camp. We will practice all social distancing protocols- cars will drive-up to the table and meals will be delivered to individual car windows. We will provide meals until we run out.
PLEASE share this news with those you know who need meals, or come by and pick up and deliver for those who can't, but need.
ALSO, we welcome donations of non-perishable pantry items, and fresh produce, which we will in turn offer to our guests who stop by on Friday. Pantry items may be brought to Camp on Wednesday, July 1st from 9-3, a collection area will be set-up in the front circle driveway at Camp.
We are holding you in prayer and look forward to being together again, soon.
During these uncertain times, we are thankful to provide hope and hospitality, as we join Jesus in the neighborhood.
Second Sunday: July 12 at 4:30pm
As we begin to safely gather, we invite you back to Camp Washington!
Join us at the Outdoor Chapel for Evening Prayer officiated by the Rev. Carrie Combs, Provisional Priest-In-Charge at Trinity Collinsville.
In the beauty of our outdoor sanctuary we will read Evening Prayer and offer a time for reflection and Thanksgiving.
 Following Evening Prayer we will move to the front lawn for a simple al fresco supper. A donation of $10.00 is appreciated to cover the cost of the meal.
In case of inclement weather, the rain date will be July 19th.
In this time of COVID-19 there are some very important guidelines we must follow:
·      You must register prior to the event. Space is limited. NO walk-ins will be allowed.
·      Seating will be assigned.
·      You must wear a mask and practice social distancing.
·      You will be directed where to park upon arrival.
·      If you are not feeling well, or have been around someone who isn’t well, we ask that you stay home.
·      If you are in an at risk population, we encourage you to make healthy choices for you and the community. PLEASE REGISTER HERE.
ECCT COVID-19 Self Care Resources
In this time of great anxiety, here are some resources for you and your family to care for yourself. 
Worship Leader Training: How to Lead Morning Prayer
 As we continue to live into the vision and direction of “ Transition is the New Normal ” for clergy parish leadership prepared by the Rev. Canon Lee Ann Tolzmann our Canon for Mission Leadership, parishes, especially those served by other than full-time clergy, will be increasingly called to have licensed lay Worship Leaders lead Morning Prayer services on Sundays, both in-person and online.  To help prepare and license lay Worship Leaders, Bishop Ian will be leading an online “Learning to Lead Morning Prayer” training session on Saturday, July 11 from 9:00-11:00 am.  Registration and additional information can be had by being in contact with Amber Page Gehr, Administrator for Transitions and Clergy Support for the Episcopal Church in Connecticut at: . Please let Kim know if you will be taking this training.
Happy Hour Book Club with Christ Church Trumbull
Pastor Jane Jeuland, the Missional Priest in Charge, at Christ Church, would like to invite you to join their book club. Pastor Jane and theirsummer intern and Yale Divinity School student, Paige, are co-hosting this book club, starting on June 29th.
Happy Hour Book Club starts next Monday! It will run  June 29 - August 10th from 5-6ish on Mondays.
Zoom meeting ID: 835 2512 5007
Follow this link to join the meeting with above meeting ID:
The book for our focus is   Nonviolent Communication by Dr. Marshall B. Rosenberg. 
Nonviolent Communication (NVC) emphasizes deep listening to feelings and needs in others and ourselves to cultivate richer relationships. The NVC process of expressing honestly and receiving empathetically can be understood as a spiritual practice that helps us see our common humanity. It’s also a powerful tool for conflict resolution.
For the book club itself, please read about two chapters a week on your own and then come together as a group to practice the skills we learn from the book using exercises from the NVC workbook (there is no need to purchase the workbook). WeI are hoping this can be a useful skill to enrich our professional, personal, and spiritual lives. The book can be purchased for about $10 from Amazon and other online bookstores, or you can look into borrowing the ebook from your local library.  The activities are structured so everyone can participate even if they weren't able to read the chapters for the week.
Summer Office Hours
Monday - Thursday: 9am - 1:30pm

While our building remains closed, communication continues through voicemail, email and virtual zoom meetings.
Praise and Thanksgiving

For those requesting our prayers: Arlene Coleman, Rev. William West, Maureen Trotto, Bode Kloos, Judith Harris, Ann Moore, Janet LaBati, Mike Peters, Larry Coleman, Danielle Lima

For those celebrating a birthday this week:
Meredith Britton, Joe Hansen, Devon Johnson, Ellen Melville
Trinity's Video - check it out!
There are events happening at Camp Washington - click here to learn more!
We are proud to be a parish in  The Episcopal Church  within