36 Main Street, Newtown, CT | |
A Message from our Treasurer - Noel Bellesheim
Stewardship: Please send in your pledge cards as soon as each parishioner has made prayerful decisions. There are several ways:
1. Electronic is preferred.
2. Paper pledge cards can be either mailed to the church, put in the box outside the office or in the collection plate on Sundays.
After receipt, the parishioner will receive a Thank you card confirming your pledge.
Please speak with Noel Bellesheim or any vestry member with any questions.
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Guest Preacher on Sunday
This Sunday, we welcome Dr. Sara A. Williams as our guest preacher. Sara is Assistant Professor of Religious Studies at Fairfield University. She holds a PhD in Religion in the area of Christian Ethics from Emory University. Sara resides in Oxford with her husband James and sons Simon and Charlie.
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During coffee hour on Sunday 11/17, 12/1, and 12/8, Sara will have olive wood products from the Holy Land for sale during coffee hour. These products were hand-crafted by Palestinian Christian artisans in Bethlehem, many of whom come from families that have been woodworking for hundreds of years. The Bethlehem economy relies on tourism for 90% of its revenue, and these artisans currently have no means of supporting their families because of lack of tourists due to the war. Your purchase would contribute to their livelihoods during this time. Items range from $3-$50. Any purchase big or small is appreciated. You can pay by cash, check, Zelle, or Venmo (@sawilliams212). If you have questions, please email or text Sara Williams at sawilliams212@gmail.com or 513-593-5373. | |
Stephen Ministry Survey
The Stephen Ministry Leaders Team here at Trinity, Newtown, is surveying the parish to gauge the success of current groups and to inquire about your interest in forming other groups. Please click here to complete this. It’ll take no more than 5-10 minutes to complete. Thanks!
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Drive up food drive for the Little Pantry on Nov 17th from 11-2
Trinity Episcopal Church is having a food drive to benefit the Little Pantry, a stand-alone structure in the parking lot of Trinity Church. They collect non-perishable items to serve those in need in the community. They depend on donations from the community and other supporters. The Little Pantry serves as a supplement to Faith Food Pantry.
Anytime between 11-2pm, on Nov 17, drive into the Trinity parking lot, from Churchhill Road and leave your non-perishable items with our youth collectors.
The most needed items are:
Canned legumes,
Stew and chili.
Ready to eat meals
Canned chicken
Boxes of flavored oatmeal.
Pasta sauce
Grocery Gift cards are welcome
You are also welcome to come anytime and leave donations in the pantry.
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Starry Nights Advent Devotional available starting next Sunday, 11/24
"Advent is a season of stars: twinkling over shepherds, leading the Magi to Bethlehem, and filling our own dark Advent nights with glimmers of brilliance. And it’s also a season of wonder, a time for all of God’s children to marvel at what God has done – and will yet do – for the love of this broken, beautiful world.
This devotional is all about embracing light and wonder. It comes complete with simple, candlelight weekly services, biblical passages to read, prayers to pray, reflections to think about, practices to try, and more. And since the stars appeal to all ages, this devotional is designed to do the same: amazing facts interweave with engaging activities, big ideas, and the wondrous, star-studded stories of Advent and Christmas."
Copies will be available outside the sanctuary starting next Sunday, 11/24. If you would prefer a digital copy please contact the church office. Trinity Church hopes this devotional will be a blessing to you and your family this Advent season.
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Our neighbors at Newtown Congregational Church invite us to the next screening in their "Thoughtful Films" series. Friday, Nov. 15, brings "The Social Dilemma," in the NCC Great Room (enter through the West Street door). Optional dinner from 5:30-6:30, film at 6:30 pm, and a lively discussion to follow. Bring your friends and youth to watch, discuss, and share your views.
This 2020 docudrama offers an inside view of how social media manipulates our interests to make money. Insights from former media employees alongside dramatic interpretations reveal how social media affects us. Is the film controversial? Yes! Many companies have disagreed with its perspective.
If you'd like to order a sandwich for dinner, call Katherine Simpson at 734-645-6909 or go to https://bityl.co/SOf7 no later than Thursday, Nov. 14. Sandwiches are $6.50 each and you can pay in cash or check at the event. Beverages, salad, and light dessert are available for everyone. You may also bring your dinner or eat before arriving.
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Can you imagine going to work or school in dirty clothes? Can you imagine not being able to afford a trip to the laundromat? For us, this is probably not our reality. But for a number of the underserved and homeless in Danbury it is their reality. LL of Greater Danbury combines the donations of founding organizations (such as Trinity), granting organizations and individuals to provide regular access to a laundromat We recognize that clean clothes matter for human dignity
Should you wish to make a donation to LL, please mail a check to First Congregational Church of Ridgefield (FCC), 103 Main Street,
Ridgefield, Ct 06877. The memo line should read LLGD. You may also donate through Venmo.
Thank you.
Click here to read the annual report.
Reach out to Carol Bigman with questions.
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Save the Date for a special opportunity for Advent worship!
On December 8th, at 3pm here in our sanctuary, Trinity will host our first Evensong since 2013. How many of you were there in 2013? What was your experience? I’d love to hear about it. This will be my first, and I’m so very excited!
In the Book of Common Prayer, Evensong is the Daily Evening Prayer, and if you haven’t been to one of these, you must make a plan to attend. It will take place in the final hour of the Newtown Holiday Festival, with the Festival of Trees downstairs in our Glover Room, and it’s the perfect opportunity to take an hour and center yourself in the early weeks of the holiday season; to remind yourself of the need for your spiritual health to be at the top of the priority list, especially during the often hectic days of December. The prayers, scriptures, and music in our sacred space will feed your soul.
As this is a “Choral Evensong”, the Connecticut Choral Society will be singing most of the service, and your own Music Minister will be conducting. I hope you will put this on your calendar and join us for a very special afternoon.
In Christ,
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Yoga Session for Families -- Next week! | |
Next Sunday, 11/24, Trinity will be offering a yoga session for families! Our very own Erin Lutz will lead this all-ages class in the Johnson Room after worship. No need to wear special clothes or bring a yoga mat. Also, be sure to check out the new "Self-Care for Families" bulletin board outside the Glover Community Room. You'll find some tips on how to lower the level of stress and anxiety you may be feeling as a parent, as well as ideas for some family activities that foster quality time together. | |
Coming Soon! -- Christmas Cookie Decorating | |
Come celebrate the first Sunday of Advent with us by decorating and eating Christmas cookies! Join us after the worship service on Sunday, 12/1, in the Glover Community Room during coffee hour. Festive hats and ugly Christmas sweaters are encouraged : ) | Check out these "sweet dream" pillowcases some of the kids made last week in church school class! Kids learned about Joseph (Jacob's son) and the special dreams he had that told his future power. | |
Upcoming Events
Sunday, 11/24, Yoga for Families, Christmas devotional available
Sunday, 12/1, Christmas cookie decorating during coffee hour
Sunday, 12/8, Pageant dress rehearsal following worship service
Sunday, 12/15, Christmas Pageant during worship service
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Donations needed! Click here to view our Amazon Wishlist! | |
The 2025 NEWS crew is established! Local students are headed to work with the Maine Seacoast Mission in June. To support the trip, please purchase a large, festive 3-potted poinsettia plant in red or white by 11/29 for $32! Delivery 12/07!
If you have any other questions feel free to contact Jane or Tara.
Thank you for your support.
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Christian Yoga
Join Christian Yoga class on alternating Tuesdays at 7 pm for an hour of movement incorporating prayer and scripture. This is a great way to connect to yourself, with others and with God. The next sessions will be held on 11/26 and 12/10. All are welcome!
Free will offering is completely voluntary.
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Weekly Happenings
Trinity's nursery is open every Sunday from 9:15 - 11:15, and is professionally staffed by Wee Care Nanny Agency. Click here to review the nursery guidelines.
Trinity's Grief Support Group runs every first and third Thursday of the month from 4-5:15pm, and is open to all.
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New Process for Vouchers
Thank you to all of you who have seamlessly transitioned over to the new system - it is such a pleasure to be working with Lori Rohrbacher again!
Vouchers can now be submitted virtually. There is a new page on Trinity's website (Vouchers). Please use this online form as a way to submit vouchers. If you need help learning this new system, please contact Kim.
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Praise and Thanksgiving
For those requesting our prayers
Maureen, Janet, Rick, Marie, Jennifer, Joyce, Jacky, Gail, Alveta, Bode, Gracie, Martha, Daniel, Shirley, Dan, Barbara, Lucille, Caroline, Eric, Brent, Paula, Karen, Judy, Patricia, Kathy, Joan, Bill, Hayley, Donna, Carol
For those celebrating a birthday this week
Luke Pepin, James Bielo, Glann Nanavaty
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