36 Main Street, Newtown, CT | |
Special Parish Meeting on Sunday, October 27 After Worship
Voting members of Trinity Church – please check your mailbox for information about a special parish meeting to discuss clergy housing and to vote on a Resolution.
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Clerk Transition
The Vestry of Trinity Church expresses heartfelt appreciation to Tom Swetts, who has resigned from serving as Clerk to attend to personal matters. Vestry has voted with gratitude for Sue Roman to fulfill Tom’s term, serving as Clerk through our next Annual Meeting in late January. We are so thankful for our faithful leaders!
Rev. Andrea
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“Low Country Boil”
Celebrating Stewardship 2025
As a reminder for those of you that have registered, we will be closing out the 2025 Stewardship Program, with a “Low Country Boil” on October 26th , from 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm in the Glover Room.
Based on the menu, we have limited capacity to support unregistered walk-ins on Saturday night. Therefore, if you did not register but now want to come, please reach out to Marcia or Patrick by Friday, October 25th to see if we can accommodate.
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Names or Photos for All-Saints Day
All Saints Day reminds us of those saints of Christian history who exhibited unusual courage, extravagant generosity, and peace in the face of adversity.
On Sunday, November 3rd , Trinity will celebrate All Saints Sunday. During this we want to remember our own saints: those who taught us courage and honesty, how to love and do justice, walk humbly with God. Faithful people who, in their own way, built the Kingdom of God on earth and were our own Saints.
At this celebration, we are offering you an opportunity to share your photos or images of your Saints, so they can join us in the service. The images can be photos of loved ones, friends that you remember with love, or images of the Saints that have been important in your spiritual journey.
We would encourage everyone to participate as we decorate the altar with our personal images that have been special in our lives. They will be a visible reminder of an invisible truth: the communion of saints surrounding and upholding us, always.
Marcia and Patrick DeBrock are coordinating this ministry and will be collecting your images starting this Sunday, October 27th . You can also drop off your images at the office during the week. Please attach your family name on the back of the image so we can make sure it is returned to you.
We are also planning to read aloud the names of our own saints and departed loved ones during the service. Please drop the names into the offering basket starting Sunday, October 27th or send an email to the Church Office before Wednesday, October 30th .
This is a special day, and you are welcome to provide a name, bring in an image and we will celebrate that they are here, with us. Invite a family member or friend to pray with us on All Saints Sunday.
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Join us for All Parish Pumpkin Carving after church in undercroft on Sunday 10/27. We will display them as part of Trinity’s 9th annual Great pumpkin challenge and ask for $5 per pumpkin. 100% of all donations will go to Hole in the Wall Gang Camp which provides free camp for children with serious illness so they have a chance to experience diverse and transformational friendships that go hand in hand with camp. It was founded in 1988 by legendary actor and philanthropist Paul Newman. The organization serves children and their families with year round programs celebrating the fun, friendship, and spirit of childhood. | |
Halloween Candy Collection!
Candy collection bins are out at each entrance. Please help us support Newtown's epic Halloween on Main!
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Halloween at Trinity
Trinity is the place to be on Halloween! Every year, we have our front lawn lit up with Jack-O-Lanterns for the Great Pumpkin Challenge (more on that next week!) We need volunteers to hand out candy to all the trick-or-treaters. Please click here to join in the fun!
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A Message from our Treasurer - Noel Bellesheim
Stewardship: Please send in your pledge cards as soon as each parishioner has made prayerful decisions. There are several ways:
1. Electronic is preferred.
2. Paper pledge cards can be either mailed to the church, put in the box outside the office or in the collection plate on Sundays.
After receipt, the parishioner will receive a Thank you card confirming your pledge.
Please speak with Noel Bellesheim or any vestry member with any questions.
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Mark Your Calendars & Reserve Your Spot: Marking the Ordination of Women
July 29, 2024, marked 50 years since the ordination of eleven Episcopal women priests in Philadelphia, PA. A few months later, on November 10, 1974, one of the "Philadelphia 11" presided at communion in Washington DC and became the first woman in the denomination to publicly celebrate the Eucharist. These momentous events are documented in a new film, The Philadelphia Eleven.
To honor these events and the people who made them possible, Trinity will host a virtual screening of The Philadelphia Eleven on Sunday, November 10, at 3:00 PM. The film runs 90 minutes. Click here to reserve your spot. Feel free to share this link with family and friends. Trinity is sponsoring 250 viewing slots, so there is plenty of room! We will also share this invitation with the ECCT and via the Newtown Bee.
This film might be especially meaningful for younger people who've never known a world without women in positions of leadership both within and beyond the Church. It can be an encouragement to us all that what once was deemed impossible can indeed become "normal."
Contact Lisa Mages at 202-469-2568 with questions.
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The Little Pantry continues to help our community with food
and household needs. Thank you for your continued donations!
This week's needs are:
Cereal, complete pancake mix
Canned beans-- black beans, chili, pinto
Canned fruit
Stove top stuffing, Mac n cheese
Instant potatoes
Canned Ravioli, spaghetti, etc.
Dog food
Pasta sauce
Toilet paper, dish soap, Laundry detergent
Toothpaste, bar soap/body wash, deodorant, shampoo
Boxed milk, salt/pepper, crackers, juice
Grocery or Walmart gift card-
We will do the shopping.
Climate Change and Connecticut's Forests, Thursday, October 24, 7:00 pm via Zoom
Trent McCann, Executive Director of the Newtown Forest Association, gives an update on the health of our local forests, how climate change is affecting them, and what we can do to help. Register via the CH Booth library events calendar.
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This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.
It’s that time again! Our adorable Church School kiddos will don their Halloween costumes on Sunday, parade through the aisles of our sanctuary, and bless us with a song. They have been working hard on “This Little Light of Mine”, which is a standard Sunday School song passed down through generations of Americans. The kids love singing it with its campy hand motions, and who doesn’t love seeing them in their costumes? Last year, we had a singing hot dog, a pink pirate, and even bacon. This year, I have it on good authority (as in, I polled the kids at our most recent rehearsal) that a different child is now a hot dog, there will be a ninja, some Minions, and even a loaf of bread. I can’t wait to see the loaf of bread receive communion!
This is a great opportunity to see how much our Church School program has grown and how it is flourishing. Your smiles and encouragement will keep these kiddos active in our church life, and maybe even willing to sing more often!
If your child has an interest in being more involved musically, such as singing a solo in church or playing an instrument, please let me know! We want our youth to know that this is their church as much as it is ours, and their talents are valuable in worship.
Help them let their lights shine!
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Be sure to join us this Sunday, 10/27, for some Halloween fun! Kids are encouraged to wear their costumes to church school. Kids will play some Halloween games during church school, and march in a Halloween parade during the worship service. Also during worship, kids will sing in a mini concert. Then during coffee hour, kids will paint pumpkins that will be part of a dramatic display on Trinity's front lawn on Halloween night! Donations will be accepted for Hole in the Wall Gang Camp as part of the Great Halloween Challenge.
This Sunday we start our rotation learning about Joseph and his special coat. Where our last rotation about David focused on courage and faith, this rotation will focus on strong emotions and choosing to treat people kindly. Kids will enjoy games, science, and art workshops over the next few weeks. A special thanks to Christina Lye for her help with our last rotation!
Upcoming Events
Sunday, 10/27, Halloween costume parade, Pumpkin painting and carving after worship
Sunday, 11/3, Christmas Pageant Sign Ups start, Clocks fall back
Sunday, 11/10, Christmas Pageant Sign Ups due
Sunday, 11/24, Yoga for Families
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Welcome back youth!
(Grades 7-12th)
Saturday October 26- set up planks and “gut pumpkins” for pumpkin carving after church on 10/27 at 9am
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Can you imagine going to work or school in dirty clothes? Can you imagine not being able to afford a trip to the laundromat? For us, this is probably not our reality. But for a number of the underserved and homeless in Danbury it is their reality. LL of Greater Danbury combines the donations of founding organizations (such as Trinity), granting organizations and individuals to provide regular access to a laundromat We recognize that clean clothes matter for human dignity
Please review the attached PDF, as designed by Nancy Cole, to read about this amazing ministry. Hard copies are available outside the side door. Please feel free to take one home If you have any questions or wish to volunteer at our monthly onsite event, please contact Carol Bigman at (203) 300-8338 or simply email her at bigmancarol@gmail.com.
Thank you.
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The Newtown Lions Club are having a Model Train Show Event to benefit Childhood Cancer Research on Saturday October 26th from 10:00 am to 2:30 pm at the Newtown Community Center, 8 Simpson St. in Newtown. Admission is $10 adults, $25 for a family (three or more), $5 ages 5-12, and free age 4 and under. This event will feature several different operating model railroads encompassing over 1700 square feet and a Pizza Box Railroad constructed by one of Newtown Lions Paul Arneth. For the serious and occasional hobbyist there will also be several vendors selling model railroad equipment, accessories and books on Do-it-Yourself modeling and much more. There will be door prizes, food truck, video presentations and lectures on historic area railroads throughout the day. There will even be attractions for the young at heart with Dr. Cadabra's Magic. Come join us for a great day with a nostalgic look back in time at or railroads with this exciting Model Railroad exhibition. | |
Christian Yoga
Join Christian Yoga class on alternating Tuesdays at 7 pm for an hour of movement incorporating prayer and scripture. This is a great way to connect to yourself, with others and with God. The next sessions will be held on 11/12 and 11/26. All are welcome!
Free will offering is completely voluntary.
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Weekly Happenings
Trinity's nursery is open every Sunday from 9:15 - 11:15, and is professionally staffed by Wee Care Nanny Agency. Click here to review the nursery guidelines.
Trinity's Grief Support Group runs every first and third Thursday of the month from 4-5:15pm, and is open to all.
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New Process for Vouchers
Thank you to all of you who have seamlessly transitioned over to the new system - it is such a pleasure to be working with Lori Rohrbacher again!
Vouchers can now be submitted virtually. There is a new page on Trinity's website (Vouchers). Please use this online form as a way to submit vouchers. If you need help learning this new system, please contact Kim.
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Praise and Thanksgiving
For those requesting our prayers
Maureen, Janet, Rick, Marie, Jennifer, Joyce, Jacky, Gail, Alveta,
Bode, Gracie, Martha, Daniel, Shirley, Dan, Barbara, Lucille, Caroline,
Eric, Brent, Paula, Karen, Judy, Kathy, Joan
For those celebrating a birthday this week
Ron Dukenski, Elizabeth Zarifis, Austin Benedetto, Alex Gibson
For those celebrating an anniversary this week
William & Anna Moses, Cindy & Peter Anderau
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