United Way Wednesday
This Week's Featured UWCCMC Funded Agency:
Champaign Family YMCA
Champaign Family YMCA runs a program called Invest in Youth that provides a safe, supportive environment where individuals and families can participate in physical activities, socialize in a positive environment, engage with others in their community, and strengthen family relationships through healthy activities. The goal of Invest in Youth is to insure that everyone in Champaign County is able to participate in YMCA programs, regardless of ability to pay. Individuals and families that can demonstrate a household income below 200% of the poverty level are eligible for membership financial aid, up to a maximum of 65% of the membership cost. Applicants are required to submit proof of household income, either with the previous year’s Form 1040, or with proof of income for 30 days.

The 2016 Champaign County Community Health Needs Assessment revealed that 74% of Champaign County residents identified as overweight or obese, 18% of adults had diabetes, and 20% reported their health as fair or poor. These rates are statistically higher than the state and national averages. A wide body of research indicates that social connections can play a significant role in health behaviors and outcomes. The philosophy of the YMCA is to foster a sense of community between members and staff, to provide positive role models, and to actively listen and engage with each member to help them maintain a good physical, mental and emotional health.

Champaign Family YMCA’s long-term goals are for participants to make lasting positive changes to their physical, mental and emotional health, for participants to feel more connected to their community, and for youth in the community to feel supported in sustaining healthy life choices which will lift the health status of the entire county.

The Champaign Family YMCA provides facilities and support for everyone, regardless of health/fitness level. The Y is an atmosphere built on the core values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility. United Way is proud to fund an agency that is making such an impact in the community of Champaign County. If you are interested to learn more about, or get involved with, Champaign Family YMCA then check out their website Champaign Family YMCA or call (937) 653-9622.
Champaign Family YMCA
Celebrates 20 Years!
United Way of Clark, Champaign and Madison Counties
120 S. Center Street Springfield, OH 45502
Main Office Clark County (937) 324-5551