United Way Wednesday
This Week's Featured UWCCMC Funded Agency:
The Good Samaritan Food Pantry Inc. is open as an emergency food pantry to feed people in need on an emergency basis, for as long as this service is needed or the pantry is able to provide. Formed in March of 1995 by Pat and Bill Burris, the Good Samaritan Food Pantry Inc. has continued to assist residents of West Jefferson and Galloway in obtaining emergency food provisions. 

The local school district has a large number of children on free or reduced lunch program; half of these students get very little, or no, food at home, and have been reported coming to school hungry. When students arrive at school hungry they are unable to successfully do their school work because of the lack of ability to concentrate due to their focus being on the concern of where their next meal is coming from. Also, a child not getting enough to eat on a regular basis can delay brain development and the child’s ability to learn. With proper nutritious food, this problem can be alleviated. 

Senior citizens with fixed incomes/limited finances and an inability to travel get to the grocery story, along with declined physical and cognitive abilities, they might also experience a decline in their health. These may include: vitamin deficiencies, heart and respiratory issues, less resistance to infection, a greater chance of being diagnosed with diabetes, and the possibility of lengthier hospital stays.

In 2017, Good Samaritan Food Pantry served 1921 youth and 1593 senior citizens. With the support of United Way of Clark, Champaign & Madison Counties the pantry is able to extend the current program by purchasing healthy youth-friendly food items, and vitamin enriched drinks for the senior citizens that do not require them to cook, yet will help stabilize their health.

The Pantry is operated by volunteers from our community including volunteers from many of our local churches. The Good Samaritan Food Pantry Inc. is committed in "helping to fill the gap" for those in need. The Good Samaritan Food Pantry Inc. is open to residents of zip codes 43162, 43119 (Madison County only), and Canaan Community and Green Meadows Trailer Parks. Operation hours are every Wednesday 2:00-3:00 PM and every Saturday 10:00-11:00 AM.

United Way is proud to fund an agency that is making such an impact in the community of Madison County. If you’re interested to learn more or get involved with the Good Samaritan Food Pantry Inc. program - check out their website Good Samaritan Food Pantry Inc. or call them at (614) 379-3212 today!
Volunteer Today!
Good Samaritan Food Pantry is always looking for help filling food boxes, registering clients and retrieving donations. Fill out the form on the contact page and our staff will contact you.
United Way of Clark, Champaign and Madison Counties
120 S. Center Street Springfield, OH 45502
Main Office Clark County (937) 324-5551