United Way Wednesday
This Week's Featured UWCCMC Funded Agency:
New Directions
New Directions of Consolidated Care Inc. is a family-centered violence intervention program for domestic violence and sexual assault victims in Logan and Champaign Counties. Domestic violence includes domestic abuse, spousal abuse, intimate partner violence, battering, or family violence. It is a pattern of coercive behavior which involves violence or other forms of abuse by one person against another in a domestic setting, such as in marriage or cohabitation.

Intimate partner violence, and its impact on families in Champaign County, is a difficult and complicated problem to navigate for victims. Victims are scared and confused about what to do and where to start. There are also often many other things happening in these situations, such as criminal and civil court involvement, homelessness, transportation and job issues, food and clothing needs, financial and medical problems, and custody concerns. New Directions of Consolidated Care addresses the victim’s needs by providing a professional advocate/therapist that is knowledgeable with the court systems and by connecting the victim with the resources they need. New Directions can assist in guiding, empowering, and providing information on danger and legality assessments, safety planning, linkage to shelters, filling out protection orders, accompaniment to court, referring to legal representation, bridging the gap to all community resources and organizations, and emotional support. Victims need a safe, confidential place where they know they will be listened to and helped.

Domestic violence is a documented crime in Ohio that impacts our cities, towns and villages regardless of age, socio-economic status, sexual orientation, gender, race, religion or nationality. In 2016, law enforcement in Champaign County charged 105 people with domestic violence. The Ohio Family Violence Prevention project estimated each year that in Champaign County - 210 women were assaulted by a current or former partner, 110 female teenagers experienced physical dating violence and 170 children live in homes where physical violence is occurring. Physical violence is often accompanied by emotional abuse and controlling behavior as part of a much larger, systematic pattern of dominance and control. The data gathered in Champaign County shows that the rate of Civil Protection Orders has remained relatively steady over time and about 100 cases a year.

New Directions has been dedicated to the safety and well-being of victims of domestic violence and sexual assault for over 17 years. It has a stellar reputation of reliability with other agencies and court systems. An experienced Licensed Independent Social Worker, with Ohio certification as a Registered Advocate, runs the program. She has been approved by a felony court judge as an expert witness and has written thirteen expert analyses on behalf of victims.

New Directions also has a Legal Advocate on staff working 2 1/2 days a week. The Legal Advocate provides families information and emotional support about their legal options to protect themselves from domestic violence or sexual assault. Victims learn about court proceedings, how to complete protection orders, how to obtain an attorney, and information on victim’s rights, victim crime compensation, and the VINE program. The legal advocate will accompany the victim to court and provide transportation if needed. These services are free.

United Way is proud to fund an agency that is making such an impact in the community of Champaign County. If you’re interested to learn more or get involved with the New Directions of Consolidated Care programs then check out their website New Direction of Consolidated Care or call 937-465-8065 (West Liberty) and 937-653-5583 (Urbana).
Do you or someone you know need help?
Call the crisis hotline at
1-877-394-1046, or submit a request online today HERE .
United Way of Clark, Champaign and Madison Counties
120 S. Center Street Springfield, OH 45502
Main Office Clark County (937) 324-5551