Vero Beach, Fl - Ed. 09.19.2019
It's 2:30am as I begin to put the finishing touches on today's newsletter. So, if there are more errors than usual...just know I earned that right today! :) It has been an exciting, yet busy week. I pushed 'send' on the October Community Calendar'S' just a little bit ago and they are off to the printer! This print job is exciting because it will be our first print of the Sebastian Community Calendar! Yep, we have expanded into Sebastian with 10,000 printed monthly calendars. So, if you have friends there tell them to keep their eyes out for one. You can also
email Debbie if your office or organization would like to be added to our distribution list. We would love to get you as many as you need. You can send Debbie your upcoming Sebastian events too. It won't be too long before we will be going to print with November. Can you believe we are entering the last quarter of 2019 in just a couple of weeks. My how time flies. And that is precisely why we all need to make time for family, friends and fun! Make those memories now, FLASHERS before the years slip away and we wonder where time went. We have all heard it said that when all is said and done...It's not time at the office that we all wish we had spent more time at...but rather a yearning to spend more time with family and friends!
So...That's why I am off to Wyoming tomorrow!!! I will be in the air rather than my preferred mode of travel which most of you know is behind the wheel with my favorite songs playing and beckoning me to sing along! I am heading west to meet up with daughter Lilly who has just finished her 4 months out west. We will then get into her car and take our own sweet time winding our way back home. If you only saw the route we have planned... It could make for an excellent 'chuckle of the week'! Lilly purchased a tent and a sleeping bag for me because we plan on splitting our time between hotels and campsites...That might just change though because my husband has warned me about that rattle snakes are quite plentiful in Texas and the nights in Wyoming are a bit nippy and are even more so in South Dakota. So...are you getting a visual of this route we have planned? All I really know is that we will be back on the east coast the first part of October. We will be picking up daughter Allie in Atlanta before heading to the Andy Grammer concert on October 4th in Durham, NC! I am so excited!!! I am certain this little adventure will make for some excellent FLASH material...Stay tuned. :)
But in the meantime get out there and enjoy some of the fun that is happening right here in our own backyard! Take a look at our advertisers...September is a hard month for small businesses!!! Please get out there and support them. They make this all possible and I would just love each and every FLASHER who passes through their doors. Don't forget to let 'em know you saw them on FLASH. Stop into Once Upon a Thyme on Royal Palm Pointe where you are sure to find the perfect and unique gift as well as some yummy spices! Coco's Fine Consignment on the west side of the North Miracle Mile Plaza has excellent prices on top designer items. It will make for the perfect 'out-and'about' shopping day with girlfriends. Finish up at Sunshine furniture where there is SO MUCH more than just furniture! Enjoy yourselves! :)
Valerie Watkins
My daughter Suzy had a strange experience a few years ago. (Suzy is also a 'Suzanne' who goes by Suzy too, but she is Suzy with a 'y' and I'm an 'ie'.) Since she is is a teacher, she is gone most of the day. One day while at school, she was the victim of a daytime robbery. The thief came in through a screened patio where her three dogs spent the day. Somehow he got past the dogs and broke in through the side kitchen door. Click Here to read more.
Friend or Foe?
Facebook is a great place to reconnect with high school and college friends, stay involved with family who lives across the country and connect with your community. In order to make sure Facebook is a safe place to post information about your life and interact with your friends and family, you should never accept friend requests from people you do not know. Treat Facebook like you would treat real life. If you don't know someone who has requested to be your friend, they are most-likely stranger danger and should immediately be deleted.
The Magic of Christmas Markets in Poland
December 5 - 14, 2019
10 days / 9 nights, $2450 pp/double occupancy
Join us on The Magic of Christmas Markets in Poland holiday adventure which combines sightseeing, shopping, dining and Polish cooking and baking classes.
Fla. Seller of Travel Ref. No. ST39171

- Pensacola, FL -
Sep 27 to Sep 29, 2019
Over 100,000 usually attend this three day event in downtown Pensacola. It's about a 7 1/2 hour drive from Vero Beach, but well worth the trip since It has been named one of the Top 20 Festivals by the Southeast Tourism Society. To read more about it,
Sept. 20th,
Sept. 21st, &
Sept. 27th
In a recent Gallup poll, people were asked which season of the year they preferred.
Here are the results.
36% said Spring
27% said Autumn
25% said Summer
11% said Winter
This was one of the questions that was asked in our Quiz last week. We sure had fun working the quiz with our family. The majority of our family also picked Spring and only one picked Winter. If you didn't take the quiz ... Do it! It's fun. We took a sheet and answered each question for each person in the room. When all the questions were answered we went around and told what answers we picked for each person Some were surprising! How
well do you know your friends and family?
If money doesn't grow on trees, why do they have branches?
Why do they call it a building when it's already built?
Do fish ever get thirsty?
Why don't birds fall off trees when they sleep?
Sunday, September 22, 2019
The 71st Primetime Emmy Awards will take place this Sunday at the Microsoft Theater in Los
Angeles. It will be broadcast on the Fox network channel at 8:00 PM. To learn more about the nominees, Click here.
According to the University of Florida, vegetable gardening offers fresh air, sunshine, exercise, enjoyment, mental therapy, nutritious fresh vegetables, and economic savings. Vegetables can be grown year-round in Florida if attention is paid to the appropriate planting dates. September is a good month to plant vegetables and about now, you can even plant strawberries! For everything you need to know about gardening in Florida, visit the U of F's Gardening Guide. Click here
What you notice first in these pictures will reveal if you're right-brained or left-brained. Click here.
How often are both cupholders in your car in use? Not much, we presume, so they can definitely have another function. By placing silicone baking cups down there, you could have a place to put all that loose change, buttons, bottle caps, elastic bands, and any of those other smaller things that might otherwise just get lost.
Thomas Jefferson was the first president who had guests shake his hand instead of bow to him. He also had dinner guests placed at a round table so everyone felt equally important.
Capital is the most important city in an area, region, country, etc., and generally refers to a governmental seat.
Ex: Tallahassee is the capital of Florida.
Capitol is a building where legislators meet and have sessions.
You can keep track of capitol vs. capital by visualizing the "O" in capitol as the top of a capitol buildings' dome.
Click below to follow us on Facebook where there's a lot more in store! :)
This sweet video was sent to us by one of our favorite Flashers.
Thank You, Jan!
The darker the fish...The better the fishing!
There is such a thing as Free Advice
Connect with your neighbors in-the-know!
At FLASH, the advice is always free - free to post, free to reply, free to receive. We encourage you to think of us as your very own personal, private, trusted and customized search engine. Email us your post by clicking here. Then sit back and watch something very cool unfold as our FLASHERS reply.
I am hoping that there are FLASHERS who will know where there are Zumba classes offered in Vero. Please reply above if you can help suggest a spot.
Thank you, FLASHERS
Click here to tell us what you liked or didn't like in today's FLASH
or just to tell us how much you love Thursday mornings with FLASH!
Each month we will select a winner for our monthly give-away
It's much higher in protein, but you won't be able to tell the difference!
- 1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs
- 1/4 cup caster sugar
- 6 Tablespoons unsalted butter melted
- 1/2teaspoonground cinnamon
- 2 1/3 cups cottage cheese
- 1 cup Greek yogurt
- 2 large eggs
- 1/4 cup plus 1 tablespoon maple syrup
- 2 teaspoons all-purpose flour
- 1 tablespoon vanilla
In a large bowl, mix everything together.
Gently press the crust into the lined pan. I find it easiest to use a small piece of parchment paper to cover my fingers, and press down on the crust. Set aside.
In a food processor or blender on low speed, blend the cottage cheese and Greek yogurt together until it is smooth.
In a small bowl, beat the eggs together. Beat the eggs, maple syrup, vanilla and flour into the cottage cheese mixture.
Pour everything into the pan. Bake in the oven for about 1 hour, until the cheesecake is set.
The cheesecake is best chilled and topped with fresh berries.
Major Eric Flowers nationally recognized with
IACP 40 Under 40 Award
The Indian River County Sheriff's Office is pleased to announce that Major Eric Flowers has been named as one of this year's 40 Under 40 Awardees by the International Association of Chiefs of Police. Major Flowers (39) was selected from a competitive field of applicants representing law enforcement professionals throughout the world. He is the first member of a Florida sheriff's office to accomplish this prestigious honor. The award is designed to recognize those with the leadership skills and dedication necessary to lead law enforcement now and in the future. Major Flowers is joined by 39 other professionals under the age of 40 who represent their agencies from the United States, Canada, Columbia, the United Arab Emirates, Spain, India, and the Solomon Islands.
As graduate of the FBI National Academy Session 270, Leadership Florida Connect Class IX, and Leadership Indian River, Major Flowers has shown a passion for law enforcement leadership since his career began in 2003. A graduate of Sebastian River High School, Major Flowers was moved to serve his community after the attacks of September 11, 2001. During his career, Major Flowers has served the citizens of Indian River County as a patrol deputy, a field-training officer, S.W.A.T. team and honor guard member, undercover detective, detective sergeant, lieutenant of public affairs, Major of the Bureau of Administration and now in his current role as the Major of the Bureau of Law Enforcement. Additionally, he serves as the spokesperson and public information officer for the Indian River County Sheriff's Office and the County during times of emergency such as recent storms Matthew (2016), Irma (2017), and Dorian (2019).
As an undercover detective, Eric was appointed case agent in Operation Pill Street Blues (2011-2012), a year long, multi-agency, statewide investigation into pain management clinics. He worked with Statewide Prosecutors in Jacksonville, Miami, and West Palm Beach, all of whom offered praise for his abilities and professionalism and noted he was instrumental in the success of the case. His investigation concluded with 444 felony charges, the seizure of over $1million in assets, and the personal thanks of former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi.
Major Flowers has earned a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Stetson University, Masters of Science in Criminal Justice from the University of Central Florida, and is currently a Doctoral Candidate of Public Affairs at UCF completing his dissertation. Major Flowers serves as a Past President of the Board for SafeSpace, the Treasure Coast's only domestic violence shelter and outreach program. Eric also serves on the boards of United Way, Kids Tag Art, and the Senior Collaborative.
Since 2006, Indian River Symphonic Association has awarded over $160,000 in scholarships to graduating high school seniors majoring in music. Annually, IRSA awards individual students up to $10,000 through the Scholarship Foundation of Indian River County. This year IRSA also awarded grants totaling $11,000 directly to the following organizations: Gifford Youth Orchestra, all four Middle School Orchestras, Vero Beach and Charter High Schools Orchestras, and Sebastian River High School Band. To learn more about IRSA, visit
Pictured here receiving a check for Gifford Youth Orchestra: Jhovanny Vite, IRSA Treasurer Dave Johnson, Jada Powell, GYO Executive Director of Programs Iva Powell, GYO Co-Founder
and Artistic Director Dr. Crystal Bujol, IRSA Vice President Ed Shanaphy, and Isabella Cruz.