YOUR shoebox can change many lives!
Picture a child eagerly opening their box and learning that someone in this world cares about them! Someone took the
time to put in their shoebox exactly what they needed and wanted. That someone is YOU! God is waiting on us and
children are waiting on us. Please make the commitment to spread the word of the Lord to those who don’t know Him
yet. 500 boxes….That’s our goal! Think about it….500 children will learn about God’s love….500 families will be touched
by God’s love all because YOU packed a shoebox! Ask friends and other families to join YOU in packing shoeboxes!
Boxes are ready for you in the Narthex and by the alley door. They can be returned anytime through November 19th.
You can fill shoeboxes ONLINE! Use the QR code to the right to shop and fill shoeboxes from the comfort of your own home.
Reminder: We want YOUR family to become OCC Family ambassadors! Contact Duval Acker at 843-693-0690
duval.acker@carolinaone.com or Susan Prescott at
843-670-7847 or sgcprescott@gmail.com to find out dates
and to sign up your family.