Combined Adults - Bill and Tim's classes will be combined in the Kinloch Room (1st floor, Belser Bldg).
Join on Zoom each Sunday by clicking here. Or go to, enter Meeting ID 820 3090 2541 and passcode 123456. Here is the handout for June 18: Handout
Beginning June 11th, youth will meet in Room 201 at 10:00 am for a special new series with Dr. Sherif Yacoub!
Questions About Faith: A Summer Bible Study for High School/Middle School Students
During the summer, we will learn Biblical answers to modern questions confronting teenagers and young adults today, in an interactive, discussion-based format. Each episode will be a stand-alone session rather than a series, so it is perfectly OK to miss episodes if you are travelling.
The topic of each lesson will be communicated by text message to parents beforehand.
Examples of topics:
+ Faith and Science: enemies or friends?
+ The Biblical guide to starting and maintaining friendships
+ How does the Bible help us in our relationship with our parents?
+ Spiderman super powers and the gifts of the Holy Spirit: similarities and differences
+ What does the Bible say about self-esteem?
+ The Christian answer to the identity crisis
+ Money, career and the Spirit of God.