All you need to know for worship this Sunday can be found by clicking here to visit our Services Page.

You will also receive our usual Sunday morning livestream email which will now include all direct links to bulletins, handouts, and live-streams.

To tithe online, click here to go to the Giving page.

Welcome Home Matthew!

Matthew Wilkinson begins as our Director of Music this Sunday September 3rd! The 9am band will be back as will the 11am choir. 

Matthew and his bride Melanie went to Germany four years ago to pursue several more degrees in music. Along the way they even welcomed their first child Annika! 

As Matthew returns, he will be assisted by our wonderful and faithful Ann Hood. This week I sat down to hear more about Matthew’s four years of travel including his spiritual journey along the way. We also talked about the exciting new music partnership with Matthew and Ann. Pull up a chair and take a listen!

Matthew & Al Video


Adults - with Bill Hyer in the Kinloch Room (1st floor, Belser Bldg). Join on Zoom each Sunday by clicking here. Or go to, enter Meeting ID 820 3090 2541 and passcode 123456. Handout for 9-3-23


Sunday, September 3 at 10:00 am

Go to the appropriate classrooms to meet our teachers and learn about this year's program.

K5-1st grade The Gospel Corner

2nd-3rd grade Room 203

4th-5th grade Room 204

Youth Open House in The Chapel

Meet Will Kendrick and learn more about youth Sunday School, youth group, and confirmation.


Noah's Nursery

Available for ages 6 weeks to 23 months from 8:45 am to 12:15 pm.

Gospel Corner

Available for ages 2 - 4 years from 8:45 am to 12:15 pm.


All children aged kindergarten through fifth grade at the 9:00 am and 11:00 am services are welcome to process out behind the cross to the Kinloch Room for teaching, and return at the Peace.

Not getting our weekly Family Newsletter? Click here to subscribe!

Learn more about what is happening at St. Michael's on our Event Page!

Sign-up for any upcoming events on our Sign Up page.

Need tips on navigating our website? Find them here!

David: A Legacy That Echoes

Our Wednesday class on the legacy of David begins on September 13 at 6:30 pm, continuing until November 15.

You can order your study guide from Amazon at this link:

David on Amazon


Want to join a life group, Bible study, or simply get more involved in our church? Scroll though our Members page to find many opportunities and contact information for ministry leaders in the congregation.

Click here to get started!


Interested in Mission at St. Michael's click here to go to our Missions Page!

Click here to view the August Newsletter from our Missions Task Force.


School supply sales abound during August! Take advantage of those sales for YOUR shoebox child. Every child needs pencil/pencil sharpeners and erasers, crayons/markers/colored pencils, pens (red, and black) and paper – loose, spiral or composition notebooks.

Reminder: We want YOUR family to become OCC Family ambassadors! Contact Duval Acker at 843-693-0690 or Susan Prescott at

843-670-7847 or to find out dates

and to sign up your family.


Do you know someone who needs an uplifting note, a meal, an encouraging phone call, or financial assistance? If so, please let David Richardson and the Congregational Care task force know. Email them at

Click here to read the Congregational Care August newsletter.

Check out other opportunities to CARE for each other! Visit

Please continue your tithes and offerings. 

We have four ways to give: 

  • Mail a check to the church at 71 Broad Street, Charleston, SC 29401
  • Go on our website and give electronically (click on Giving tab)
  • Text VENMO to 843-258-4445
  • Drop it in the collection basket in church

What do bequests, life insurance gifts, charitable gift annuities, and charitable remainder trusts have in common?  They are ways you can pass on your Christian Heritage, Faith, and Love for St. Michael’s Church.  To learn more, contact Logan Bryan at 843-251-8645 and

We don't want to lose track of you!

If you move, get a new phone number or email address,

PLEASE send your new contact information to the office.

We don't want you to miss out on anything!


Phone: 843-723-0603

St. Michael's Church

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