All you need to know for worship this Sunday can be found by clicking here to visit our Services Page.

You will also receive our usual Sunday morning livestream email which will now include all direct links to bulletins, handouts, and live-streams.

To tithe online, click here to go to the Giving page.

Sundays at 10:00 am


K5-2nd grade Room 204

3rd-5th grade Room 203

Youth 6th - 12th grades

Meet with Will Kendrick in Room 201

Adult Sunday School class with Bill Hyer is in the Kinloch Room (1st floor, Belser Bldg). Topic: Lord, Teach Us to Pray. 10-8-23 Handout


Parents Sunday School class is in The Chapel.


Noah's Nursery

Available for ages 6 weeks to 23 months from 8:45 am to 12:15 pm.

Gospel Corner

Available for ages 2 - 4 years from 8:45 am to 12:15 pm.


All children aged kindergarten through fifth grade at the 9:00 am and 11:00 am services are welcome to process out behind the cross to the Kinloch Room for teaching, and return at the Peace.

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Learn more about what is happening at St. Michael's on our Event Page!

Sign-up for any upcoming events on our Sign Up page.

Need tips on navigating our website? Find them here!

Check out our Super Wednesday webpage for information on all of our fall offerings!


Want to join a life group, Bible study, or simply get more involved in our church? Scroll though our Members page to find many opportunities and contact information for ministry leaders in the congregation.

Click here to get started!


Interested in Mission at St. Michael's click here to go to our Missions Page!

Click here to view the September Newsletter from our Missions Task Force.

Prayers for Maine
Dear St. Michaelites, Lewiston Maine, was the site for a mass shooting - today 22 are reported decesased. Lewiston is a neighboring community of our Mission Partners in Portland, Maine: the Rev. Dan Wolf. Hurting Coast Chair, Sherrie Driver, contacted Dan asking how St. Michael's might pray for his church family and community. Below is a response from Dan. Please share the prayers. Blessings, Jean Corbett
Thank you for your prayers. It's been a very heavy last 24 hours. We learned a few hours ago that our friend Ron, who came to Alpha last year and had his life transformed by the Holy Spirit and now serves as a leader, had three friends killed last night. The Director of a non-profit Ron works closely with was at the bowling alley and used his body as a human shield to protect 20-30 teenagers to get them to safety. He is in critical condition at the hospital. Pray for his healing. And pray they arrest the shooter who is still at large as of now. Finally, pray for the comforting, powerful, gentle presence of the Holy Spirit. We have our Alpha weekend this weekend and for sweet worship on Sunday as we lament and pray for our friends and state.  Thanks for praying, it means so much. Dan
Father, Today as a church we lament and pray for all those who have died and are wounded by the gunman in our neighboring community of Lewiston. Father God, be with all the families and friends who are in shock and mourning the death of one of your beloved creations. Jesus, have mercy on our state and all the towns and cities within Maine. Execute swift justice for this man who has killed those made in your image. Holy Spirit, our great counselor and comforter, help us. Give our church and all churches and Christians throughout Maine wisdom and discernment on how to bless and love those in our communities who are grieving. Help us be bold to give an account for the hope that is within us. Jesus, fill all government officials, law enforcement, paramedics, doctors, nurses, churches, teachers, parents, volunteers to be instruments of your justice, peace, healing, and mercy. Jesus, please return soon to wipe every tear from our eyes and make all things new. Amen.

Donations for Local Mission Partners

THANK YOU!!! for all of your generous donations of food, clothing, and paper bags over the past few years. The Holy City committee of the Mission Task Force has decided to focus on ONE local mission partner each month. Please bring ONLY what is requested. We are no longer accepting donations of clothes or paper bags. Please drop off donations on the table in the Kinloch Room.

October 16 - November 19 Hope Scholars Academy

Food donations to help with meals for students andteachers.


Do you know someone who needs an uplifting note, a meal, an encouraging phone call, or financial assistance? If so, please let David Richardson and the Congregational Care task force know. Email them at

Click here to read the Congregational Care September newsletter. This month shines a spotlight on Dr. Hugh Wilson!

Check out other opportunities to CARE for each other! Visit

Please continue your tithes and offerings. 

We have three ways to give: 

  • Mail a check to the church at 71 Broad Street, Charleston, SC 29401
  • Go on our website and give electronically (click on Giving tab)
  • Drop it in the collection basket in church

Where there is a will, there is a way to be an angel for St. Michael’s Church.        

 Please remember our endowment in your will. Your lawyer can add a simple

 inexpensive amendment (codicil) to your existing will or trust. To find out more,    

 contact Logan Bryan at 843-251-8645 and

We don't want to lose track of you!

If you move, get a new phone number or email address,

PLEASE send your new contact information to the office.

We don't want you to miss out on anything!


Phone: 843-723-0603

St. Michael's Church

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