Friday, January 31, 2025

Trinity Episcopal Church

The Sunday's Bulletins and livestream links are near the bottom of the email!

NEW VESTRY MEMBERS & OFFICERS: We give thanks to all who accepted nominations and ran for vestry this year and we celebrate the election and appointments of Robert Anderson, Mary Keath and John Lidstrom as new vestry members and the appointments of Adrienne Garrison (Senior Warden), Tom Lowery (Junior Warden) and Lauren Thomas (Vestry Clerk), as well as the willingness of Drew Snyder to continue as our Treasurer.


Are you interested in taking on a role as Eucharistic Minister, Lector and/or Usher OR do you currently serve? We hope all current and prospective liturgical leaders will join us on Sunday, February 16th at 9am in St Helens Hall (between services). We are seeking more participation to fill the needs for both of our Sunday services. Scheduling is done quarterly so Joan can try to accommodate everyone’s Schedule.

Contact Joan Wellman or Elizabeth WJ+. 

“OFFICE HOURS” for our Care Specialist: To enhance accessibility, Jeanne Merritt, parishioner and representative of Bend Senior Care, offers “office hours” in the Trinity Chapel every Wednesday from 10 - 11 AM. If you, a family member, or a friend have questions about aging or find yourself facing age-related challenges, feel free to stop by the chapel or call the church at that time.

This week Services

Holy Eucharist 8 AM, Trinity

Holy Eucharist 10 AM, St. Helens

Godly Play 10 AM, Fireside

Coffee Hour 11:15 AM, Brooks Hall

The service is livestreamed for those unable to attend.

You will find our Youtube page HERE.

The link for the YouTube livestream for this Sunday is:

Click the link here

The Worship Booklet for 10 AM Service: (Click HERE)

Use the link below to submit a prayer request, please get the person's permission before adding them.

Trinity Prayer Requests

The January issue of the Trinity Trumpet is available.

Click the link below to view.

The Trinity Trumpet Pg 1-7
The Trinity Trumpet Pg 8-13

  Prayer Requests, Pastoral Care & Community Resources

Prayer Requests may be submitted by writing names and information on the Prayer Request sheet at the entrance of the church OR CONTACT Kelly in the parish office, 541-382-5542, Please, know that we honor people’s privacy. Thus, please, ask permission to add people to the public prayer list by name. If folks prefer not to be named aloud publicly, they may be added to the intercessory prayer list and will be kept confidential. Or they may be added by first name only with no specific requests said aloud.

For Pastoral Care visits or meals, if you are ill or going to be hospitalized, CONTACT Pat Croll, Chair of our Pastoral Care Team.

For Eucharistic Visits, if you are unable to attend church in person on regular basis and desire Home Communion, CONTACT Mary Keath, chair of our Lay Eucharistic Visitor Team.

For Community Resources on age-related issues, moving, long-term insurance, caregiving, etc. CONTACT our Care Specialist Jeanne Merritt, 541-782-8377 or Kelly in the parish office, 541-382-5542,


We remind you that nobody at church – whether clergy or another member – will send vague emails or text messages, asking you to contact them and/or asking you to buy gift cards for them. Please do not open them or reply. If you ever receive something that seems suspicious, act on your suspicions and call the office.
Visit TrinityBend.Org