Greetings and a Pastoral Note

Dear Friends,

At times of national chaos and local heartbreak in Minneapolis, Louisville, New York and so many other parts of this country, it makes it even more painful to be separated physically from one another.  Lucy and I miss you, but we feel your deep-hearted love, and we hear your longing for justice and safety for all.  

The culture and patterns of racial domination have brought new images to the fore--the horrific and cruel act of a police officer choking George Floyd until he died. He had been handcuffed for suspicion of passing a counterfeit $20 bill. This was days after Louisville police burst into the apartment of Breonna Taylor and shot her 8 times.  

Breonna was 26, an EMT and aspiring nurse.  "Big George" was 46.  He had moved from Houston to Minneapolis in 2018 for a job and took with him his outreach ministry as a devout Christian and African American mentor and leader for peace.  Each of their killings is a loss to their family, community and the nation. The violent crime against them is another example of how black and brown people are not safe in this country.  

In Sacramento and across the country, rallies of mostly masked citizens of color and white allies have raised the demand for justice, for equity and for humanity for black lives.   Some in the news have focused on the property damage in Minnesota, which is regrettable.  Yet the angry and anguished protesters for racial justice there and elsewhere were overwhelmingly non-violent--i.e., unarmed.  Yet in recent weeks angry opponents of shelter-in-place rules have protested at state capitols around the country not only without masks and in close contact with others, but with many of the protesting white men brandishing semi-automatic rifle.  I wouldn't call this a protest but domestic terrorism.  

These are dangerous and scary times for those who seek peace, love democracy, and long for justice, freedom and safety.  Unfortunately, for most black and brown people in the country, the time have always been dangerous. Lucy and I appreciate the calls and messages we have received from many of you and the Facebook posts we've read.  We appreciate the continuing sense of fear and betrayal among our members and neighbors of color--and your courage.  We appreciate those among you who have children, grandchildren, or students of color and who fear for their safety now and in the future.  We appreciate the anguish of everyone and the willingness of our white members and neighbors to not seek easy answers, but to remain in the discomfort of this moment and to insist on justice in this land.  We appreciate the prayers of lamentation and those for consolation for all who are grieving.  For additional reading and additional action:   

Please know that Rev. Lucy and I are both available for one-on-one meetings to talk about what's on your mind, or just to say hello.  
In these times, we miss you and hold you in our hearts, as we know you hold so much in yours.  

Yours in faith,
Rev. Roger

PS--As always, one of the ways we find strength in times of crisis is by coming together.  So we invite you to participate in the many programs of the congregation, featured below.

Join Our Services Online 
Sundays at 11:00 a.m.
Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m.  
Info on phone or Zoom links here.
Sunday May 31 at 11:00:  
We Shall Be Known. For the past year we have been singing this song by the group Ma Muse.   This Sunday Rev. Lucy will reflect on the lyrics of this song and share how we can thrive in "this great turning."  With Rev. Roger, Worship Associate Frances Myers, music by Irina  Tchantceva and Cynthia Davis.   Taylor Lewis will introduce youth Toby Olson, who will present his Credo statement from our Coming of Age program. Toby is the child of David Olson and Karen Hirsch and grandchild of Kathy Olson and Jane and Tom Hiltunen--all UUSS members!
Until Sunday, enjoy this recording of Ma Muse singing their song.  

Tuesday June 2 at 7:00:    
with Rev. Lucy,  Fred Best Worship Associate, 
music by  Irina Tchantceva
Thresholds are places in between where you have been and where you are going.  As we take tentative steps out of our "sheltering in place" we will consider the rewards of the time in between and the challenges of stepping out.  

Sunday service includes all the familiar components and faces. Plus a coffee hub after the service where you can spend fifteen minutes seeing and talking with old and new friends.  

We invite you to be an on-screen chalice lighter at a Sunday service. 
  If any of you have a home chalice or candle, we welcome you to light it for all of us at the beginning of the service.  All you have to do is sign-up  and we will Zoom you into the service as our official chalice lighters for the morning's service.   We hope to see more beloved and familiar faces. 

Tuesday Vespers (evening service) is a shorter and more casual. At the start, you are invited to "Greet Your Neighbors!"--post your greetings in the chat box. At the end, you are invited to open video cameras wave to one another and call out greetings.
Visit another UU congregation 
Need an extra UU boost during the week? Most UU congregations are meeting online, and many have recorded services available on their web sites.  You can also check out the Church of the Larger Fellowship. This is  a UU church online for those around the world who do not have a local congregation. (It started in the 1940s as a Unitarian church by mail!) CLF has been offering online worship services for 10 years, so they  must be doing something right.   Live stream Sunday at 5 PM.       Access here.  

Religious Education!
This Sunday
Ms. Miranda returns to Spirit Play!  Join our RE Coordinator at 9:30 every Sunday for our time of connection, a story, wondering, and ritual to celebrate our UU values and UUSS covenant.  Open to kids grades 5-K and their families.  While she took some time off, I was one of the lucky substitutes in Spirit Play, and it was one wild 30-minute ride of energy!  I loved it and appreciated the depth of community that is continuing even online.  Email [email protected] to get the link to this special Zoom room for RE.

Youth Groups-- We have wonderful teams of adult leaders for our youth in grades 6-7-8 (Junior High Youth Group, twice a month on Sunday afternoons) and in grades 9 to 12 (Senior High Youth group, every Sunday evening.  Please email [email protected] to get the links.
Coming of Age
For the next few Sundays, our 11:00 service will feature presentation of the Credo Statements (beliefs, questions, commitments,and values) of one or two of our Coming of Age youth, each one introduced by their UUSS mentor.    For the past 8 months, Janet Lopes has led a group of UUSS youth in a special program to invite them to reflect on values, ethics, community, and what it means to be a person in a liberal religion and to be part of UUSS.  Each youth has had an adult mentor from the congregation for this monthly program. Our youth attended three district-wide retreats with CoA youth from three other UU congregations. It's been a joy to be part of it!  -Rev. Roger
Adult Enrichment: Classes and Gatherings
Exploring Unitarian Universalism 
at 7:00 PM every Wednesday
For newcomers as well as long-term UUs come join your ministers to learn about various aspects of Unitarian Universalism. 
  • Wednesday, June 3: Rev. Roger will continue the conversation about UU history, focusing on religious Humanism in the Unitarian movement in the past 100 years. In the Zoom stream.
  • Special guest presenter Wednesday, June 10: Roger hosts Rev. Dr. Jay Atkinson for a talk and discussion, "Living Agnostically."  This program is sponsored by UUSS Adult Enrichment. In the Zoom stream Read more about the program here.

Reading & Responding to Poetry: 1st & 3rd Mondays 10 AM.  
June 1 in the Zoom stream.  Longtime UUSS member and Sacramento poet JoAnn Anglin facilitates the practice of reading and reflecting on a poem and lines of poetry. With her broad knowledge of all kinds of poets, JoAnn selects a new poem to share each time.    Find out the poem here!
Mindfulness Practices: 
2nd and 4th Mondays 6:00-6:30 PM 
Starts June 8-- Longtime UU and credentialed mindfulness instructor Ann Kronser offers meditation and exercises to invite mindfulness and presence. Each session will be 30 minutes long.  In the Zoom stream.
Theology on Tap every  Friday evening  at 7:00   Bring a beverage of choice (from your own fridge) in the room of your choice (in your own place) and join in thoughtful community conversation. Zoom link here..

Interplay   Saturday at 10:30 2nd and 4th weeks -  Get your stress out and your joy in! Join Rev.Lucy and friends for movement, stillness, storytelling, and laughter. Try it, you'll love it. Next session June 13.  Zoom link here.

Virtual Flower Communion 
with Real Flowers and Real Faces 
On June 7 we celebrate the Czech Unitarian Flower Communion.  Will you help us do this online?

Please take a digital picture of yourself or of the whole family offering a flower or a bunch of them to the viewer.  Send it in! Then  Krystal will make a colorful collage of our faces and our blooms to show during the June 7 Sunday Service online.  Deadline for submission is Monday, June 1.

If you don't have a camera or can't figure out a way to get a picture taken of yourself, let us know.  Somebody from our team of errand-running volunteers can don a mask, drive over, and take your picture from a safe distance as you greet them with your flowers at your door.  No flowers?  Let us know that, and we'll bring some to you. 

All are invited to participate as we come together to brighten our lives.
Pledge Campaign Comes to an End Tomorrow
Help Us Make it a Complete Successful One!
Our annual stewardship campaign comes to an end on May 31. There are 54 member/friend current pledges still outstanding for 2020-21. We would love the hear from you. 

These are uncertain times, to say the least. We know some people in our community are uncertain about their sources of income in the coming fiscal year. Others among us may be fairly confident about their sources.  We've been gratified to receive first-time pledges from several newer UUSS folks.

Please remember that a pledge can be revised during the year, either down or up, if circumstances change. Please know that your support makes a difference at every level.

If you are in financial difficulty, let the ministers know so they can provide support. 

If you are able, please make your own pledge today.
At this page,
you can print out a pledge form and mail it:

UUSS, 2425 Sierra Blvd, Sacramento CA 95825
Or you could email our bookkeeper [email protected] letting her know the amount you would like to pledge for 2020-21. Thank you!
Stay in touch with your ministers!
Rev. Dr. Roger and Rev. Lucy are both available for pastoral visits, answering your questions, or just saying hi. Contact  Rev. Roger or check out  Rev. Lucy's calendar.
Open House
Friday mornings at 10:30 Drop in to chat with one of your ministers and whoever else shows up. All ages welcome! In the Zoom stream.  (Today we had a group of 8.)
Our Community Partner for May
Sacramento ACT--Area Congregations Together
Every month, UUSS gives away half of the offering receipts to an organization doing important work in the larger community.   
In May our partner is Sacramento ACT (Area Congregations Together), which acts for structural social change.  UUSS is a member organization and the host for ACT's Environmental Justice Committee, which has been active with neighboring congregations in Arden Arcade.  Read more here about ACT

You may support the shared offering by PayPal: 
Call or email Michele to ask her to charge your credit card, or mail a check to UUSS, 2425 Sierra Blvd., Sacramento 95825, with "offering" in the memo. 
Now you may donate by text!  Just type in the amount of your gift (no dollar sign) to 855-935-2216. There is an initial setup time, but after that the giving is easy.  
Thank you for your generosity.  It's inspiring!
UUSS Mission
We come together to deepen our lives and be a force for healing in the world.