Trainings @ Community Boards
Belonging & Connecting Conversations
for Peacebuilding
with Brooke Deterline & Donald Proby
Online: Sunday, December 6, 10:00am-2:00pm PST
MCLE: This course is approved by the State Bar of California for 4 credits for the Recognition and Elimination of Bias in the Legal Profession and Society (provider #9323).
Learn skills and capacities that help create and maintain spaces for belonging for self and others.

Belonging & Connecting Conversations for Peacebuilding develops a shared language and understanding about how challenging situations unwittingly affect behavior and impact values and effectiveness. Participants learn tools for more compassionate and constructive dialogue and increased motivation for collaboration across difference.

This highly-interactive workshop builds understanding, compassion, and cultural humility. We build empowerment through vulnerability and embodiment to support connecting conversations and lasting relationships that reflect the core values of empathy, multiculturalism and social justice. Utilizing frameworks, participants will explore practical methods for cultivating dialogues that bridge divisions, build peace and heal hearts.

Utilizing frameworks, participants will explore practical methods for cultivating dialogues that bridge divisions, build peace, and heal hearts. Participants will learn:
  • How challenging situations can easily affect any and all of us to think and act in ways counter to our values and wisdom.
  • The social science foundation for greater openness and curiosity of different perspectives and backgrounds, moving beyond “either/or thinking” or divisive frameworks, in order to see greater complexity and possibilities.
  • Tools from compassion research to support participants to move from fear, shame, and/or anger to care, curiosity, and motivation.
  • Immediately accessible tools for more thoughtful and constructive dialogue across difference to create more equitable relationships and systems, and at the same time, increase motivation to engage and collaborate to bridge divides and expand a sense of “We.”
Brooke Deterline
As CEO of Courageous Leadership, LLC, Brooke Deterline and her colleagues help boards, executives, and teams develop the understanding and skills to act with ethical courage and ingenuity to overcome complex and challenging social and business issues. Building on her experiences as the founding Corporate Director for the Heroic Imagination Project with Phil Zimbardo, she combines social and cognitive psychology and a strategic focus with a passion for equitable, empowering relationships and systems and positive societal impact. Visit Brookes’s website:
Donald Proby
Donald Proby is a peacebuilder, lead trainer for the Community Boards Mediation courses, The Basics of Mediation and Beyond the Basics and Consultant Director for the Office of Mediation, Coaching, Ombuds, and Support Services (OMCOSS) for Brigham and Women’s Health. Donald has worked as a conflict transformation practitioner, mediator, leadership development educator, and facilitator of adult learning and transformative pedagogies since the 1980s. His work is firmly situated within the scope of restorative practices. He facilitates collaborative endeavors that are approached with mindfulness and appreciative action to support diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging at all levels of engagement. Donald embraces the acceptance and exploration of multiple intelligences as generative approaches to efficacy within and across work teams. Visit Donald’s LinkedIn page:
  • Date & Time: Sunday, December 6 | 10:00am-2:00pm, Pacific Standard Time
  • Cost: CB Members, $100 | Public, $125 | Other, $75*
  • Location: Online via Zoom
*If you do not currently have the financial resources due the COVID19 crisis, you may opt for Other, $75.
Karen H. Lipney, ADR Programs Director
(415) 920-3820 | [email protected]