The OneHitAway Foundation's
Recipient Newsletter!!

     Over the past two plus years the OneHitAway Foundation has been privileged to assist over 100 individuals (Recipients) with their journey of brain healing and brain health.  Since the journey of brain healing may be challenging and requires energy and a dedicated plan, we will always remain passionate and timely with helpful updates and communication.  Everyone within the OneHitAway village is dedicated to you, "The Recipient".

Enjoy The First "Recipient Only" Newsletter.  

We are here for you and your journey with brain healing and continued brain health. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us for further support and guidance. 

     Our brain is a three-pound supercomputer that is the command center for our body.  As humans, we all start our journey with a healthy brain and there are two factors that define its course: how we injure it and how we heal it.  One vital initial step in healing the brain and keeping a brain healthy, is adopting a “good brain food” nutrition strategy.

     The average brain uses 15% of the body’s blood, 20% of the body’s oxygen and 25% of the body’s daily caloric intake.  These percentages increase dramatically as a result of the immediate inflammatory and metabolic responses from a concussion.  Nourishing your brain with “good brain food” and hydration before, during and after sub-concussions and concussions is vital for brain healing and ongoing brain health. 

     View, Listen and Read reminders (TV, Audio and Written) below that will guide you through these and other needs for properly nourishing your brain.  

For more information please feel contact us or to visit the OneHitAway Website.

View (Click on the TV) this Short TV Nutrition Snippet from
The Co-Founder of  OneHitAway Foundation. 

        OneHitAway Understands Your Brain Can Change Your Game

We all are exceptional people with an exceptional brain.
Tap here to Listen to this 3-minute audio from Dr. Kevin Elko (OneHitAway Advisory Council Member) on the Exceptional Mind!

Daily water intake should be equivalent to half your bodyweight in ounces. Drink a full 8 ounces of water upon waking up and another before going to bed. Drink the remaining amount  throughout the day. 

Our brain needs hydration to function correctly. Water provides fuel for many of your brain processes.

Hydration can reduce many, if not all of your symptoms - it will help prevent you from confusing dehydration symptoms with those caused by a concussion 

Without adequate hydration, your brain’s cognitive reserve becomes impaired or weakened and your brain is more susceptible to additional injuries and fatigue.

Do Not Drink caffeinated beverages including soda, coffee, energy drinks, and any teas other than green tea. 

Do Not Drink lemonade and sugar-infused fruit juices or any alcohol.


The Do's of Nutrition

Eat 5 to 6 small, frequent meals throughout the day to help stabilize your blood sugar and your mood. 

Eat real, organic, whole, unprocessed, natural foods that are free from hormones, antibiotics, and pesticides.

Eat at least 3 servings of fruit and 7 servings of vegetables (preferably raw) each day.

Limit animal-based proteins to 5-10% of your diet. Eat nuts, seeds, legumes, and soy or tofu to meet your protein intake.

Increase Healthy Fats: Your brain is 60% fat when all the water is removed. Give your body a healthy fat serving 4-5 times per day. Sources of healthy fats include: nuts, nut butters, avocado, oils, seeds, coconut and omega rich seafood. 

Use food as medicine and get some of your Omega 3 Fatty Acids from salmon, sardines, flaxseed, or walnuts.

Choose Alkaline foods.

Add purified, certified healing supplements to your nutrition regimen, including...
Daily multivitamin
Fish Oil 
Curcumin or turmeric extract
Green tea extract

Do Not Eat more than minimal amounts of foods that contain gluten or casein, such as wheat and dairy.
Do Not Eat refined sugar, high fructose corn syrup, trans fats, or simple or refined carbohydrates.
Do Not Smoke or do drugs of any kind, other than medications or medical therapies that have been prescribed by your doctor.       
Do Not E at processed, junk or fried foods.    

Exercise (walking, biking, treadmill, precor, etc) 

Daily exercises that include changes in scenery are good. Workouts that involve interacting with other people are also good. An exercise class might be better than working out alone.  The less "boring" or automatic the exercise is, the better it probably is for your brain! But don't get the wrong idea, any kind of exercise is better than none at all.

Here's what happens in your brain with exercise.

Researchers are finding that exercise increases blood flow to your brain. Exercise improves blood flow to your brain, which could make you think faster, more clearly, and longer. It could make it easier to remember things. 

Exercise may help increase how active or excited your nerves are. When nerves in the brain are active, they use up the energy sources that are stored in the brain. The brain then demands new energy - in the form of more blood, which is the brain's "power source."

Exercise affects chemicals in your brain called neurotransmitters. Think of neurotransmitters as "transmission fluid" for your nerves. This fluid surrounds the nerves in your brain.  It helps the impulses jump from one nerve to the next. In the end, it helps messages get where they are going quickly and correctly. This can improve the speed at which you can think and process information. It can also help improve mood and memory.

Exercise may improve brain "plasticity." This is the brain's ability to change, and repair itself after damage. It makes sense that if you have had damage to your brain, having more plasticity would be a very good thing.

Scientists believe that exercise changes your brain physically. It causes more blood vessels to be formed, and it causes them to be laid down close to one another.  More blood vessels means more blood, and that more blood means better nutrition. All this adds up to better brain function. Because these new blood vessels tend to be very close to one another, it means that more areas of the brain are getting better nutrition.

Exercise forces you to stay focused and concentrate on what you're doing. It's possible that improved focusing and concentrating continue after you have stopped your workout

Try learning new activities (puzzles, reading, painting, music, etc.) to strengthen your cognitive reserve.

Do Not participate in high-intensity physical and mental exertion. 
Do Not let your brain be idle.  
Do Not be sedentary watching television, texting. Using electronic devices will not improve your brain health as much as activities that cultivate cognitive and physical development. 
Do Not allow yourself to think negative thoughts.

Balance Your Brain

Implement mindfulness-based stress reduction activities.

Take low-intensity walks if you can do so without exacerbating your symptoms.

 H ere are simple stress reduction techniques you can do...

Find a quiet place and sit comfortably or lie flat on your back. Place you hands on your
belly and focus your attention on your breathing.

Breathe through your diaphragm by expanding your belly with each breath instead of your chest. Inhale evenly through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

Meditate for 15-20 minutes 3-5 times each day, ensuring that your total daily meditation time totals at least 1 hour.

Clear all busyness from your mind and focus on positivity, healing, and cognitive restoration.  Do this exercise for 5-10 minutes, 3 times a day. 

Focus on positive thoughts and the outcomes they bring.  
Brain Breakfast - Golden Milk Chia Seed Pudding
Yields 2 servings  /  Ingredients
1 cup full-fat canned coconut milk
4 Tbsp chia seeds
1 Tbsp fresh turmeric
1/2 tsp fresh ginger
1/4 tsp black pepper
1/2 tsp  cinnamon
1/4 tsp cardamom
Shredded coconut for topping (optional)
Fresh blueberries for topping (optional)

1. Blend coconut milk, turmeric, ginger, pepper, cinnamon, and cardamom in a vitamix or other high-speed blender until combined thoroughly.
2. Combine coconut milk mixture with chia seeds and stevia in a bowl.
3. Stir until chia seeds are distributed evenly.
4. Pour into two glass jars and refrigerate overnight
- From Jaime Lindauer - OneHitAway Board  Member -
  If you are considering treatments with other brain healing modalities and want to discuss in more detail, please feel free to contact us anytime. 
Nothing is insignificant in terms of your brain healing. OneHitAway is dedicated to your brain healing journey and continued brain health.  
You Can Have A Better Brain!
PLEASE NOTE: Nothing in this newsletter is or may be construed as medical advice of any kind as explained in the Medical Disclaimer section of One   Hit   Away Foundation's website at    to which we direct you. We are not doctors, therapists, or healthcare providers.  We act only as a source of information that you may choose to use in seeking actual heath care services from licensed health care providers.©