Hello Michael,

We have a HUGE problem on our hands...

Despite Republican majorities in both the Florida House and Senate, and Republican Governor Ron DeSantis, our election laws still fail to secure the ballot box!

They've even written into law that our Secretary of State can share YOUR voter information with nongovernmental agencies. Unbelievable, isn't it?

According to Florida Statute 98.075, the Florida Department of State is permitted to become a member of a nongovernmental entity whose sole purpose is to share and exchange voter registration information.


America First Republicans are in a fight to secure the ballot box!

I promise you this - when I'm elected as your State Representative for Florida House District 26, we're going to put an end to this madness. Together, we will secure our elections and restore integrity like never before.

I have a plan:

  1. We’re going to ban the outsourcing of voter roll management - it stays at home!
  2. No more outsourcing of ballot printing - reduce potential fraud IMMEDIATELY!
  3. We’re putting an end to the outsourcing of ballot mailing - we handle our own mail!
  4. We’re taking charge of polling station management - no more outsiders!
  5. We're stopping the Supervisors of Elections from wasting taxpayer money on nongovernmental organizations - that's OUR money!
  6. We'll propose legislation that specifies the exact sources of income from which Supervisors of Elections can receive money - no more corrupt deals!

I need your help to win this important race. Please join me in securing Florida's elections and setting an example for the entire country. Please support my campaign. I will do everything I can to give you your country back.

Donate $20.24 >>>

Donate $50 >>>

Donate $100 >>>

Donate $250 >>>

Donate $500 >>>

Donate $1,000 >>>

Donate ANY Amount to SAVE FLORIDA >>>

This is not a partisan issue; it's about preserving the very foundation of our Constitutional Republic and defending the founding principles of this nation.

Together, we'll ensure that YOUR rights, YOUR freedoms, and YOUR votes are protected. It's time to fight back, and I need your support. Let's get out there and Make Florida Elections Great Again!

For Florida,

Mike Levine

Candidate for State Representative

Florida House District 26