May 10, 2023

River Road-Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan:

Final Phase Engagement Opportunities

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This is it! Neighborhood Planning Enters the Final Phase

After five phases and countless volunteer and staff hours, neighborhood planning has entered the final phase – Adoption! After years of gathering community input for the visions, goals, and policies in the Neighborhood Plan, the Community Advisory Committee is ready to present the draft Neighborhood Plan back to the neighbors who inspired it.

We are looking for your feedback on how well the Neighborhood Plan captures your community vision and priorities. The documents proposed for adoption or approval by the City Council and Board of Commissioners include:

  • Draft Neighborhood Plan: The Neighborhood Plan focuses on Economic Development, Transportation, Parks and Natural Resources, Land Use, and Community. Each topic area includes a vision statement, goals, and policies.
  • Draft Action Plan: The Action Plan includes community identified actions that are possible strategies to implement the adopted policies in the Neighborhood Plan. The Action Plan will guide implementation of the Neighborhood Plan incrementally over the long-term and will require continued coordination between the City, County, River Road and Santa Clara communities, and other community partners, as well as advocacy for additional resources.
  • Draft Neighborhood Code Amendments (Summary or Full Text): This set of proposed code changes amends the Low Density Residential (R-1) and Community Commercial (C-2) zones to incorporate the most critical items originally included in the Draft River Road Corridor Code and important to the neighborhoods. This includes building height limits, expanding farm sales opportunities, prohibiting or limiting certain auto-oriented uses, and adding transition standards between commercial and residential zones.

Share Your Feedback

The Community Advisory Committee wants your feedback to inform their recommendation on the final draft plan documents and code amendments before they go to decision makers. Join an upcoming meeting or share your thoughts, questions, and ideas for improvement.

LEARN about the plan and ask questions at the Virtual Info Sessions. Register using the links below.

DISCUSS the plan with neighbors at a Community Meeting at North Eugene High School on Thursday, May 25 from 5:30 - 7:30 PM. Let us know you're coming using this link.

Let us know you’re attending an engagement event or give feedback by visiting

Community input will help inform recommendations from the River Road and Santa Clara Community Organizations and the CAC, which will be shared with the Eugene and Lane County Planning Commissions. The formal adoption process will include work sessions and public hearings with both Planning Commissions, who will each form recommendations to City Council and the Lane County Board of Commissioners. The Council and Board will then hold their own public hearings, deliberate and take action on the plan.

Meeting Toolkit

Are you excited about advancing the projects and priorities of the Neighborhood Plan? Bring together a group of friends, family, and neighbors to talk about the neighborhood vision and priorities! You can use our meeting toolkit to guide a discussion and provide your feedback on the final draft plan and next steps for project implementation. Request a Community Advisory Committee member to come to your meeting!

Download the Meeting Toolkit here.

Next Steps and Project Timeline

With community feedback starting to roll in, here is what comes next in the adoption process:

  • May 23, 2023: Eugene Planning Commission Work Session (information sharing only, no decision-making) Check Engage Eugene for the latest meeting information!
  • June – July 2023: Community Advisory Committee and Community Organization recommendations
  • Fall 2023: City and County Planning Commissions public hearings and deliberations
  • Winter 2024: City Council and Board of Commissioners public hearings, deliberations, and actions

Stay involved through the adoption process and into implementation:

  • Participate in a public hearing and provide your testimony on the final neighborhood plan documents as they are presented to the Planning Commissions, City Council, and Board of Commissioners
  • Get involved in your community organization for a variety of volunteer opportunities
  • Advocate to elected officials for implementation of what’s important to you
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