This is why Republicans lost...

We don't have a message EXCEPT vitriol...

We have all of the puzzle pieces to create an epic story to present to the American people of who we are, of how far we've fallen under the Biden Administration, and what is needed to get us back on track. Unfortunately, during the midterm elections what we witnessed instead are Republicans utter lack of commitment to that story which resulted in a lack of a clear and concise message beyond gushes of fury, bitter criticism, and lies - especially in the Primary elections. Republicans have the best story to tell but either we consistently pick the worse people to tell it, or we hide from it all together. This is one of MANY reasons why Republicans lost so big in Pennsylvania and in many other races across our nation.

Here is just one example of bitterness on full display: just one week after November 8th's election and a seismic shift in Pennsylvania's office holders, Carla Sands felt it necessary to call me a racist. Yes, me - a BLACK woman who has the blood of slaves coursing through her veins. This ignorant remark was completely unprovoked, by the way, since I don't think or comment about her at all.

If you followed my campaign during the 2022 Senate Primary in PA, then you know I never entered into these types of sophomoric rants about my opponents. My messaging was always focused and surgical. I had little time and money to waste.

Even when Carla Sands and Jeff Bartos allowed Sean Hannity to pimp them out before the world to feign moral outrage over me running for Senate, I never once responded in-kind. I kept my focus on you and I kept my character intact.

Carla Sands says she's a Christian. Well, this unprovoked attack on me isn't very Christ-like behavior.

Carla Sands says she's a Conservative. Well, I only know of Democrats who go around hurling the "racist" word at people - again, completely unprovoked.

So, what do we do?

Throughout my campaign, I made it abundantly clear that I DO NOT believe many of our elected "leaders" are incentivized to do the right things JUST BECAUSE THEY'RE THE RIGHT THINGS TO DO. Most are completely self-consumed.

In almost every room I walked into, I said repeatedly that our help in getting our country back on track is NOT coming from the top down. After November 8th's abysmal election performance and after analyzing how Republican leadership behaved, I am even more convinced that the help we are looking for will come from the grassroots up - from people like you and me.

In 2 years, Carla Sands will most likely try another run for Senate against Senator Bob Casey. Apparently, having 95% of the Republican base vote against Carla Sands is not enough of a message to her that she's completely out of touch with reality.

Demand better...

Start now in demanding better from those who say they want to represent us. We just got our proverbial behinds handed to us. The losses in Pennsylvania are incomprehensible to any rational and fact-based person. It should have never happened. But it did.

If we, THE VOTERS, don't learn the lesson now, then I fear we many never learn it. What more do these people have to do to us before we demand better not from Democrats, but from ourselves and from those who say they want to represent us.

Start by clicking here to let Carla Sands know you demand better from her if she think she's fit to represent us.

~Blessings and take care of each other~

P.S., I know with a high degree of certainty that every single Republican in the PA Primary asked persistently for Club for Growth's financial support, including Carla Sands. They picked me. Susan B. Anthony also picked me to support financially.

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"I am free now and choose to remain so." ~ Oney Judge Staines


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