In this issue of "Doug Talks..."
What Style is that House?
The Architecture of American Homes
Architectural style, more than anything else, is what defines the way a house looks and feels. In the US there are a whole host of house styles out there, all reflecting the trends, level of wealth and sometimes just the general mood of the era in which they were designed and built.
Everything from the materials used, to the size, style and shape of windows and doors, right down to the way a roof slopes and the tiniest of decorative details is what can define an architectural style.
Of course not everyone is drawn to the same type of architectural style and there literally hundreds of styles and variations of each of those styles. Example, a Ranch can be California, Raised, Split Level, Suburban, Cinderella, etc. Some of the common architectural styles in the US are:
• A Frame
• Art Deco
• Cape Cod
• Colonial
• Contemporary
• Cottage
• Craftsman
• Mediterranean
• Mid-Century Modern
• Modern
• Ranch
• Townhouse
• Tudor
• Victorian
Click here to see an infographic of some of the most iconic architectural styles,
their origin and era, and what features classify them as that style.
Click here to read "Homes that Built American Neighborhoods."