Engage with Us

Executive Director Transition

Following the announcement of Executive Director Deborah Jordy's transition in 2025, the SCFD Board of Directors formed an executive search committee. The committee, chaired by current board member Gino Greco, will consist of past and previous board members including Tamra Ward, Patty Salazar, Teresa Valerio Parrot, Jack Finlaw, and Marcela de la Mar.

The SCFD sent out a request for proposals to local, regional, and national search firms on January 6, 2025. Proposals will be reviewed by the search committee with the goal of selecting a firm this spring.

Deborah Jordy will stay on as the senior advisor to the SCFD, providing consultation on matters related to the reauthorization of the district set for 2028.

Save the Date: SCFD Day at the Capitol on 2.18.2025

Mark your calendar: Arts, culture, and science will fill the halls of the Colorado State Capitol in celebration of SCFD Day on Tuesday, February 18, 2025. We hope you can join us that morning! Stay tuned for additional details and registration information.

Free Days/Events

Organizations from across the metro area provide hundreds of free days and free programs each year, made possible in part, by funding from SCFD. Some organizations are free every day such as Broomfield Veterans Museum, Foothills Art Center, Colorado Music Hall of Fame, Depot Art Gallery, and the Louisville History Museum. Here are a few free days on tap for December:

  • Denver Zoo – January 10 and 26
  • Denver Museum of Nature & Science – January 12
  • Denver Art Museum – January 14
  • Plains Conservation Center – January 16
  • Denver Botanic Gardens – January 20

DITA Internship Applications Open

The Art Students League of Denver is excited to announce that applications are open for the Diversity in the Arts Internship (DITA), a full-time summer internship designed for college students who identify as BIPOC, LGBTQ+, students with disabilities, or other underrepresented communities in Colorado’s arts organizations. This ten-week, summer internship provides interns with hands-on, practical experience working directly for host organizations in Denver’s arts and culture community. As part of a cohort, interns attend workshops organized by DITA, build connections with arts professionals, and engage in shared learning experiences with their peers.

Applications are due by Friday, February 7, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. For eligibility requirements and program details, visit www.ditainternship.com or email dita.internship@gmail.com

SCFD Board of Directors News

A board of directors governs the SCFD with representation from district member counties Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Broomfield, Denver, Douglas, and Jefferson and four governor's appointees. The board oversees district funding and ensures the district is running the way voters intended. The board meets eight times a year and all meetings are open to the public.

  • The SCFD Board of Directors will have a board planning session on January 16, 2025 from 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. at the American Red Cross (444 Sherman St. Denver, CO 80203). This event is open to the public.

Other News You Can Use

  • Did you know you can stay up to date on all things SCFD more than just once a month through our newsletter? Check out our News You Can Use webpage!

We Fund Culture

Thanks to the voters and residents of the seven-county metro area, SCFD has come a long way in its more than 35 years of existence. SCFD is the Scientific and Cultural Facilities District, a tax collected and distributed to more than 300 cultural organizations in our seven-county Denver metro region including Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Broomfield, Denver, Douglas, and Jefferson counties. Just one penny on every $10 spent in the district creates vibrancy for us individually and collectively.

SCFD | scfd.org