School shouldn’t hurt
Thelma knew something was wrong when her happy little four-year-old boy started having nightmares, grinding his teeth, and experiencing meltdowns. She eventually learned that he and other students in his special education class were regularly being dragged, forced into chairs, and strapped down. She filed allegations of abuse with Child Protective Services which concluded no abuse took place.
Scared and frustrated, she called DRTx. We filed a complaint with the Texas Education Agency (TEA), arguing that the school failed to provide behavioral supports and unlawfully restrained him. TEA found in favor of Damian, and we were able to secure compensatory education services for him.
“I don’t want any more children to experience the trauma my son did,” said Thelma. “Texas needs to do more to protect our children.” She went on to work with other parents and organizations like DRTx to educate lawmakers on this issue. Texas legislators eventually passed a law this year to protect young children from dangerous restraints.