In This Issue

November 16, 2023

We Are the Church

Frani Krum- 99 Years Young!

This Saturday

Ruth Vonderloh Memorial- November 18, 2023 at 11:30am at Fairhaven Cemetery

This Sunday

Giving Thanks Sunday

Service of Thanksgiving- November 19 at 10:30am

Congregational Meeting- After Service

Worship Information and Bulletin

Deuteronomy 8:7-18

Don't Forget the Giver

Surviving the Holidays- November 19 at 12pm

This Week

NO Wednesday Bible Study on November 22, 2023

NO Choir Practice- November 23, 2023- Thanksgiving Holiday Observed

Upcoming Events

Hanging of the Greens Lunch, November 26, 2023

How Does a Weary World Rejoice?

Advent Calendars

Gathering of Spirits - December 5, 2023

Ministry Opportunities


Coffee Fellowship

Prayer Requests and Praise Reports


How to donate to the Church

Nursery Wish List

We are the Church

On Sunday, a few church members joined in a belated birthday celebration of Frani Krum's 99th Birthday. She loved the giant card signed by members of the church and we all enjoyed the delicious cake provided by Mellody Anderson. She is looking forward to her big 100th next year!

This Saturday

Ruth Enid Vonderloh

February 23, 1926 – October 30, 2023

A memorial service for Ruth will be held Saturday, November 18, 2023 at 11:30 AM, located at the Mausoleum Chapel at Fairhaven Memorial Park Mortuary, 1702 Fairhaven Avenue, Santa Ana, CA 92705.

A reception will be held immediately following at the Elks Lodge Santa.

In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to Friends of the Anaheim Public Library or The American Cancer Society.

This Sunday!

Please bring your 2024 Pledge Card with you to worship. We will offer them to God as part of our worship service. If you did not receive a stewardship mailing, you may read the letter here and download a pledge card here.

Giving Thanks Sunday!

Worship Information and Bulletin

Pastor Kim Skilling will be preaching,

Deuteronomy 8:7-18

Don't Forget the Giver

Join us on Facebook: HERE

Join us on Zoom: HERE

 If prompted for a password use: 888861

If you do not have access to a computer or smart phone,

 you can listen to the service from any telephone:

Step 1:

Call (669) 900-9128.

Step 2:

When prompted, please enter the 

Meeting ID: 870 8084 6315 followed by the #. 

Step 3: 

You will be asked to enter your Participant ID which you do not need.

Press # to move past this.

 Step 4:

If prompted for a password use: 888861 followed by the #

This Week

NO Wednesday Bible Study This Week

No Bible Study this Wednesday, November 22, @ 10 am

All are welcome to join us in this Zoom Discussion resuming on November 29, 2023.

To join us on Zoom click on this link: HERE

To join us on by telephone call: 

(669) 900-9128

Meeting ID: 608 966 196

Passcode: 5352176


Our Chancel Choir is a non-auditioned choir that is supported by the wonderful voices of our choral interns. All are welcome to add their voice as we lead the congregation in giving praise to God. 

No Choir Practice on November 23rd in honor of the Thanksgiving Holiday!

Practice will resume on Thursday, November 30, 2023.

Upcoming Events

Sunday, November 26

A Service of Hanging of the Greens.

During worship we will delight in the meaning of our traditional Advent and Christmas decorations as we begin to put them up in the sanctuary. Following worship we invite everyone to stay and help us finish decking the halls of our church. 

A light lunch will be provided for those who remain to help [lunch at the church will replace the Lunch Bunch outing this month].


We pray that these symbols of the season that signal our Christmas preparations will also remind us of our need to prepare our hearts as well.

Christ was born into a weary world. King Herod ruled the land with a legacy of ruthlessness. The Romans treated the people of Israel with contempt. Poverty and destitution were pervasive. And yet, Christ was born, bringing good news of great joy for all people. 

As Advent comes again to a weary world, we ask, “How does a weary world rejoice?” In the opening chapters of Luke’s Gospel, we find a few answers: we acknowledge our weariness, we find joy in connection, we allow ourselves to be amazed, we sing stories of hope, we make room, we root ourselves in ritual, and most importantly, we trust our belovedness. In the parallel birth stories of Jesus and John, joy arrives—despite trepidation, fear, or grief. In these stories, we find rhythms for rejoicing.

And so, this Advent, we will hold space for our weariness and our joy. We will seek a “thrill of hope” in our hurting world. We will welcome joy—even if, like the prophet Isaiah, we cry out for comfort (Isaiah 40:1). In this weary world, may we find many ways to rejoice.

Advent Calendars for Adults and Children will be available to help us to prepare our hearts for the birth of Emmanuel, God with us. Both versions will offer daily prompts for practicing joy in a weary world.


We will also be offering Reverse Advent Calendars again this year. Each day the calendar will suggest an item to donate to Family Promise of Orange County. Family Promise has recently opened a new transitional shelter, House of Ruth, in Tustin and will be expanding their emergency housing capacity in the new year. Our offerings will help weary families rejoice in the hope of a new beginning.


Calendars will be available at church on November 26. Please consider adopting one or both as a spiritual practice this Advent. The purpose of these calendars is not to to add another task to an already overloaded holiday "to-do" list, but to help us prepare to welcome the birth of Christ with a small, daily acts of generosity and/or joy. 

Gathering of Spirits is an informal time of open conversation

 where human spirits can connect with one another and God’s Spirit

while sipping some spirits (or soft drinks).

Windsor Browns is a Beer, Wine, and Sandwich Pub located at the corner of Center St Promenade and Clementine.

It is an easy 1 block walk from the church.

Our next meeting will be on December 5, 2023. (Please note new date)

Meeting time changed to 5:45pm to get Happy Hour pricing!

Ministry Opportunities

Fellowship and Goodies?

We are always looking for donations of cookies or other treats to give us something to munch on while enjoy a cup of Dale's coffee. If you feel like baking (or shopping) just bring them with you on a Sunday. If we have too many treats that day we will freeze some for the next week. Thank you!

Prayer Requests and Praise Reports

Please continue to pray for Peggy Bennett following the sudden death of her husband, Geoffrey, from natural causes at home on Thursday, November 2.

Please pray for those in treatment for cancer: Carole Chambers, Judy Jordan, John Harb (Kendall Schubert’s father), Matthew Williams (Jack and Geri Baird's grandson), Catherine Morris, Bill Anderson (Bruce Anderson's Brother)

Please pray for those on hospice: Patricia Carl

Please continue to pray for the health of: Dave Lopez (Alan Lopez’ brother), Harvey Taylor, Norma Leichtweis, Luca ( son of Christina Cuddy's friend), Carol Talbot, Wanda Reynolds.

If you have a prayer request that you would like to add to our prayer list, 

please contact the church office: or 714.535.2176.

We are greatly deeply grateful for the financial support of the congregation.
We are in the midst of a challenging year with no school leasing the Calvin Building and following two years of disrupted giving patterns due to Covid.

For those who worship with us in person,
Offering Plates will be available at the back of the Sanctuary on Sundays

Donations may also be mailed to the church office:
    Anaheim First Presbyterian Church 
    310 W Broadway
    Anaheim, CA 92805
Or Give Online:
Click HERE to set up a profile and GIVE ONLINE

Nursery Wish List

Our Nursery has created a Wish List to provide some much desired supplies to enhance Sunday Service for the children. Anything received will be greatly appreciated.

Click here to access the Amazon Wish List:

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