Dear Friends,
I have a bittersweet announcement to make. This Monday, April 10 will be the last Monday Pause and Pray.
In March 2020, our world was turned upside down by the Covid pandemic. With stay at home orders in place we could no longer gather for worship, Bible Study, fellowship, choir, or any other ministry. We quickly learned how to live stream our worship and how to join in a virtual coffee hour on Zoom. However, because it was a time of deep upheaval, anxiety, and uncertainty and because it was Lent--a season traditionally dedicated to spiritual reflection and renewal--I began a practice of leading us through our Lent devotional every weekday live on Facebook. When Easter came and went, but the pandemic did not, I continued the daily practice of leading a devotional time until summer. At that time, when we realized that we were in this for the long haul, I shifted to a more manageable once a week offering. We paused in the middle of the day at the beginning of each week to recenter ourselves in God's presence. Over the last nearly three years I have taken the call to pause and pray in the midst of life quite literally having led devotions from church and home, my backyard and the church courtyard, restaurants, stores, parking lots, airports, and even my Father's ICU room. I know that it has blessed me and hopefully, it has been a source of spiritual encouragement to others.
However, my sense is that it is time to draw this practice to a close. Part of this is practical. I will be out for vacation and recovery from knee surgery for almost a month. But more than that, my sense is that we have entered a new season that calls for new practices. I am not sure exactly what those practices will look like. I am praying that God will reveal what is next. I invite you to join me in that prayer and if you have a sense of what you would find helpful for your spiritual journey, please let me know.
In the meantime, hopefully after 3 plus years we have learned the benefit of pausing and praying as a way to connect with God in the midst of our daily routines. If you find that guidance for those times is helpful, please remember the resource that I have often turned to as I have led our Pause and Pray times: It is a daily online devotion that invites you to Pause and Listen and Think and Pray and, finally, Go.
Thank you for serving as a reminder of God's presence through the darkest days of the pandemic. Thank you for serving as a sign of God's presence during highs, lows, and ordinary days of life. Thank you for being companions on the journey and partners in faith and prayer.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Kim