Session 1: January 21, 2023, 1-4:30 pm
Session 2: January 22, 2023, following worship to 3 pm (includes lunch)
Please plan to join us at this critical weekend for the future of our congregation.
After reading and reflecting on the lessons from Sailboat Church and engaging in 40 days of prayer, we are now ready to discern what direction the wind of the Spirit is blowing our congregation. Our consultant, Maggie Harmon, from the Presbyterian Foundation will lead us in our weekend of prayer, discussion, and discernment.
Both Members AND Friends of the Congregation are encouraged to attend.
We would appreciate knowing who will be able to attend.
You may RSVP by signing up on Sunday, or emailing us at offices@anaheimfirstpres.org, or calling the office at 714-535-2176.
Also, if you would be willing to bring a snack on Saturday or a pot of soup or bread for lunch on Sunday, please let us know.
Childcare will be available.)