In This Issue
March 16, 2023
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Tonight- Thursday
Choir Practice Tonight
This Sunday
Lent Series
Worship Information and Bulletin
Next Week
Monday- Pause and Pray
Wednesday- Bible Study
Wonder Board
Anaheim Ducks Raffle
Upcoming Events
Lunch on March 26th
Palm Sunday
Gathering of Spirits
Good Friday
Easter Sunday Worship and Egg Hunt
Ministry Opportunities
Easter Egg Donation
Coffee Fellowship
Per Capita
Prayer Requests and Praise Reports
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Worship Information and Bulletin
Scripture: John 9
Question of the Week: "Who Sinned? (and Other Wrong Questions)"
When it comes to faith, sometimes there are bad questions - questions that are formed by assumptions, questions that lead us to judgement or isolation. When Jesus and the disciples encounter a blind man along the way, the disciples immediately ask, "Teacher, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" They ask a bad question. Their question assumes that illness and disability are the result of sin; it assumes that the man deserved to be born blind; it assumes that physical blindness is a form of failure. Unfortunately, the crowd continues to interrogate the man and dissect the miracle of what happens to him. The crowd also asks bad questions because their intent is to drive him out and prove that Jesus is a heretic. This week, let us pay attention to the questions we ask. What assumptions do we carry? What is our intent? When seeking clarity or understanding, what are better questions we can ask?
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If you do not have access to a computer or smart phone,
you can listen to the service from any telephone:
Step 1:
Call (669) 900-9128.
Step 2:
When prompted, please enter the
Meeting ID: 870 8084 6315 followed by the #.
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You will be asked to enter your Participant ID which you do not need.
Press # to move past this.
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Next Week at Anaheim First Presbyterian | |
Bible Study This Week!
March 22, 2023
This week we will be studying: John 11:1-45 & Ezekiel 37:1-14
"Can These Bones Live?"
All are welcome to join us in this Zoom Discussion.
To join us on Zoom click on this link: HERE
To join us on by telephone call:
(669) 900-9128
Meeting ID: 608 966 196
Passcode: 5352176
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The bulletin board by the office stairs has been transformed into a Wonder Board for Lent.
Please add your questions about God, faith, church, theology, Bible, current events--nothing is off limits. God welcomes our curiosity and meets us in our struggles. Post it notes are available on Sundays or you can send your questions into the church by emailing the office or contacting Pastor Kim
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We have a winner! Steve Ranney won the tickets with a bargain bid of $150.
Online Auction not your style?
March 23 did not work for you?
We have a SECOND CHANCE to win another set of 4 tickets in the City Suite
for the Ducks game on Apri 11 at the Honda Center.
This time the tickets will be awarded through a raffle/opportunity drawing.
Entries for sale beginning this Sunday, March 19.
$5 for 1 chance or $20 for 5 chances.
Winner will be drawn following Palm Sunday Worship on April 2.
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Several people have expressed an interest in getting together for lunch after Sunday worship, so let's give it a try!
Save the last Sunday of the month, beginning in March, and we will gather at Mimi's, on Harbor blvd, just across from Disneyland.
All you have to do is let Mellody(714- 522- 8157) or Norma(1 714-
635-4249) know, so we know how many to make reservations for.
It will be fun getting to know each other better in a social setting, rather than just saying "Hi" on Sunday morning!!
Bring a friend, spouse, or significant other( if you are lucky enough to have one)
Palm Sunday
We will gather in the courtyard and remember Jesus' procession into Jerusalem with our own procession around the Sanctuary.
(Those who do not wish to participate may wait in the Sanctuary.)
Gathering of Spirits is an informal time of open conversation
where human spirits can connect with one another and God's Spirit
while sipping some spirits (or soft drinks)
Opening Question for our April Gathering:
What parts of the story of Jesus' last week are particularly meaningful to you?
What parts of the story do you find troubling?
Windsor Browns is a Beer, Wine, and Sandwich Pub located at the corner of Center St Promenade and Clementine.
It is an easy 1 block walk from the church.
Good Friday
Tenebrae Service of Shadows at 7:00 pm in our Sanctuary
This service is many of our congregation's favorite service of the year as it is so beautiful and powerful. Readings recalling his arrest and crucifixion will be offered as candles are extinguished one by one until the darkness in the church reflects the darkness of Jesus' death. This deeply moving service will be led by our chancel choir.
Easter Sunday
Please join us for worship on Sunday, April 9 at 10:30am.
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Following our Easter Service there will be an Easter egg hunt for our kids while the parents and grandparents enjoy coffee and snacks. | |
Fellowship and Goodies?
It's so good to see more people staying after church for the coffee,
goodies and fellowship!
One small problem! To keep the goodies coming, we are going to need
some more volunteers to bring them.
Right now, one person is doing most of it, so be a good sport and bring
some goodies, so we can continue this time of fellowship!
We can always freeze some, if we should happen to get an overabundance,
which I am hoping for!!!!!!
We can't say thank-you enough to Dale and his coffee cart, and Tracy,
who is his right hand gal. Without them, there would be no fellowship!!!
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Each year, each congregation in the Presbyterian Church USA pays a modest sum per member to support the work of the broader church. This year the per capita is $39.70 per member. We ask that all active members prayerfully consider contributing this amount to the church in addition to your regular offerings. Anaheim First Presbyterian will pay this full amount on your behalf. When you pay your share, you free up funds to be used for the mission and expenses of our congregation. You may pay this amount by check or online, but we would appreciate it is you would reference your donation as “per capita” so we may credit it correctly.
More about Per Capita. What is it and why is it important?
Per Capita connects Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) congregations and mid councils with the work of the wider church. As the primary source of funding for the Presbytery, Synod, and the Office of the General Assembly, it is how Presbyterians mutually and equitably share the costs of moving the church forward in the 21st century.
Through your Per Capita giving, you support local congregations through various Presbytery partnerships, commissions, and mission undertakings; help prepare the next generation of pastors, provide guidance and support to congregations during times of pastoral transition, congregational turmoil, personal struggle, and polity confusion; provide judicial and administrative oversight throughout Southern California and Hawaii; support ecumenical relations at a national level; and ensure a well-run biennial General Assembly.
Did You Know? There’s Another Option for Paying Your 2023 Pledge.
Those of us who are retired may depend on our retirement investments (IRAs or 401Ks) for income. Did you know that there is a way to use deductions from those investment accounts as church giving without showing it as taxable income? Rick and Ginny Connor discovered this option and are taking advantage of it this year. For them it is a better tax option than simply using their church giving as a tax-deductible item at year end. And it turns out to be very easy! If anyone is interested in more information, contact Rick or Ginny for details.
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Prayer Requests and Praise Reports | |
Please pray for those in treatment for cancer: Ryan Gibson (friend of Tracy Ramont), Catherine Morris, Bill Anderson (Bruce Anderson's Brother)
Please pray for those on hospice: Patricia Carl, O.D. Taylor (Harvey's brother)
Please continue to pray for the health of: Norma Leichtweis, Clif Buchanan, Jane Canfield (Glory's sister), Chris Coleman.
If you have a prayer request that you would like to add to our prayer list,
please contact the church office: or 714.535.2176.
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We are greatly deeply grateful for the financial support of the congregation.
We are in the midst of a challenging year with no school leasing the Calvin Building and following two years of disrupted giving patterns due to Covid.
For those who worship with us in person,
Offering Plates will be available at the back of the Sanctuary on Sundays
Donations may also be mailed to the church office:
Anaheim First Presbyterian Church
310 W Broadway
Anaheim, CA 92805
Or Give Online:
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Amazon has decided to discontinue the Smile program. We thank all who supported us through their purchases over the years. | | | | |