In This Issue
August 24, 2023
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We are the Church
Meet Our Garden Fairy
This Sunday
Worship Information and Bulletin
2 Timothy 3:16-17
The Right Tools for the Right Job
Anaheim Readers Theater Meeting
Lunch Bunch
Anaheim's Central Library Turns 60!
Next Week
Office Closed- August 22 - August 28
Wednesday Bible Study- August 30
Upcoming Events
Sunday Lunch- August 27
Add Your Voice, Choir Practice Resumes August 31
New Worship Series: Come to the Table- Starting in September
Rally Day- September 10
(Choir Returns. Blessing of the Backpacks, & a Hot Dog Lunch)
Gathering of Spirits - September 26
Flu Shot Clinic- October 8
Visio Divina Experience- October 14 from 10:30-11:30am
Ministry Opportunities
Seeking Commissioners to General Assembly 2024
Coffee Fellowship
Prayer Requests and Praise Reports
How to donate to the Church
Nursery Wish List
Maui Assistance
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How did you spend your time during Hurricane Hillary?
Our Garden Fairy (aka Mellody Anderson) came to church and after service fertilized our roses with chopped up bits of Aloe Vera. We are grateful to Mellody offering her green thumb to help our church gardens bloom again.
If you would be willing to help Mellody to tend our gardens, please see the invitation later in the newsletter under Ministry Opportunities!
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Worship Information and Bulletin
Pastor Kim will be preaching, 2 Timothy 3:16-17
The Right Tools for the Right Job
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Join us on Facebook: HERE
Join us on Zoom: HERE
If prompted for a password use: 888861
If you do not have access to a computer or smart phone,
you can listen to the service from any telephone:
Step 1:
Call (669) 900-9128.
Step 2:
When prompted, please enter the
Meeting ID: 870 8084 6315 followed by the #.
Step 3:
You will be asked to enter your Participant ID which you do not need.
Press # to move past this.
Step 4:
If prompted for a password use: 888861 followed by the #
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Sunday Lunch Bunch
Several people have expressed an interest in getting together for lunch after Sunday worship, so let's give it a try!
Our next lunch date will be on Sunday, August 27, 2023, after the church service. Restaurant to be determined.
It will be fun getting to know each other better in a social setting, rather than just saying "Hi" on Sunday morning!!
Bring a friend, spouse, or significant other( if you are lucky enough to have one)
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Under the direction of Chris Coleman, our newly formed Anaheim Readers Theater ministry will be presenting the scripture in our Come to the Table worship series for five weeks beginning September 3. Each week we will need between 3 and 8 readers. If you are interested in participating for one or more Sunday or have questions about what the readings will entail, please contact Chris at
This Sunday, August 17 following worship there will be a brief meeting to assign parts and run through the script in preparation for the service on September 3. (we will meet each Sunday after worship, through September 24 to prepare for the next Sunday's reading)
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Celebrate Anaheim's Central Library
In honor of it's 60th Anniversary the library has lots of fun activities planned for this Sunday, August 27, beginning at 1pm. The church has offered its parking lot for overflow parking. For more details click HERE
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Wednesday Bible Study
Wednesday, August 23th, @ 10 am
Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:16-17
All are welcome to join us in this Zoom Discussion.
To join us on Zoom click on this link: HERE
To join us on by telephone call:
(669) 900-9128
Meeting ID: 608 966 196
Passcode: 5352176
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Choir will return to leading worship on Sunday, September 10.
Practice will begin on Thursdays from 7-8:30 pm
beginning August 31.
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“…when two or three of you are together because of me, you can be sure that I’ll be there.” — Matthew 18:20 (MSG)
This September we will hear the call to dine with Jesus — an invitation that means much more than a simple eating experience. It never was with Jesus. The table was the place where he fed people, and also challenged them to acts of hospitality that reflect God’s way. When we say “yes” to the place at Christ’s table, we accept a way of life that embraces God’s definition of love, peace, grace, and joy. Let us celebrate the depth of communion to which we are called.
| The Chancel Choir Returns from Summer Break! | Students in Pre-K through Graduate School and all educators and school staff are encouraged to bring their backpack, computer bag, or other item that symbolizes their coming year and receive a blessing to be a blessing as they enter a new school year. | If you would like to help with picnic arrangements, please see Carolee Ramich |
Gathering of Spirits is an informal time of open conversation
where human spirits can connect with one another and God’s Spirit
while sipping some spirits (or soft drinks).
Windsor Browns is a Beer, Wine, and Sandwich Pub located at the corner of Center St Promenade and Clementine.
It is an easy 1 block walk from the church.
Our next meeting will be in September 26, 2023.
Meeting time changed to 5:45pm to get Happy Hour pricing!
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If you are interested in more information, speak with Pastor Kim. | |
Fellowship and Goodies?
It's so good to see more people staying after church for the coffee,
goodies and fellowship!
One small problem! To keep the goodies coming, we are going to need
some more volunteers to bring them.
Right now, one person is doing most of it, so be a good sport and bring
some goodies, so we can continue this time of fellowship!
We can always freeze some, if we should happen to get an overabundance,
which I am hoping for!!!!!!
We can't say thank-you enough to Dale and his coffee cart, and Tracy,
who is his right hand gal. Without them, there would be no fellowship!!!
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Prayer Requests and Praise Reports | |
Please pray for Dave Lopez (Alan's brother). At the time of this newsletter publication he is in surgery receiving a heart transplant. Please pray for the successful completion of his surgery and a recovery that is without complication.
Please continue to pray for Karen and Victor Lavarreda following the fire that destroyed Victor's work garage.
Here is the address of Karen and Victor Lavarreda in case you would like to send a card. 5404 Fox Run Drive, Watauga TX 76137
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Please pray for those in treatment for cancer: Matthew Williams (Jack and Geri Baird's grandson), Catherine Morris, Bill Anderson (Bruce Anderson's Brother)
Please pray for those on hospice: Patricia Carl
Please continue to pray for the health of: Harvey Taylor, Dave Lopez, Pat Chambers, Mellody Anderson, Norma Leichtweis, Daline Goode & Family (Mellody Anderson's cousin), Esther Fieldhouse, Luca ( son of Christina Cuddy's friend), Clif Buchanan, Carol Talbot, Wanda Reynolds.
If you have a prayer request that you would like to add to our prayer list,
please contact the church office: or 714.535.2176.
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We are greatly deeply grateful for the financial support of the congregation.
We are in the midst of a challenging year with no school leasing the Calvin Building and following two years of disrupted giving patterns due to Covid.
For those who worship with us in person,
Offering Plates will be available at the back of the Sanctuary on Sundays
Donations may also be mailed to the church office:
Anaheim First Presbyterian Church
310 W Broadway
Anaheim, CA 92805
Or Give Online:
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Amazon has decided to discontinue the Smile program. We thank all who supported us through their purchases over the years. | |
Maui Wildfires
Romans 12:15 urges the church to "Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep." As we weep over loss of life, homes, and business to wildfire in Maui, some may also want to offer a tangible sign of their compassion and prayers. We offer you the following suggestions.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance has already been invited to provide spiritual support personnel. As time goes on, they will work with local partners to make sure that funds get to the organizations where they will be most effective. Because the administration of the office is covered by the One Great Hour of Sharing offering, every dollar donated will go to direct support of those impacted by the fires. To donate to PDA for wildfire relief click here (
Also, Lahaina is Emily Fuentes' hometown. She still has many friends living there. Thankfully, all seem to have survived the fires, but many have lost everything. If you want to offer assistance in a more personal and targeted way, Emily can assure you that these Go Fund Me appeals represent families who are in legitimate need of help to rebuild their lives. If you have questions about their situations, you may contact Emily at
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