This Sunday
New Worship Series: Come to the Table
Worship Information and Bulletin
Philippians 1: 21-30 and Matthew 20:1-16
God’s Potluck of Grace
Anaheim Reader's Theater Meeting
Lunch Bunch- September 24
Next Week
Gathering of Spirits - September 26
Wednesday Bible Study- September 27
Choir Practice- September 28, 7-8:30 pm
Guac and Glory to follow choir practice
World Communion Sunday- October 1, 2023
Upcoming Events
Blessing of the Animals - October 7
Flu Shot Clinic- October 8
Visio Divina Experience- October 14 from 10:30-11:30am
House of Ruth Grand Opening- October 18 from 11am-1pm
Memorial Service for Clif Buchanan - October 22
Ministry Opportunities
Coffee Fellowship
Prayer Requests and Praise Reports
How to donate to the Church
Nursery Wish List