In This Issue

December 7, 2023

We Are The Church

We're halfway through Advent.

Thank you, Jessica Johnson!

This Sunday

How Does a Weary World Rejoice?

Third Sunday in Advent: We Allow Ourselves To Be Amazed

Worship Information and Bulletin

Luke 1:57-66, Psalm 126


This Week

Bible Study is on Break until January 4, 2024

Choir Practice- December 21, 2023- 7-8:30 pm

Upcoming Events

Vocal Mixology Concert- December 15, 2023- 7:30-9:30pm

Tickets will also be available for purchase at the door.

Christmas Open House at Pastor Kim's Home - December 17, 2023 - 2-5 pm

Fourth and Final Advent Service- December 24, 2023- 10:30am

Christmas Eve Service- December 24, 2023- 9:00pm

Service of Carols and Communion- December 31, 2023- 10:30am

Love Feast, Ordination, & Epiphany Star Words- January 7, 2024- 10:30am

Ministry Opportunities


Coffee Fellowship

Prayer Requests and Praise Reports


It's not too late to offer your pledge for 2024!

How to donate to the Church

Nursery Wish List

We Are The Church!

Last Sunday was the halfway point of Advent. Thank you Ramich Family and Cuddy Families for helping light our way!

On Tuesday, we had a brunch to say thank you to Jessica Johnson for her 2 years of service to our congregation. Her goodbye party turned into Thank You/ Merry Christmas/ Happy Baby celebration.

This Sunday!

How Does a Weary World Rejoice?

Christ was born into a weary world. King Herod ruled the land with a legacy of ruthlessness. The Romans treated the people of Israel with contempt. Poverty and destitution were pervasive. And yet, Christ was born, bringing good news of great joy for all people. 

As Advent comes again to a weary world, we ask, “How does a weary world rejoice?” In the opening chapters of Luke’s Gospel, we find a few answers: we acknowledge our weariness, we find joy in connection, we allow ourselves to be amazed, we sing stories of hope, we make room, we root ourselves in ritual, and most importantly, we trust our belovedness. In the parallel birth stories of Jesus and John, joy arrives—despite trepidation, fear, or grief. In these stories, we find rhythms for rejoicing.

And so, this Advent, we will hold space for our weariness and our joy. We will seek a “thrill of hope” in our hurting world. We will welcome joy—even if, like the prophet Isaiah, we cry out for comfort (Isaiah 40:1). In this weary world, may we find many ways to rejoice.

Second Sunday in Advent: We Find Joy in Connection

Worship Information and Bulletin

Pastor Kim Skilling will be preaching,

Luke 1:57-66, Psalm 126


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Join us on Zoom: HERE

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 you can listen to the service from any telephone:

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Call (669) 900-9128.

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Meeting ID: 870 8084 6315 followed by the #. 

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This Week

Wednesday Bible Study This Week

Bible Study will resume on Wednesday, January 4, 2024 @ 10 am

All are welcome to join us in this Zoom Discussion 

To join us on Zoom click on this link: HERE

To join us on by telephone call: 

(669) 900-9128

Meeting ID: 608 966 196

Passcode: 5352176


Our Chancel Choir is a non-auditioned choir that is supported by the wonderful voices of our choral interns. All are welcome to add their voice as we lead the congregation in giving praise to God. 

Choir Practice is on Thursday nights from 7-8:30pm.

Upcoming Events

In January we made a commitment to work toward offering our sanctuary to the community as a musical venue and we have already seen an increase in use in this past year. Most of the events have been recitals, but coming up is a concert that members of the congregation may be interested in attending.


On Friday, December 15 Vocal Mixology will hold its winter concert in our Sanctuary. Our own John and Nikki Saylor are members of this Barbershop Acappela Style vocal ensemble. If you would like to attend, you may purchase tickets for $15 by clicking here.


In the morning at 10:30am, we will celebrate the last Sunday of Advent. This service will be a time to rest and center ourselves in God's promises as we stand on the cusp of our Christmas celebrations. Based on the 7 ancient "O Antiphon" prayers that we know best from the carol, "O Come, O Come Emmanuel," we will reflect on the promises of God through scripture, prayer, and song. 

(Please note: this will not be a "Christmas Eve" service of Carols and Candlelight--you have to wait until 9 pm for that service!)

In the evening at 9:00pm, the Baby will finally be born, and we will finally celebrate with our traditional Candlelight Christmas Eve service. Please invite family and friends to join us for this beautiful service led by our chancel choir. 

December 31, 2023 - Service of Carols and Communion

As we stand at the threshold of a new year we will linger for a few more moments in the wonder of Christmas with a carol sing and then we will prepare to enter a new year with the celebration of communion.

We will also dedicate the reverse Advent Calendars Collection at this service. Please bring your donations with you.

January 7, 2024 - Love Feast and Epiphany Star Words

We will celebrate the first Sunday of the new year with a Love Feast and celebration of Epiphany. We will also Ordain and install our new officers.

A worship feast for body and soul.

Ministry Opportunities

Fellowship and Goodies?

We are always looking for donations of cookies or other treats to give us something to munch on while enjoy a cup of Dale's coffee. If you feel like baking (or shopping) just bring them with you on a Sunday. If we have too many treats that day we will freeze some for the next week. Thank you!

Prayer Requests and Praise Reports

Please pray for Carole Chambers who is having a double mastectomy today, December 14 around 2 pm. 

Please pray for those in treatment for cancer: Carole Chambers, Judy Jordan, John Harb (Kendall Schubert’s father), Matthew Williams (Jack and Geri Baird's grandson), Catherine Morris, Bill Anderson (Bruce Anderson's Brother)

Please pray for those on hospice: Patricia Carl

Please continue to pray for the health of: Dave Lopez (Alan Lopez’ brother), Harvey Taylor, Norma Leichtweis, Luca ( son of Christina Cuddy's friend), Carol Talbot, Wanda Reynolds.

If you have a prayer request that you would like to add to our prayer list, 

please contact the church office: or 714.535.2176.


If you have not already done so, please mail or bring your 2024 Pledge Card to the church. Your estimate of giving is critical to the Session's ability to set a church budget for the coming year. If you did not receive a stewardship mailing, you may read the letter here and download a pledge card here.


Thank you so much for your faithful and generous support of our congregation!

We are greatly deeply grateful for the financial support of the congregation.
We are in the midst of a challenging year with no school leasing the Calvin Building and following two years of disrupted giving patterns due to Covid.

For those who worship with us in person,
Offering Plates will be available at the back of the Sanctuary on Sundays

Donations may also be mailed to the church office:
    Anaheim First Presbyterian Church 
    310 W Broadway
    Anaheim, CA 92805
Or Give Online:
Click HERE to set up a profile and GIVE ONLINE

Nursery Wish List

Our Nursery has created a Wish List to provide some much desired supplies to enhance Sunday Service for the children. Anything received will be greatly appreciated.

Click here to access the Amazon Wish List:

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