In This Issue

November 1, 2022

We Are the Church

Anaheim Parade Popcorn and Prayer Station

Reformation Sunday

Frani Krum Turns 98!

This Week

Monday Pause and Pray

Wednesday Bible Study 

NO Choir Practice


This Sunday

Daylight Savings Time!

Communion Sunday

Worship Information and Bulletin

Upcoming Events & Announcements

Offices Closed Next Week

Cal State Fullerton's Opera Scenes "A Case of Mistaken Identity" Features our Choir Interns

Prayer Requests and Praise Reports

We Are the Church!

Thank you to Tracy and Dale Ramont, Alan and Glory Lopez, Harvey and Janet Taylor, Rick Connor, and Norma Leichtweis who helped up pass out a record number of bags of popcorn before the Anaheim Halloween Parade. We are estimating that we served at least 175 people in 2 hours!


We also offered a prayer station in honor of Dia de Los Muertos (Oct 31) and All Saints Day (Nov 1). People wrote the names of people, living or dead, who made a difference in their life or our world and added them to our chain of remembrance. The chain continued to grow during worship on Sunday. We will continue to add to it each Sunday between now and Thanksgiving Sunday on November 20. If you can't be present in worship but want to remember someone, please let the office or Pastor Kim know and we will add their name to the chain for you.  

Reformation Sunday saw Stephen Robertson, Clif Buchanan and his son, Charles, and John Saylor donning their kilts in honor of the Scottish roots of the Presbyterian Church. Stephen also surprised us all with homemade shortbread (made from his mother's recipe) and scones for Coffee Fellowship. Thank you Stephen!

Happy 98th Birthday, Frani Krum. While Frani is unable to get out to attend church every week, she faithfully listens to the service on Zoom and is reading through "Sailboat Church" along with all of us!

This Week at Anaheim First Presbyterian

Bible Study This Week!

We will discuss Chapter 9, "Preparing for Storms"

and Mark 4:35-41

All are welcome to join us in this Zoom Discussion.

To join us on Zoom click on this link: HERE

To join us on by telephone call: 

(669) 900-9128

Meeting ID: 608 966 196

Passcode: 5352176

This Sunday!

Join Us This Sunday as we Set Sail on a Voyage of Discernment

In preparation for worship this week,

please read Chapter 9: "Preparing for Storms"

This Sunday Pastor Kim will preach from

Scripture: Mark 4:35-41

Sermon: "Not Always Smooth Sailing"

Those who worship from home are encouraged to have some form of bread and grape juice or wine available so they may join those worshiping in person as we partake of the sacrament together.

Join us on Facebook: HERE

Join us on Zoom: HERE

 If prompted for a password use: 888861

If you do not have access to a computer or smart phone,

 you can listen to the service from any telephone:

Step 1:

Call (669) 900-9128.

Step 2:

When prompted, please enter the 

Meeting ID: 870 8084 6315 followed by the #. 

Step 3: 

You will be asked to enter your Participant ID which you do not need.

Press # to move past this.

 Step 4:

If prompted for a password use: 888861 followed by the #

Upcoming Events

Cal State Fullerton's Opera Scenes "A Case of Mistaken Identity" Features our Choir Interns


Please consider supporting our choir interns as they perform this Thursday through Sunday, November 3-6 at Recital Hall, 800 N. State College Blvd, Fullerton. Thursday-Saturday performances begins at 8 pm, Sunday's performance begins at 3 pm. Tickets are $5.


The website describes the show as "Disguises, misheard instructions, magic spells, and much more take center stage in this production featuring scenes from several of our most-beloved operas and operettas, as well as a few hidden gems and a new work to book. The students of the opera theatre will have you laughing and falling in love as identities are hidden and some revealed when confusion, deception, and gossip reign supreme in 'A Case of Mistaken Identity.'"

For more information or to purchase tickets online, please click here

The Church Office will be closed next week, November 7-10, 2022 as Jessica will be on vacation. If you are planning to stop by, please call ahead to make sure Pastor Kim is in. Thank you! 

Prayer Requests and Praise Reports

We give thanks for the life of Jackie Myhre who we just learned has joined the Church Triumphant at age 95. Receiving this news on All Saints Day seems particularly appropriate as she was certainly one of the saints of our congregation. Please keep her family and friends in your prayers in this time of grief.

Please pray for those in treatment for cancer: Catherine Morris, Rosemary Ford, Bill Anderson (Bruce Anderson's Brother).

Please pray for those on hospice: Patricia Carl, Dave Maresh (Glory's brother).

Please continue to pray for the health of: Mary Bouas, Norma Leichtweis, Dave Maresh, Marilyn Worden, Clif Buchanan, William Thode (Ruth Dorman's brother in law), Jane Canfield (Glory's sister).

If you have a prayer request that you would like to add to our prayer list, 

please contact the church office: or 714.535.2176.

We are greatly deeply grateful for the financial support of the congregation.
We are in the midst of a challenging year with no school leasing the Calvin Building and following two years of disrupted giving patterns due to Covid.

For those who worship with us in person,
Offering Plates will be available at the back of the Sanctuary on Sundays

Donations may also be mailed to the church office:
    Anaheim First Presbyterian Church 
    310 W Broadway
    Anaheim, CA 92805
Or Give Online:
Click HERE to set up a profile and GIVE ONLINE
How to Shop on Amazon and Support the Church
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