Can You Help Make Christmas a Littler Merrier?
For many years two women at All Saints Episcopal in Pasadena made sure that the nearly 1000 women incarcerated in Chino Penitentiary were remembered each year at Christmas with a small Christmas bag filled with small travel size bottles of shampoo and conditioner, soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, and a wrapped candy cane.
Unfortunately, one of the women died this year and the other cannot continue the work. That is when Suzanne Darwesh, a former member of our congregation, stepped in. She, and the congregation of St Mark Presbyterian, have taken on the ministry, but they are asking for help from us and other area churches.
Please consider donating some of the items listed above. You may bring them to the church anytime between now and Sunday, November 27. A collection basket will be set up in the Narthex or you may drop them off in the church office during regular hours. If you are interested in helping with the bagging of the gifts at Suzanne's home and at St Mark Presbyterian, please contact Pastor Kim.
Let's make sure the the light of the world shines brightly this Christmas,
even in the darkness of a prison cell.