There are still seats available for dine-in desserts, tonight or Friday night...make your reservations now!!
Click Here to make reservations.

Or plan on driving through on Saturday from 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm (no reservation necessary).
Join Us Sunday Online or In Person 
SERVICE TIMES: 8:15 or 9:45 a.m.

We don't become Christians in a vacuum--somebody shares the message with us. It could have been a relative, a friend, a parent, or a pastor. Somebody shared the Gospel message with us. That is missions in action--sharing the Good News with others. But what if you never heard? What if you were never told? What if no one was sent to you with the message? Then how would you know? The apostle Paul asks these very questions in Romans 10. Join us as we discover the answer together in the series How?

To get a sneak peek of this Sunday's message, Click Here.

To dive deeper, Click Here to download discussion questions to do on your own or with your family.

Altar Flowers are provided by Joy & Roger Caudron, Cindi Pickering, and Lori Evans in memory of Myron & Alice Pickering, their son Paul Pickering, and their grandson Jamie Outland.
It’s time to order Poinsettias
The cost this year is $8.00 per poinsettia. Envelope order forms are available at the Welcome Center and are due back by November 28th. Please deposit a completed form with your payment (cash or checks payable to AUMC) in the designated box located at the Welcome Center. Or if you are not here in person, call the office. You may pick up your poinsettia after the Christmas Eve Service.
Preschool Classroom Assistant
The preschool is in need of a classroom assistant for Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9-11:30. Contact Denise at or 967-2991
Bell Choir
Bell Choir is in need of additional people. If you are interested in playing handbells, please contact the church office at

Bell Choir rehearsals are on Sundays at 6:30pm.
2022 Calendars Now Available
Puppet Troupe Calendars for 2022 are now available to purchase at the Welcome Center. Calendars are $7 each.
The daily video devotional is available on YouTube. Each day (Monday-Thursday) we will post a new short video devotional. Click Here to watch now!
Visit our website by clicking here.