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November 20, 2022

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Guest Musician - Becky Borczon

Becky Borczon is a singer, actress and voice over artist (you can still see her on a few VERY OLD episodes of "Law and Order") who is blessed to currently be singing with the Billy Blues Band, as a featured guest with the duo Cunningham & Moss, and as a founding member of the Quirky Quarantine Quorum. Becky is delighted to sing for the Center for Spiritual Living this week.

Meditative Thought

by Dr. Ernest S. Holmes, Founder of Science of Mind

"In everything give thanks." An attitude of gratitude is most salutary, and bespeaks the realization that we are now in heaven. How we love to do for those who co-operate with, and are grateful for, our small endeavors! Gratitude is one of the chief graces of human existence and is crowned in heaven with a consciousness of unity. ~Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind, p. 497

CSL Sunday Service

YouTube Video of Sunday Service

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Prayer of the Week

“ As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” - John F. Kennedy


God, Spirit, Presence, Divine Love is gloriously revealing Itself in this very moment as everything seen and unseen. The majesty and magnificence of the Presence is the All in All. God is the creative life force back behind the creation of the entire Universe. There is Only One Power and this Power is Divine Love.


I am created in the likeness and image of the glorious, majestic, magnificent, energy of Divine Love. What I know for myself, I know for everyone and everything. We are One with God and God brilliantly shines Its Light as each of us. As we collectively practice Gratitude in every moment for Life, living this principle is pure Joy. Life on earth with each other demonstrates as Peace, Love, Compassion, Harmony, Abundance and Fun!


I am Infinitely Grateful for an Infinitely Loving God! I release this Word into the Law! And So It Is! Amen!


Loretta Knowles, RScP

Special thanks to our Musical Director, Rex Miller and all of the talented

musicians who continue to support the CSL! 

To find out more, and to help support our musicians during
these difficult times, please click on the links to our beloved Musician's Websites.

The CSL Boise is Open!

Our Center is open for assembly gathering

Masks are not required but feel free to wear a mask if you feel it is best for your health and safety.

10 am meditation with a Practitioner

10:30 am Youth Church

10:30 am Service at 10464 W. Garverdale Court, Boise

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Center for Spiritual Living Boise

| Office: 208.375.0751 | Prayer Line: 208.375.0791 |

Reverend Jackie Holland, Senior Minister
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