City Hall Meetings & Events | |
Meet the Mayor for a Coffee
Monday, April 8, 2024
Festhalle Oversight Committee
Monday, April 8, 2024
Council Chambers at City Hall
> Agenda
Hearing Examiner
Monday, April 8, 2024
Zoom (online only)
> Agenda
A public hearing before the City's Hearing Examiner to review two variance applications. The public hearing will be by Zoom Webinar only.
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City Council Study Session
Tuesday April 9, 2024
Council Chambers at City Hall
> Agenda
> Packet
City Council Meeting
Tuesday April 9, 2024
Council Chambers at City Hall
> Agenda
> Packet
Special guest, Senator Brad Hawkins will be in attendance.
Design Review Board
Wednesday, April 10, 2024
Council Chambers at City Hall
> Agenda
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The City is accepting letters of interest for new positions on the Downtown Steering Committee, a citizen advisory board.
The City is looking to fill two (2) new positions. Potential committee members must own property or operate a business in downtown Leavenworth. Preference will be given to property owners and/or business operators located outside of the Front Street Commercial District area.
Interested parties, who meet the qualifications, are invited to submit a letter of interest via email, mail, or in-person by 4pm on April 19, 2024.
Read the full Press Release here.
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Spring Yard Waste Curbside Collection
Thursday, May 2, 9, and 16
Have your bags out on Wednesday for pick-up on Thursday. Max 4 bags per week (additional bags will not be picked up).
Yard debris must be in the required recyclable paper bags, not to exceed 35 pounds. Bags will not be picked up if they are wet, torn, or plastic. Required recyclable paper bags are typically available at Marson & Marson Lumber, Dan’s Food Market, and larger home stores (i.e., Home Depot, Lowe's, etc.).
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The City of Leavenworth is hiring for:
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Leavenworth Recycling Center
Residents residing within the city limits may dispose of clean yard waste at the Leavenworth Recycling Center. Proof of residence will be required (e.g., current utility bill which includes garbage service, driver’s license, or state ID). No commercial or non-resident use of the yard waste recycling is permitted.
Items allowed for drop off include leaves, pine needles, and other yard debris (paper lawn & garden bags are okay). NO furniture, appliances, dirt, rocks, sod, or building debris are allowed.
Wednesday, 3:30pm - 5:30pm
Saturday, 11am - 3pm
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Winton Mfg. Compost Works
Yard and wood waste is accepted year-round. Disposal fees apply.
Accepted items: needles & cones, grass clippings, garden residues, leaves & branches, root balls (free of rocks & dirt), tree trunks and branches (no limit on diameter or length of pieces/sections), untreated wood waste (free of nails, staples and paint), and sod (free of excess dirt). NO plastics, glass, metals, pet waste/manure, treated or painted wood, rocks, & dirt.
Monday - Friday, 9am - 4pm
Saturday, 12pm - 4pm
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Chelan County Fire District #3's Leavenworth Community Chipping Program starts April 15
Residents in the Leavenworth area please reference this map to see if you fall within Chelan Co. Fire District 3's coverage. To sign-up, please contact Mike Smith at or (509) 548-7711.
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Cascadia's spring 2024 Chipping Program Registration is Open through May 1
Chipping is scheduled for the weeks of May 13 and May 20. Questions? Contact Joe Hill at (509) 306-8189.
Click here for additional program information.
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Chelan County's Leavenworth Brush Drop-Off Yard
This seasonal site is available to residents and businesses in the Apple Maggot Quarantine Area of Chelan County.
Location: East Leavenworth Road, at the intersection of Icicle Road, Leavenworth
Hours: The site is closed for the season. The opening date depends on the weather and conditions at the site.
Cost: $25/cubic yard (only cash or check accepted)
Visit Chelan County's website for more information and/or updates.
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Chelan and Douglas Counties Switch to a New Emergency Alert System
Beginning April 1, Chelan and Douglas counties will switch to a new emergency alert system called Everbridge.
The Everbridge Emergency Alert System sends emergency alerts via text, email or voicemail in both English and Spanish. The system is used for emergency alerts, such as evacuations, as well as potential safety hazards, such as boil water orders.
Both counties formerly used AlertSense for emergency messaging. For users registered with AlertSense, their information will automatically transfer to Everbridge.
Learn more here.
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