A progressive and welcoming Christian community!
Office Manager: Pat Haight
Communication Associate: Alena Dillon
HCP Director: Andrew DeFranza
HNS Director: Jessie Vogel
Business Manager: John Thomson
Join Us On Sunday at First Baptist Church in Beverly!
Sunday June 10, 2018
9:30 a.m.: Adult Education (childcare provided)
This will be the final week for adult classes for the 2017-2018 program year.

-Adult Bible Study: We have begun a new study of the Wisdom Literature in the Bible. All are welcome to come and learn about these intriguing books of the Bible. For this last week we will listen to and discuss one more lecture on Ecclesiastes. Led by Beth Loughhead, the class meets in the Mary Kuell Room (downstairs).

-Faith Journey: This class had its closing session last Sunday. This lively group will reconvene in September.

-Mae Patten: Led by Andrea Stackpole, this class studies the Scripture and other books, and discusses how it applies to our lives. We meet in the lounge.

11:00 a.m.: Worship
(childcare provided)

Now More Than Ever: Hope for the Future
Rev. Julie Flowers , preaching
Worship will include a Baby Dedication Service
and Presentations to our Youth

1:00-4:00 p.m.: MS Fellowship Pool Party
We will celebrate another successful year together with a pool party at the Winn family home (please email jflowers@fbcbeverly.org if you need directions!) Bring a towel, bathing suit, a snack to share, and a joyful spirit!
4:00 p.m.: Allagash Work Time

6:00 p.m.: SH Fellowship Banquet
Come to the church dressed in your best attire as we celebrate another wonderful year with the closing banquet. There will be awards from the advisors to each young person (and maybe from the seniors to the advisors, too!), as well as a closing time together in the sanctuary, when we will say goodbye to our seniors in a candlelit ceremony. Come and join us as we close the program year in this special way!
This Week at FBC!
Friday, June 8
4:00 p.m. - Hallelujah Farm Retreat departs
6:00-8:30 p.m. - Parents' Night Out

Saturday, June 9
12:30 - Lunch Program

Sunday, June 10
9:30 a.m. - Adult Education
11:00 a.m. – Worship ( Rev. Julie Flowers , preaching )
1:00-4:00 p.m. - MS Fellowship Pool Party
4:00 p.m. - Allagash Work Time
4:00 p.m. - Hallelujah Farm Retreat returns
5:00 p.m. - Senior High Advisors Arrive to Decorate for Banquet
6:00 p.m. - SH Fellowship Banquet

Monday, June 11
6:00 p.m. - Monday Night Supper
7:00 p.m. - Social Concerns
7:30 p.m. - HNS Board Meeting

Tuesday, June 12
9:30 a.m. - Staff Meeting
12:30 p.m. - Lunch Program

Wednesday, June 13
7:30 a.m. - Lectio Divina

Thursday, June 14
7:30 p.m. - Sanctuary Choir

Friday, June 15
1:00 p.m. - Book Club

Saturday, June 16
12:30 p.m. - Lunch Program
Hallelujah Farm Retreat
June 8-10
Open to those inside FBC and the outside community! Hallelujah Farm is a restored 17th century farm and retreat center set in the hills and meadows of Chesterfield, NH. It is a quiet place to contemplate, strengthen friendships, feed your soul with the beauty of natural surroundings and enjoy the slower pace of country life. Special music will be provided during the retreat by  John DeNardo  on acoustic guitar.  Your FBC Spiritual Life Team is hosting this event. Contact  Kent Harrop  or  Bryan Vosseler  to reserve your place. The cost of the retreat is $125 per person for two nights with comfortable lodging, six delicious meals, and a great program. To learn more about Hallelujah Farm, visit their  website.
Fri, June 8 from 6:00-8:30 p.m.
Our last PNO of the season! Drop the kids with us: Beth Loughhead (Julie gets to enjoy being a parent with a night out!) and an amazing team of volunteers lead a fun and interactive evening of songs, art projects, and faith stories, all from a progressive Christian perspective—plus we provide dinner! Everybody has a blast. You deserve time to yourself! (After this session, We'll return in September.)
Contemplative Paddle
Mon, June 18 at 6:30 p.m.
We will partner with Temple B'Nai Abraham for a beautiful paddle on Chebacco Lake in Essex. We’ll gather at the lakeside cottage of Bob and Deb Blanchard . A limited number of kayaks, canoes, and flotation devices are available, or bring your own equipment. After a boat safety orientation, we’ll launch onto the water for a leisurely paddle. Great for novice or experienced paddlers. We’ll use the paddle as a meditative practice, inspired by a line from the poet Wendell Berry, "For a time I rest on the quiet of the water and am free." RSVP to Kent Harrop at Kharrop@fbcbeverly.org . No fee. Invite a friend.
All-Church Baseball Outing
Tues. June 19 at 6:35 p.m.
Come watch the Lowell Spinners vs. The Staten Island Yankees with the FBC Men’s Fellowship in an all church baseball outing at LeLacheur Park in Lowell, MA. Each ticket order earns you an entry toward a raffle for two tickets to the Red Sox vs. Baltimore Orioles at Fenway Park on Mon. Sept. 24th! Tickets will be sold in the narthex before/after services. See  Brian GregoryKent Harrop, or  John Thomson for further details.
We have 10 heavily used round folding tables that are being replaced. All are 4 feet in diameter. 5 are heavy wood-like laminate on metal legs, and 5 are gray plastic on metal legs. Anyone wishing to take one or more, please contact Business Manager John Thomson at 978-922-3295 ext. 105 or  jcthomson@fbcbeverly.org  as soon as possible, but in all events before June 15.
First Baptist Church in Beverly | 978-922-3295 | Email| Website