A progressive and welcoming Christian community!
Office Manager: Pat Haight
Communication Associate: Alena Dillon
HCP Director: Andrew DeFranza
HNS Director: Jessie Vogel
Business Manager: John Thomson
Join Us On Sunday at First Baptist Church in Beverly!
Sunday July 1, 2018

10:00 a.m.: Worship
Communion Sunday
(Childcare provided for children through Grade 1; children's book and art supplies available in worship for ALL children)

Family Movies
Z ootopia: Where Anyone Can Be Anything

Psalm 139:1-4 and Luke 6:31-36

Rev. Beth Loughhead , preaching

Worship music provided by John Denardo .
Summer Sermon Series
The theme of our Summer Sermon Series is Family Movies! Each week, we'll reflect on the ways family movies teach and reinforce lessons about life, love, and faith. To complement these sermons, we'll show each selected movie the Friday before, drive-in style, at Beverly Common, and we invite you to bring blankets, snacks, friends and family to join us for these fun events. (Rain locations will be at FBC.)

June 29: Zootopia -- July 6: Inside Out -- July 13: Wall-E -- August 3: Cars 3 -- August 10: Moana -- August 17: Finding Nemo -- August 24: Coco -- August 31: A Bug's Life

**We are seeking volunteers to help us set up at Beverly Common at 7pm, before each movie. Please contact Beth Loughhead if you are interested!
This Week at FBC!
Friday, June 29
7:45 p.m. - Zootopia Showing at Beverly Common

Saturday, June 30
12:30 - Lunch Program

Sunday, July 1
Allagash Mid-Trip Departs
10:00 a.m. – Worship ( Rev. Beth Loughhead , preaching )

Monday, July 2
6:00 p.m. - Monday Night Supper
7:00 p.m. - Communal Life

Tuesday, July 3
9:30 a.m. - Staff Meeting
12:30 p.m. - Lunch Program

Wednesday, July 4
Church Office Closed

Friday, July 6
7:45 p.m. - Wall-E showing at Beverly Common

Saturday, July 7
12:30 p.m. - Lunch Program
Allagash Trip Returns

* Kent Harrop will be out of the office the afternoon of July 1 through July 2.
* Beth Loughhead will be on vacation from July 3-8
Tuesday, July 10 at 8:00 p.m.
Due to the holiday, we will be meeting the second Tuesday of this month. This lively discussion group meets at Chianti on Cabot Street in Beverly from 8:00 p.m. until approximately 10:00 p.m. (although it's a casual gathering-- come and go as you need to!) to share food, refreshments, and conversation about life, faith, and the places that they intersect. This group is open to the community, and new members are always welcome!
The White Whale building next to our parking lot is undergoing some badly needed renovations. Back in the fall, Jeremy began the painstaking process of replacing cracked and broken floor tiles, and that has been followed in recent months by the renovation by Harborlight Community Partners of the interior and exterior entrance way, kitchen counter, sink, and bathrooms. Some of this work is still ongoing.

Many people are not aware of the long history of this building, originally purchased by us in 1966 from the Salvation Army. Before that it was owned by First Parish and used as a vestry. Since FBC’s ownership, the building has been used as a senior drop-in center, coffeehouse, music venue, drop-in center for North Shore Community College students, Sunday School classroom, and overflow for our free lunch and supper programs.
It has been most extensively used in recent years by the AA recovery program, under the supervision of Second Chance, which is headed by Rob Cerundolo . Rob reports that close to 1000 patrons may use the building over the course of a week, with meetings every single day, and sometimes two or three. In addition, the building is used for meeting space by other support and recovery groups including Narcotics Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous, Alanon and others.
In appreciation for their over 20 years of use of the building, Rob and Second Chance have (again) recently repainted the exterior of the building at their own expense.
This has been a long and happy relationship, and we can be assured that our little building is repaying its original cost many times over in terms of the positive impact it has had and still has on the lives of hundreds, if not thousands, of people.
Men's Fellowship BBQ
Sunday, July 15 at 12:00 p.m.
Save the date for this great event at the home of Buck Shupp (17 Lindall Street, Danvers). Bring an appetizer or side dish to share. The afternoon will feature Championship Ring Toss and Lawn Bowling. It's a great event; bring a friend!   
Projection Tech Team
This summer and into the Fall we are looking to add to our worship tech team to run our projector (for worship songs and sermon slides/video clips). We currently have two members and are looking for 1 – 2 more individuals. Training will be provided and a rotation put in place based on your availability. This is a fun and meaningful ministry. If you are interested, contact Beth Loughhead or Kent Harrop .
Tuesday, July 24 at 7:00 p.m.
Save the date to continue our important and exciting planning for the future of our church! The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. at Blanchard’s Camp on Chebacco Lake. AND the Blanchards have graciously invited all to arrive at 6 p.m. for a cook-out dinner beforehand. More details soon.
Allagash Sunday & All-Church Picnic
Sunday, July 22 at 10:00 a.m.
Mark your calendars for a special annual service led by our young people, freshly returned from their two-week trip down the Allagash Wilderness Waterway.

Then, following worship, all are invited to Lynch Park to enjoy food, games, the sunshine, and one another. The Communal Life Committee will provide grilled meat (veggie & vegan options too) and beverages. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. (The committee needs help with the picnic, especially to prepare and after for cleanup! Call or email Rev. Beth Loughhead.) Parking passes for those who do not live in Beverly are available in the church office. See you there!
Beverly Homecoming Service
Sunday, July 29 at 10:00 a.m.
FBC is participating with the Beverly Multifaith Coalition in sponsoring an Interfaith Worship Service as part of Beverly Home Days. The service is at Lynch Park (inclement weather at FBC). Our theme is: "Celebrating Our Beautiful Diversity," and will consist of an interfaith worship service which honors the richness of our diverse faith traditions and celebrates that which we hold in common.  This is a family friendly gathering that is sure to inspire. We affirm that we are stronger together than we are apart!
Lectio divina is Latin for “divine reading” and refers to the traditional Benedictine practice of scriptural reading, meditation and prayer intended to promote communion with God and to increase the knowledge of God’s Word. It does not treat Scripture as texts to be studied, but as the Living Word. Our Wednesday morning gatherings meet at Independence park beginning July 11, and are an opportunity for spiritual seekers and believers alike to come and spend time in community and in contemplation and reflection of God’s word before entering into their day. These gatherings are open to all; new members are always welcome. The time opens with moments of quiet meditation and closes with the sharing of Communion. In inclement weather, we meet at First Baptist Church in Beverly. Contact Kent Harrop with any questions or for more information.

Next Contemplative Paddle

Wed. July 25 at 6:30

On the Ipswich River

Labor Day Weekend Family Camp
August 31-September 3
Labor Day Weekend Family Camp (LDWFC) registration is now open! Join us at beautiful Lake Winnepesaukee, NH (fun for individuals and families). Enjoy relaxed and inspiring programming, swim, canoe, hike, and nap! 43 FBC folk have already signed up! See or contact Cindy Shupp for more info and to sign up: cjshupp@verizon.net . Or check out our camp website to learn more and register:  www.ldwfc.org.
Summer Book Group On Hiatus
Now that summer has officially arrived, are you looking for a long, engrossing novel to read? The Book Group has gone on hiatus for July and August, but its members have selected two such books for their summer reading.  Pachinko by Min Jin Lee, which has been on top of the bestseller list for several months, is the story of four generations of a Korean family living in Japan. The story begins in the early 1900s when a teenaged daughter becomes pregnant by a married man and leaves her country and her baby’s powerful father to marry a kind minister on his way to Japan. This story of how Korean immigrants struggle to succeed in their new country has applications to today’s news stories.
The second book, Beneath a Scarlet Sky by Mark Sullivan, is the story of an Italian teenaged boy whose life changes dramatically when World War II breaks out. Only recently has the story of Italy’s unusual role in the war become publicized. The nation began the war under Mussolini as Hitler’s main ally, then unconditionally surrendered to the Allied forces in September 1943 when the Americans and English captured Sicily and began to advance up the southern boot to Rome. The Germans, their former allies, then occupied the northern half of the country, fighting against the Italian partisans in the mountains and the advancing Allied forces while Mussolini set up a puppet “republic of Salo” on Lake Garda. The book’s teenaged hero, who is based on an actual person, is swept up in all these events. The book is highly recommended by Andrea Stackpole , who calls it, “Beautifully written and one of the best books I’ve read in a long time. I couldn’t put it down.”  
Enjoy one or both of these books and join the discussion when the Book Group reconvenes on Sept. 7.
FBC Gear Still Available!
Need a new t-shirt for warm summer days or a sweatshirt for chilly nights? We still have merchandise available. Stop by the office to pick yours up!
-$20 for adult sweatshirts
-$15 for kids sweatshirts
-$10 for adult t-shirts
-$5 for kids t-shirts
Click below to view the full July calendar!
First Baptist Church in Beverly | 978-922-3295 | Email| Website