The Rev. Dr. Joél Muñoz, Interim Rector

Sunday: Rite I Eucharist- 8:00 am in-person

Sunday: Rite II Eucharist- 10:00 am in-person and online

Morning Prayer:

Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays: 9:30 am online

From Fr. Joél Muñoz's Desk

Beloved St. Michael’s Family,

As we continue this season of joyful anticipation for the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ, we are invited to sit in quiet reflection, waiting expectantly for the miracle that is about to unfold. This season of Advent is like the joyful waiting we experience when we anticipate the arrival of a new child—a niece, nephew, grandchild, or the child of a dear friend. It is a time of hopeful longing, as we prepare our hearts for the birth of Christ, the greatest gift of all.

As we reflect on the historical context of Jesus' birth, we remember that God's people waited for centuries for the arrival of the Messiah. Their longing was deep and filled with hope. In contrast, we, who live on the other side of the first Christmas, know what is to come. We know of God's faithfulness and the fulfillment of His promise in the birth of Jesus. The Gospel of Luke (3:1-6) calls us to, "Prepare the Way of the Lord, make his paths straight." This Advent, we are invited to prepare our hearts to receive Him once again.

So, how are we to "Prepare the Way of the Lord" during this season? The call is clear: to make room for reconciliation, forgiveness, and hope in our lives. The prophets often challenge us to step outside our comfort zones and reflect on areas where we need to grow in order to prepare for Christ's coming. John the Baptist, who called people to repentance, also reminded us of the need for forgiveness and a renewed hope.

Is there one of these themes—reconciliation, forgiveness, or hope—that is particularly speaking to you this Advent season? What might be holding us back from fully preparing the way for Christ to come into your heart? May God grant us all discerning hearts, that we might clear the path for Him and fully embrace the joy of His coming.

For Christ is coming, and as we wait, we do so in joyful anticipation.

In Christ’s love,

Fr. Joél Muñoz  

Interim Rector

Did you miss last Sunday's Service?

Advent II

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Presider and preacher: Fr. Joél Muñoz

Watch the video below of the live steaming.

Watch again: Advent II, Sunday, December 8, 2024

2025 Pledges

It's not too late to pledge for 2025 to

St. Michael's Episcopal Church. Our vestry will be building a budget for the 2025 year, and your financial support is important as we plan for outreach, ministry, programming, church building maintenance, staffing, increase to operation costs, and as we call our new rector.

As of 12/2/2025, we received 24 pledges, with the total amount pledged of $119,600.

Goal: 30+ pledges


Your support is appreciated!

Thank you for your ongoing support!

Special Celebration TODAY!

The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

TODAY--Wednesday, December 11, at 6:00 pm, everyone is invited to the Bilingual Eucharist at St. Francis-In-The Fields, 1525 Mulberry St., Zionsville, that I will offer as a minister to our Diocese on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. A dinner will be served after the Eucharist. This celebration is open to everyone in the diocese, and we would like to invite our St. Michael's family especially! Fr. Joél will preside and preach at the bilingual service.

Advent and Christmas

Advent II

Claire and Liam Burns lit the Advent Candles at the 10 am Eucharist this past Sunday.

Lighting the Candle

The first candle is lit.

Light of the world, in grace and beauty, mirror of God’s eternal face, transparent flame of love’s free duty, You bring salvation to our human race.

Sacred Mystery, we light the second candle of Advent for peace and justice.

The second candle is lit.

We hear and affirm the confidence in Zechariah’s proclamation of shalom / peace through the salvation and forgiveness of God.

Sacred Mystery, you promise us the freedom to worship without fear. Grant to us your courage and creative vision to make this a reality for all people through your tender compassion.



Wednesday, December 18th– 6 pm: Service of Hope

 Sunday, December 22nd after 10 am: Greening of the Church and a Chili Cook-Off. Sign up to volunteer to help prepare our worship space for Christmas while we also enjoy time with our parish community enjoying some warm chili. If you would like to prepare chili for this event, sign-up sheets are i the Narthex. There will also be Christmas Carols to sing while we green the church!

Christmas Eve,

December 24th - 4:30 pm

(Prelude begins at 4:00 pm)

Christmas Day,

December 25th

 10:00 am- We will offer a Christmas Moring Mass. Everyone is welcome! Feel free to invite anyone who may want to have community and a place to be with others on Christmas Day. It's possible that we might host guests from other churches or travelers who are looking for a Christmas Day Mass. Fr. Joél will serve cookies and hot cocoa after the service.

Sacrament Preparation

Baptism, confirmation, reception, or marriage?

Are you or a loved one considering baptism, confirmation, or reception into the Episcopal Church? Or perhaps you're exploring marriage preparation? Are you discerning a call to ordained ministry? If so, please reach out to Fr. Joél to schedule an appointment or send him an email. He will offer a sacramental preparation class this spring if there is interest.


Advent Bible Study

Join Fr. Joél Muñoz for a four-week Advent Bible Study on Sundays from 9:00 am to 9:45am. Grab a cup of coffee and join us for this series.  


December 15

December 22

Walk in Love: Episcopal Beliefs & Practices

Episcopal Tradition: Beginning Sunday, January 12th, 2025 from 9:00-9:45 am, join Fr. Joél Muñoz for a 7-week book study. We will read "Walk in Love: Episcopal Beliefs & Practices." Have you ever wondered, what we believe as Episcopalians on different topics? Ever wonder why we do what we do on Sundays? Join us for this book study. You can purchase a copy on Amazon here:

Order Book

Sign-up sheets are in the Narthex.

Online Bible Study

Join Fr. Joél for a 6-Week Online Bible Study beginning, Wednesday, January 15, 2025 from 7:00-7:45 PM. The Bible Study titled, Share the Dream: Shining a Light in a Divided World through Six Principles of Martin Luther King, Jr. All materials will be provided.

Sign-up sheets are in the Narthex.


Helping Homeless families find their way home       

We enjoyed having dinner with Dayspring guests on November 17th. Everyone enjoyed the pizza, subway and dessert. Kelly’s homemade pumpkin cookies were a treat. We have been invited to have dinner with them on January 19.   

The National Homeless Persons Memorial Day

Join us for the National Homeless Persons Memorial Day on December 21, 2024, at 11:00 am at Robert’s Park United Methodist Church (401 N. Delaware St., Indianapolis). This annual event honors those who have died while experiencing homelessness, held on the longest night of the year. For more info, visit CHIP – Coalition for Homelessness Intervention & Prevention. 

St. Michael's Giving & Outreach

A monthly ministry of St. Michael's Episcopal Church is dedicated to collecting food throughout the month for donation to the White River Food Bank. We are thankful for the opportunity to support this ministry. We thank our parish members who donate the cause.

Good Samaritan

As we approach this Christmas season, we are once again blessed to sponsor two families through Good Samaritan, continuing a tradition we’ve held for many years. On the Christmas tree in the Narthex, you’ll find tags with gift ideas from the families we’re supporting. We ask that all gifts be returned by the week of December 16th, as we plan to deliver them by December 21st. In addition to gifts, gift cards to WalMart, Meijer, or Target are always appreciated. If you’re able to help with the delivery of gifts, your assistance would be deeply appreciated.

COATS for Kids

As we continue our outreach, please remember our coat drive for those in need this winter. Donations of coats, hats, and gloves are always welcome. If you have any questions about this initiative, please feel free to reach out to Nancy Kinzie.

Family Promise Ministry

In mid-January, we will host a Casserole Baking Day for Family Promise, along with a collection of paper goods to support their efforts. Pizza casseroles will be on the menu. While many ingredients are already on hand, a list of remaining items needed will be posted. Please look for an email in late December with more details and the confirmed date.

Church Office Hours

The Church Office hours of operation are in person from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm Monday through Thursday. If you have an emergency, please call Fr. Joél Muñoz at (765) 491-1061.

St. Michael's Prayer List

In Our Prayers

Paige, Heather, Becky, Lydia, Delaney, Cassidy, Nancy, Rick, Jeff, Deb, Janet, and Ron.

Sunday Morning Ministry Team


Interim Rector…………………………........  The Rev. Dr. Joél Muñoz

 Music Director………….…...…………….Steven Kent Murphy

 Altar Guild (8a),(10a)…. .………………Jill Webb, Sharon Meyer

 Chalice Bearer ........................................ Jill Webb

 Lector, Chalice Bearer, Acolyte (10a)……Nancy Kinzie, Laurie Schoening, Janet Manning

Greeters and Ushers (10a)…………….Donna and Jeff Padgett

Coffee and Fellowship.……………….in the Narthex Kitchen

Counters this week…………………Nancy Kinzie, Julie Gooden

Sunday Readings

Zephaniah 3:14-20

Philippians 4:4-7

Luke 3:7-18

Canticle 9

Join us for worship this Sunday 

Join us for Sunday Worship

8:00 am  Morning Eucharist, Rite I in-person

10:00 am  Morning Eucharist Rite II in-person or online

Join us for our Morning Prayer on Zoom

Morning Prayer

Join us for Morning Prayer on Zoom:

Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays

at 9:30 am.




Building & Grounds



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St. Michael's Episcopal Church

 444 South Harbour Drive,

Noblesville, IN 46062 | (317) 773-6157