In this edition:                                             July 30, 2015

Summer Reading Program Ends Soon
Dog Park Off-Leash Hours
Your Utility Bill Has a New Look
Envision Burlingame
US101/Broadway Detour in Effect
Events Around Town
Community Corner

Link to Full City Calendar 

readingSummer Reading Program Ends Soon

Have you turned in your reading log yet?

The Burlingame Library Summer Reading program includes all ages, from babies to adults. There are several great prizes this year including Giants game tickets, a Kindle, a $1,000 scholarship and more.


If you haven't picked up a reading log yet, it's not too late! Remember to turn your reading logs in on time. They are due on August 15.

dogsDog Park & Ballfield Off-Leash Hours
Current off-leash times and locations in Burlingame

During the most recent Dog Park Task Force meeting, the Task Force recommended further discussion about whether to open City ballfields to off-leash hours when they are not in use. 


This item will be going before the Parks and Recreation Commission in September for review.  Until the Commission has made a determination that is approved by City Council, the following off-leash locations and times are in effect:


Bayside Dog Park
6:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Washington Park
6:00 a.m. - 7:30 a.m
Washington Ballfield
6:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. (during the school year only)
Cuernavaca Park
6:00 a.m. - 7:30 a.m.
Cuernavaca Ballfield
6:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. (during the school year only)
utilityYour Utility Bill Has a New Look
Redesigned bill showcases easy-to-ready format and information

The design of your City of Burlingame water and sewer utility bill has changed. Your utility bill was redesigned in an effort to provide billing and water consumption information in an easy-to-understand way.

We're making other improvements too. Soon we'll be able to introduce convenient, online services to all our customers including:

  • Web-based automatic and one-time payments,

  • Archives of historical bills,

  • Information about water consumption history, and more.

This change is part of our ongoing effort to provide responsive, quality service to our customers as well as clear information about consumption to help us conserve and manage our use of a very precious and limited resource - water.

If you have any questions about your new utility bill, please contact the Utility Billing office at (650) 558-7210 or visit the Water and Sewer Utility Billing page on our website. You can also email us at

envisionEnvision Burlingame
Visit the new website and see what's new!

Envision Burlingame is our community-driven planning project that will develop long-term strategies for preserving and improving what we love about our community. Visit the website regularly to learn more about the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance Update and how you can get involved or sign up for email updates to stay current and find out about upcoming community events! 
DetourUS101/Broadway Detour in Effect
View map

Effective July 28, all southbound US101 off-ramp traffic at the Broadway exit will be diverted to the Cadillac Way/Rollins Road intersection. From there, traffic will be diverted to northbound Rollins Road and Broadway. All traffic over the existing overpass and southbound US101 on-ramp at Cadillac Way will remain accessible during this work.


This traffic diversion will be in effect for approximately 8 months Drivers are encouraged to check the Caltrans website to get the most current traffic conditions and information about this ongoing project.  For questions and additional details, please contact Gidget Navarro, Caltrans Public Information Officer, at (510) 286-5574. 

EventsEvents Around Town
National Night Out
Tuesday, August 4 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Burlingame Ave and Park Rd and neighborhoods throughout Burlingame

Come join members of the Burlingame Police Department on Burlingame Ave and Park Road as we hand out crime prevention and personal safety material to the public in honor of Annual National Night Out - a national crime and drug prevention event.  


Residents in neighborhoods throughout Burlingame are also encouraged to lock their doors, turn on outside lights and spend the evening outdoors with neighbors and police. For more information, click here.

"Get Ready" Disaster Preparedness Class
Wednesday, September 9, 2015 from 9:00 a.m. to Noon
Town of Hillsborough, Council Chambers at 1600 Floribunda Ave.

This basic disaster preparedness class will teach you how to prepare yourself, your family, home and workplace for a major disaster. The information provided will allow you to help yourself, rather than needing help, following a disaster.

Course instructors are experienced staff of the Central County Fire Department which serves the Cities of Burlingame and Millbrae and Town of Hillsborough. 

Pre-registration required: Please email or call Lisa Bartolo at the Central County Fire Department at or (650) 558-7668.  This class if offered for free to all Burlingame, Hillsborough and Millbrae residents.

CommCenterCommunity Corner
(The community events listed here are not sponsored or endorsed by the City of Burlingame)
"Surviving Disaster with Amanda Ripley"
TONIGHT at 7:00 p.m.
The Lane Room at the Burlingame Public Library at 480 Primrose Road


"Surviving Disaster With Amanda Ripley," is a PBS documentary that examines human responses to major catastrophes, including an explosion, a fire, a plane crash and 9/11, and explains how you can increase your chances of survival during an extreme event. This is a free event presented by the Burlingame Neighborhood Network which will provide free popcorn and other treats. For more information, visit or email 

Victorian Day Walking Tours
Sunday, August 2 from 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
Two different locations - please read below

Join the Burlingame Historical Society for a free one-hour walking tour. Choose between one of two tours offered, both starting at 1 p.m. The first tour meets at the Burlingame Avenue Railroad Station at 290 California Dr. and describes the three-decade growth of Burlingame Avenue, from wealthy equestrian playground in 1895 to a bustling suburb. The second tour option will meet at the Wells Fargo building at 1145 Broadway and explore the growth of the Town of Easton adressing why Burlingame has two main business streets, why Broadway has an arch and other interesting tidbits. No reservations required. Call (650) 340-9960 with any questions.

First Friday Free Live Music
Friday, August 7 from 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
AstraLogik performing at 347 Primrose Rd
Sharp Trio performing at the intersection of Park Rd. and Burlingame Ave. (under the pergola)

Come downtown and enjoy some live music hosted by the Burlingame Downtown Business Improvement District.  

           Shop Burlingame - your tax dollars support City services!

- a message from the Burlingame Chamber of Commerce