This Week in the Voice of Faith
Thank you from Lauren Willingham

Lauren wanted to thank everyone who purchased pretzel sticks to support her Make A Wish Event. Lauren's team raised $650 for this year's Walk for Wishes! Lauren shared her story at the walk yesterday in Morgantown. Lauren's parents are thankful for her health.

Way to go Lauren!
Congratulations Gage

Gage Durst's football team Eastern Panhandle Cavalry won the Spring Football Tournament Championship this past weekend!

Way to go Gage!
Dress Down Bake Sale

The freshman class will be hosting the dress down bake sale this Friday. Dress down is $1 and baked goods are $1.

Remember if in doubt don't wear it out!
Tutoring Opportunities this Summer

Looking for a little extra help to stay sharp over the summer months? Mrs. Sarah Michael is offering tutoring for elementary students and Mrs. Sharon Fisher is offering tutoring for early grades, middle school grades, and high school math until Algebra 2. Please contact them directly to inquire about tutoring.
Mom's In Prayer Group - Monday's at 6PM in the Library
Join us Monday evening at 6:00 in the Faith Christian Academy Library for an hour of prayer. We will use our hour to praise God for being our Comforter, to silently confess our sins, to give Him thanks, and to intercede for our children, their teachers, the school leaders, and for Mom's in Prayer International.
You do not have to be a mom at Faith or even have children of your own. You simply need the desire to pray for our children. We meet every Monday during the school year at 6:00pm for one hour. It's never too late to join us! You can start at any time!
Falcon Window Cling
Show your Falcon spirit sporting our new Faith Christian Academy window cling. These can be purchased in the office for just $3 each.
FACTS Resource
Remember all of your parent documents can be found on FACTS. All Documents are under the Resource Documents tab. Remember our District Code is FCA-WV. All CAPS.
Falcon Spirit Shop
FCA has a spirit shop! Click here to order all of your "Spirit Wear" needs!

Orders are processed twice a month and shipped to the school.
Falcon Athletics
Click here to view the Falcon Athletic Calendar. To keep up with our results in the Mason Dixon Christian Conference, you can see league standings Click here. You can also follow the Falcons on Instagram @fcafalconswv , Twitter @fcafalconswv, or Facebook at Faith Christian Academy - Martinsburg, WV or our FB Group Falcon Fanatic Fans. Let's Go Falcons!
Dates to Remember
  • April 25th Mid Point Quarter 4
  • May 1st - May 5th Achievement Testing