Hello Guacamole Funders!

Thank you for following along with us as we “virtually” join Jackson Browne on the road, highlighting excellent non-profits along his tour route. Here’s some new ones we’d like to shine a light on!

On June 17th, Jackson is in Illinois, giving you a chance to “visit” with the Nuclear Energy Information Service (NEIS), a 41-year old, Chicago-based, anti-nuclear, safe-energy advocacy and nuclear power watchdog organization. We and Jackson and friends have long supported NEIS, who are actively working to support a carbon-free/nuclear-free energy future for Illinois and the nation.

They advocate for energy policy that gives no more nuclear bailouts to the profitable corporations like Exelon and Constellation; - and to promote the massive funding of renewable energy, energy efficiency, energy storage, improved energy transmission.

NEIS also works to promote funding for just-transitions and energy equity programs for communities and workers affected by the necessary closure of coal and nuclear plants, promote education to combat the discredited notion that nuclear power is a climate “solution”, and also educate the public on the environmental review and safety concerns of the nuclear industry and Biden Administration plans to build “small modular nuclear reactors” in the country.

Please visit them to learn more about all their incredible activity: www.neis.org

The next day, Jackson is in Wisconsin, and we’re sharing with you Nukewatch, who brings critical attention to the locations, movements, dangers, and the politics of nuclear weapons and radioactive wastes. NukeWatch is a part of the Nuclear Ban Treaty Collective working to bring attention to the 2017 Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, which has been endorsed by 122 countries at the United Nations and ratified by 61 so far. They are working to push the tiny minority of nuclear-armed countries to join with the rest of the world and ratify the TPNW.

You can find more on NukeWatch at: www.nukewatchinfo.org
and more background on the collective at: https://nuclearbantreaty.org

And finally, for this week, Jackson is in Indiana on the 21st and 22nd , giving us the opportunity to share with you the Citizens Action Coalition, who remains committed to fighting for affordable access to essential human services, and clean air and water for all Hoosiers. They refuse to soften their critique of dangerous, dirty, and expensive fossil and nuclear energy, and continue to aggressively work to speed the clean energy transition in Indiana and the Midwest, while also working tirelessly to increase investments in energy efficiency.

The reliance of Duke Energy and other Indiana utilities on volatile fossil fuels is exacerbating the affordability crisis Hoosier consumers currently face, and worsening climate change. Check them out at: www.citact.org

Thanks for riding along, and at the risk of being a broken record, we remind you that now is the time to contact your federal elected officials on the issue of gun safety legislation!

Links below will give you the information you need. Your contact with them doesn’t have to be long or complex, it is just important that they hear your views while they consider their legislative options. See you next week!

The Guacamole Fund

To find your Senators (most important right now!) go to:
https://www.senate.gov/senators/index.htm. Enter your state and everything you
need is right there – their phone number, and an email form. Call or write, either
one, they both make a difference.

To find your Representative, go to: https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-
your-representative. Same drill.
The Guacamole Fund
PO Box 9921
Truckee, CA 96162

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