"Hosanna to the Son of David!
Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!
Hosanna in the highest heaven!"

Dear Church Family,       

This upcoming Sunday is Palm Sunday and Communion Sunday.  If we were able to meet on our campus and in our sanctuary, we’d enjoy, as we’ve done every year, the procession of palms. Our children walking the aisles waving branches with us as we join in singing and shouting Hosanna!  At the end of service, we’d all come to the table and share in the communion feast, binding ourselves to God and each other once again with bread and cup.  We are so blessed with all that we have, and I am grateful now more than ever for it.  I miss it!  I’m sure you do too.
But who’s to say we can’t still wave branches and shout praise!?  Who’s to say we can’t still share communion, albeit with some social distancing!?  This Sunday I want to encourage us all as we gather for our virtual worship service to  bring our own branches  and to  prepare our own bread and cup  before worship to share in communion. 
And to the question, “Where can I find palms since I’m forbidden to fly to Miami?”  On the front porch of the Church Office, of course!  These are the very branches we ordered before lock down, so they’re ALREADY blessed (and paid for!). Drive by and take what you need.  And even if that turns out to be too much of a stretch for any of us, a branch from your yard (probably not your neighbors’, unless you have permission) will do.

In these strange new times could it be that God is showing us our unity is not born of a building, but in who’s name we praise, and our bond is not simply of flesh and blood, but of Spirit?  In these final two weeks of Lent I pray God is showing us that and more. We are one because we praise God’s name.  We are one because Christ calls  us  the Church. We are one because the Spirit of unity binds us together.  I look forward to sharing that oneness with you this Sunday at 10:00am.

God bless and keep each of you this week!


Important Links for Virtual Sharing

Sunday Morning Worship click HERE.

Sunday's Scripture passages click HERE.

Sunday Morning Fellowship click HERE.

Facebook Page click HERE.

Youtube Channel click HERE.
Your generosity in this season is much appreciated. Online giving through our website should go live in the next few days. In the meantime you can mail direct to Alpine, use our direct bill pay system, or we will be checking the Church mailbox periodically. Thank you!

Alpine Bank
1099 Main Ave.
Durango, CO 81301