Vestry Nominations
Click here to download a nomination form.
The nomination process for ministry on the St. Michaels’s vestry has now begun! It is also an invitation to you, as parishioners, to be the spirit led drivers of that process and it is our prayer that in responding you will not simply regard this as an opportunity but also an obligation, all for the spiritual health of our beloved St. Michael’s!
Here are some base-line essentials we would like you to be aware of. We are replacing three outstanding vestry members: Reeves Howard, Susannah Hubbell, and Eileen Williams. According to St. Michael’s
bylaws, members of the church are eligible to be elected to the vestry if they are at least eighteen years old and regularly give a portion of their income to St. Michael’s in a sincere effort to tithe. Other considerations you may find helpful to consider are:
- Spiritual gifts
- Leadership gifts
- Involvement in St. Michael’s task forces or other missional ministries
- Specific gifts and skill sets that will help advance the mission of St. Michael’s
Nomination cards will be available in the narthex at all services. The nominating committee, which will receive the names you provide, comprises the senior and junior wardens and the three out-going vestry members.
Completed nomination cards may be placed in the collection basket at church or mailed to:
Vestry Nominating Committee
St. Michael’s Anglican Church
71 Broad Street
Charleston, SC 29401
Again, please regard this not simply as a passive request but as an exhortation and an opportunity to shape the leadership of your vestry.
Click here to download a nomination form.
The deadline for submitting nominations is March 31st.